EmyySweet live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 20, 2022

23 thoughts on “EmyySweet live webcams for YOU!

  1. First off, im very sorry about your experiences.

    But at the end of the day you dont “owe” it to him, to tell him. Especially not after onky a few weeks of dating. This is a very personal experience for you and imo you should only tell anyone about it a) when you want to and subsequently b) when you are ready to do so.

    I can only imagine that it takes a lot of trust to share this information with someone, so imo it makes sense to at first establish a foundatiin of trust where you can also feel safe to share these things

  2. She is not to be trusted. Thanks someone else says she conspired with a friend to keep her cheating away from you. That shows you exactly what her personality is and then for her to blame you about throwing away what you had beautiful and she’s the one that destroyed what you had a beauty. She destroyed it by cheating on you and then withholding it from you for three years. How could you ever trust her to help yourself need to cut all ties with her so you can go make yourself healthy you’re young enough you’ll be able to overcome this and move on.

  3. I suppose that there’s something I’ve never told her I feel like I’m being dishonest. What if she asks who the last person before her was?

    Also that I never told her I was going to meet the other girl whilst I was talking to her.

  4. He said he HATES you? How does you becoming ill warrant HATRED? That is insane! That is absolutely irrational behavior! How can you live “as friends with someone who HATES you?

    Also, is your diagnosis actually that grim? I'm so sorry regardless! I wish we could help you! And yes, a psychologist would be good for you. He has betrayed you.

    Also, honestly, I didn't see anything wrong with the frequent family visits other than that you were uncomfortable with them. I personally wish I had my parents still alive, and family close enough to have that, I only have my son. I guess each family, and each family's preferences, are different, as well as the level of welcome.

  5. I don’t think she’s trying to burn a bride with me though, she just wants me to be okay with her being friends with her ex, she even said over time the attachment to him will fade.

  6. Hi Up-Town,

    Yes, she does have a few of those signs (mainly she gets sad if she's left alone for a weekend, for exemple). In the first 3 years we were together, I was not noticing any signs of that. Now, we live 3 hours apart from my parents. Turns out the move was essentially beneficial for us. I've been more optimistic in life in general because my mother is not on our back all the time anymore. It does look like my GF is isolating me though, from an external point of view. The thing is, removing the constant exposition to guilt and negativism from my parents was necessary (they are a bit toxic and I think my mother could have BPD) and I don't feel that constant pressure to please them anymore and to prioritize their needs.

    I believe she has indeed an abandonment fear. At the same time, it's not constant because she encourages me to go see my friends from time to time, even when I'm not thinking about it.

  7. You live a sad life that you had to go thru previous posts amd see the age i posted. Get a job

  8. Dude, you are being manipulated so hot. Your wife emotionally cheated on you and was planning on physically cheating. The gender doesn't matter. She can say she loves you all she wants, but if she truly did, how could she hurt you like this?

    The fact that she isn't even sorry is the worst part. She's really trying to gaslight you into thinking this is okay because it's a woman. It's not okay. It's still cheating, and there aren't any signs that she won't continue seeing her affair partner even if you told her to end it.

    You crying that night is your gut telling you something is seriously wrong. Please see through her bs.

  9. You two are probably heading towards a break up.

    Everything about this sounds like it was a recipe for disaster.

    I know there might have been an agreement to keep things casual and open… however, a lot of people fail in it when genuine emotions are on the table.

    Your Gfs perception of you has changed… that is insanely hot to undo.

    The biggest mistake here was this:

    I didn’t want to tell her as I thought it would ruin what we had built during our LDR.

    When she stated this:

    I told her that I didn’t want to know if anything happened with someone else but she did.

    She wanted to know, but you didn't tell her. She found out instead.

    Not sure how things would have played out even if you did communicate upfront (logically the same result), but to hide it was like twisting the knife.

    Personally, I think your relationship is already off to a bad start and may be worth reconsidering.

  10. Yes. You and your wife are over worked. Take Time Out now. Re budget your time and money. There is making a living and there is making your life worth living.

  11. I haven’t called her an unstable person once in this thread, I’ve been very careful to clarify that the way she’s acted in the last week borders on unstable, there’s a big difference between that and what you and others are saying

  12. The nice can be naughty The naughty are always naughty A woman can only hope for the best

    Now that is something I can get behind

  13. Honey you’re not overreacting. Of course you wouldn’t want your boyfriend to interact sexually and or/romantically with other women. Stop telling yourself that you’re not worthy of feeling like this. This is your personal boundary and it’s okay to feel that way.

    Personally, I would leave him since he sounds like someone who doesn’t necessarily care for your feelings e.g. when you said he watches porn of things you ‘can’t give him’

    He should be uplifting you and telling you how beautiful you are. His concentration and compliments should be directed towards you, not other women.

    I don’t want to tell you what to do with your life or your relationship, but I’d highly suggest bringing it up with him and telling him you’re not comfortable with this and that you’d like him to stop. Honestly, if he doesn’t respect your boundary then I’d suggest leaving. But ultimately it’s your choice

    Just remember that you’re not overreacting and it’s okay for you not to want your partner to do things like that

  14. You don't know this guy nearly well enough to be engaged, and you obviously didn't know him well enough to know you can't confide in him. If you want to continue the relationship, take a big step back and start really noticing things about him before you make any kind of commitment. This has already moved way too fast.

  15. I really ought to have put a disclaimer, I'm aware of this however the issue is I don't know how to approach conversation, I eat there fairly often so I'm sure eventually I'd be able to get to know her by being there regularly etc

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