AILEEN IBARS live webcams for YOU!


14 thoughts on “AILEEN IBARS live webcams for YOU!

  1. Leave. Talk to a lawyer if your name is anywhere on the mortgage to the house, if it’s only in your name make him leave and change the locks. He’s unmasking and it’s about to get so much worse.

  2. He’s not sweet. He’s passive aggressive and doesn’t know how we stand up for himself properly so he does it improperly. He needs therapy.

  3. Maybe, but she’s very active when we talk on the phone or sends me pictures. I feel like a part of it was my fault because I didn’t bring condoms when we hung out once and she seemed disappointed so we just got physical in different ways.

  4. Forget what the people above are saying. The problem is the financial burden of their lifestyle will fall on you. It is at that time you decline and disconnect so it really hits her. She may whine about how love has been unfair and she just wants to online. Bear with it and say you tried to help and you wouldn’t listen. So pay for it yourself now.

  5. You woke up to him telling you he can't just leave his wife?

    It sounds to me as if a lot more than just sleeping happened. Nobody suggests leaving their wife because a friend slept in their house.

    It seems as though you got drunk, had sex together maybe said some silly shit in the heat of the moment and then woke up next day and both realised it was a mistake.

    Previous advice of stepping back is the best option. Apologise to the dude and explain that you're deleting his number/socials because you don't want to be in the middle of or cause problems in anyone's marriage.

  6. Did you ask for an address?

    I just feel it is the duty of a SO to be there in person to support their partner.

  7. that’s a good point, but I never really told him I wasn’t interested. He broke up with me for his mental health and acted like we could get back together but it sounded like he was saying that to make me feel better or use me? I was rly understanding and nice about it when it happened. But The more I processed it, the more things about that and about him upset me. So I blocked him a day later. I won’t lie I think about him and sometimes look at his instas but I feel like if I block him even more it’ll make a stronger statement

  8. Very true, but that wasn't what you said. You could've easily just explained the thing about a new rutine and that would've made a lot more sense.

  9. OP I was in a similar situation but in your boyfriend perspective, in my case my then gf was a little older than me, we hand a three years. But we were in different stages of life she was finishing her masters degree, had a high demanding but good paid job and recently had bought her own apartment and I was still finishing my degree and working a minimum wage job while living with my parents and paying 50/50 of all our dates and plans together because she had some trauma because her parents divorced because of money.

    I was clear with her that I wouldn't marry until I finish university and being in a better financial situation, when she gave me an ultimatum I asked foe a couple of weeks of space to think about it and I reached the conclusion that I was not ready to marry and live together and I end things with her, I broke her hearth and mine too because I loved her but it was the right call.

    We keep being friends and a couple of years later she ask me for advice about getting married with his now husband because she was in a foreign country and had visa issues, I told her go ahead give it a shot and after 15 years of marriage she has two beautiful kids and the guy looks nice.

    After finishing the relationship with her I graduated, score a better job and for five years I was in several FWB relationships because I didn't want to have anything to see with relationships, but then I meet my now wife and falled in love with her, we had a long distance relationship because I was studying abroad for four years, traveling at least twice a year to see her. Then she ask me to live! together in the country I was studying and the answer was clear, yes it was a great risk, but I think I couldn't make it better she is the best thing I have in my life.

    Love is not enough and this kind of decision sucks, but you did the right thing, your expectations were different and sooner or later this was going to increase the conflict in the couple to a burning point. You will find the right person for you OP and things will take it's place correctly.

    Good luck.

  10. You need to stop going. If you don’t put your foot down this will never stop. It’s only happening because you are allowing it. Stop pretending you care before if you did you would have nipped this in the bud a long time ago.

  11. I would find out how old some of his exes are, if there is always a large age gap, then he’s lying to you and he looks for younger women.

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