DarinaLovelyy live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 20, 2022

11 thoughts on “DarinaLovelyy live webcams for YOU!

  1. This is probably a dumb question, but have you tried couples counselling? Because you guys should be talking to a third party about the lack of intimacy. Maybe you're asking more pointed and direct questions than you kind of allude to here (“are you ok?” doesn't mean, “why aren't we having sex?”). You should be honest with your girlfriend (not about talking to some girl from your past, if you havent talked to this other girl do not start, that's a dangerous path my dude) but about how you are having doubts in the relationship because you feel like she's pushing you away and the lack of intimacy is really wearing on you.

  2. I can send you a photo I’m not lying. This woman is vindictive and I have allowed subtle clues to slip passed because I was blind from loving her.

  3. Sorry if I sound defensive, but maybe I don't tell the whole story of ours. She told me that she wants to be with me, and she hopes that I could be a better person compared to any of those pricks. She has high hopes. And I'm sorry mate, I do believe that people could fall in love that quickly. I'm sorry if i sound defensive, but i wish i could tell you the whole story.

  4. OP,

    You’ve gotten all kinds of advice here. As to the “relationship threesomes are always bad” comment, pay close attention to the evidence supporting it:

    Irrelevant link to a different sub. Deflect by accusing me of being defensive.

    Pointing out that someone is not only wrong, but also unable to support their position isn’t defensive.

    “Deflect / Attack / Deflect / Attack (someone’s been reading the Donald Trump playbook…?)

  5. Recently took ou photography and she signed something giving him ownership?! That's super sketchy to me.

  6. Misogynistic jokes, racist jokes, homophobic jokes etc have a knock on effect in a society. When we tolerate the “little” jokes then someone listening thinks it's ok to tell a more problematic joke. The person listening to them then thinks it's ok to have more problematic opinions. The person listening to them then thinks it's ok to act on their problematic opinions. Whether that be in how they vote or what they do to other people.

    Jokes which target marginalised people are not harmless. They aren't “just a joke”. That's why the whole “I don't get that joke, can you explain it to me” works. The person telling the joke knows it's not harmless. They know it's only funny if you are willing to accept that it's ok to uphold oppressive ideas about a marginalised group.

    That doesn't mean that everyone who tells a joke like that is someone who'd support dangerous legislation or would harm someone else. It does mean that they either don't accept or care that they're part of the problem. They don't see why they shouldn't put down people who are literally in danger because of these opinions of they wouldn't act on it themselves.

    “A woman's place is in the kitchen” sounds harmless only to a person who doesn't have to fear the wider context of that statement. He makes that joke. Then his friend thinks he agrees with the opinion. The friend then gets irritated (or worse) when his own partner doesn't adhere to what he believes is a commonly accepted fact.

    These jokes aren't in a vacuum. That's why they never have an answer for “explain to me why it's funny”. They know it's only “funny” if you accept the premise that the target is less than.

    He might not be the man for you. Talk to him. Explain to him that it doesn't matter whether he'd try to enforce these ideas in your relationship. He gives weight to these sorts of opinions by thinking they're funny. That's not something you're comfortable with. It's not because you have trauma. It's because you know what these jokes mean in your society.

  7. So you insulted him implicitly by saying he shouldn’t give relationship advice, he didn’t react but responded lovingly by complimenting and kissing you. Then you insulted him explicitly by saying you only wanted him for his money, making sure it landed this time and he couldn’t dismiss it. You literally said in easier circumstances you wouldn’t have looked at him twice. Humiliating him in front of a friend who probably previously admired your relationship to ask him for advice. Now you’re acting surprised he’s hurt. He’s still handling it fairly graciously in my honest opinion by just being sad instead of angry. You can’t blame him for having any reaction when you kept pushing for one by saying increasingly hurtful things. If it genuinely wasn’t your intention to sabotage your relationship then maybe consider counselling to work out why you’d subconsciously do that because you did it pretty effectively if you weren’t even trying. You need to work on your issues in a genuine way, a weekend away is not going to cut it.

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