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oceanlillilive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat oceanlilli

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Languages: en

Birth Date: 1990-09-05

Body Type: bodyTypeAthletic

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBlue

Subculture: subcultureHousewives

Date: September 25, 2022

29 thoughts on “oceanlillilive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Why didn't he finish?

    Just asking so I can give proper advice, but did you decide just because you finished that sex was over, even if he didn't finish, or did he stop having sex just because you finished?

  2. It is sad but at least you know he is not lying, i mean that is exactly the thing a sociopath would do…. Now joke aside, it is not his fault, it is not more his choice to be that than it would be his choice to be diabetic. Sociopathy is not inherited genetically so the kid is probably safe. Sociopaths are not evil, they just lack, usually due to trauma, a visceral moral code. That does not mean that yhey can rationally chose to be decent people. If he is in therapy, preferably cognitive behavior therapy, and his behavior towards you and the child is ok i don't see a reason not to trust him. Revealing mental illness is nude in general, especially one so stigmatized, i have bipolar disorder and most people dont know that. You will always need to be on the lookout for signs that he is going outside the realm of moral behavior and tell him, basically be his conscience but he is not a monster and, if you love him, this can work.

  3. I mean I understand not necessarily knowing the correct words to say or how to comfort someone . But she couldn’t even have offered a hug and an “everything will be ok, i’m here for you” ?????? 6 months into your relationship? That’s super weird to me. I would not want to be vulnerable around this person , and the “what is going on with you” comment when you were visibly upset is just not a response you should be getting from your partner. I hope you can figure things out but i don’t think she’s the one

  4. You told her that you're not in love with her anymore… to what end?

    Are you asking for a divorce? Or were you just planning to drop an “I don't love you” bomb in her lap and walk away and expect to still be married the next morning?

    Are you depressed and trying to sabotage your life? What's you motivation here? What did you expect from this conversation?

  5. This is a problem for many people, i personally think most relationships only work, if the people in it can actually be happy alone. A relationship is an enhancement to your life and should not be a pillar you build your happiness on. This puts unnecessary pressure on the relationship and it shows in your behaviour from the start, as you said, you get clingy and stuff cause your happiness is bound to this other person and the relationship working out.

    Couldn't agree more. Also being comfortable with being single gives you the psychological armor to know that your life won't fall apart if you feel the need to break up with someone.

  6. So he doesn’t know his own child and doesn’t want to either but wants to help you get accustomed? How exactly is he envisioning this? My guess: he expects you to do all child care.

    Usually I say the child comes first and you knew about it when entering the relationship. But in this case it’s different: he was a deadbeat father and you couldn’t expect this. And he still wants to be a deadbeat.

    Here is what I would do: Ask exactly what his plans are regarding costs, living situation, child care etc. Make it clear that it’s his problem and responsibility, not yours. If he doesn’t accept it it’s time to reevaluate the relationship (it is anyway because he doesn’t sound like a good and safe person).

  7. I was worried about a year ago that he may decide to cheat on me with my best friend as he's acting flirtatious towards her and she reciprocated.

    So you've been married a year and he immediately wants to sleep with you bestie. Why did you marry this guy?

  8. She doesn't owe him common courtesy. She doesn't owe him anything. If the genders were reversed, he wouldn't owe her anything.

  9. Is this the only way that you feel he isn’t proactive? Like, do you have to prompt him to do lots of things that you need? for instance, will he take out the trash if he sees that it’s full, or does he wait for you to ask him to do it?

    I ask this only because it’s incredibly common in hetero relationships for men to expect women to be the “house manager” and they are just waiting for instructions. This is referred to as “emotional labor” and many people grow to resent the burden of it over time. If he is generally pretty proactive around the house, then I would chalk this up to a miscommunication or difference in preference regarding how one should respond to the other being sick. But if this is just yet another example of him requiring you to ask him for assistance instead of offering it unprompted, you might want to think about what that will mean long-term.

  10. Is this the only way that you feel he isn’t proactive? Like, do you have to prompt him to do lots of things that you need? for instance, will he take out the trash if he sees that it’s full, or does he wait for you to ask him to do it?

    I ask this only because it’s incredibly common in hetero relationships for men to expect women to be the “house manager” and they are just waiting for instructions. This is referred to as “emotional labor” and many people grow to resent the burden of it over time. If he is generally pretty proactive around the house, then I would chalk this up to a miscommunication or difference in preference regarding how one should respond to the other being sick. But if this is just yet another example of him requiring you to ask him for assistance instead of offering it unprompted, you might want to think about what that will mean long-term.

  11. No, no and once again no.

    I think making new friends of opposite gender shouldn't be forbidden in relationships. With that said, if you make such with unknown people over the internet, why not just give each other access to your accounts and messages, locations etc (with provision of not deleting even a single message ever).

    This should deal with the issue of insecurity as you would be able to openly discuss is someone is trying to cross the line, and so he should be given cold shoulder etc.

  12. I’d be more upset she’s more open and honest with him than you, are you number 1 or number 2 for her?

    Nothing you can do to change the past, if it’s too much consider counselling to help you grasp the situation and decide what you want to do moving forward.

  13. I'm transgender and I think T is being dramatic and shit stirring. She might have good intentions but she is projecting her own issues and insecurities onto your relationship. As long as you're respecting your boyfriend's wishes (which it sounds like you are), you're doing fine and it's none of Ts business

  14. Imagine that because they can believe this stuff, they can believe nearly anything

    This exactly was my train of thought that lead to me breaking up with her

  15. You might have had a chance if you'd ask her to be your girlfriend not a Fleshlight you absolute pinecone.

  16. Her mental health isn't your responsibility. Tell her your feelings have changed and you're breaking up. Keep it about you. Tell her no-contact works best for you. Wish her the best, block her, and move on.

    If she threatens self harm or suicide call 911. If she's manipulating you she'll see you don't play that game. If she's serious you'll be helping her.

    If you know her family or a good friend of hers (not in your group) contact them after, tell them you broke up and she might need someone to talk to.

  17. For whatever reason, she clearly isn't comfortable being alone around you anymore.

    This post seems incredibly vague – what's caused the “off” periods? Have you done anything that could freak her out?

  18. Don't underestimate a person with a plan. What does being a woman have to do with it? SBF scammed people and he is young. This isn't about sex. People can be scumbags no matter the age. The person who thinks young people can't scam other people is a fucking moron.

  19. You can Google, if you like being ass-fucked, you know.

    Not my job to educate you. Ask your momma.

  20. It's not like you have to get cancer once you have HPV. We aren't even sure if she has it, and even then, some types aren't as dangerous as others

  21. I'm gonna focus on myself more and become the best. And the doctor she wouldn't be able to afford.

  22. Sorry you had to go through that – it’s stressful.

    From the advice here, I’ve decided to change my number. Not able to move – I live in a 10 story building with decent security. I have the feeling she drives by my place just to see if I’m home (lights on). She had wanted to drive by and watch me and my father move me out of my building… which is FUCKING WEIRD.

    Also accused me of lying about the time it took me to walk to work..? Bizarre.

  23. You should absolutely be questioning your marriage after this. I could never look at my SO the same way if he reacted the way your husband did. This is not a conversation that he gets to decide he’s done discussing. If you have somewhere else you could stay for a few days to process things I’d suggest taking some time to yourself to reflect on what you’d like to do in terms of your relationship.

  24. They said “just found out that someone was married”. So I think they meant that if you are dating someone and then you find out they were married and you continue to date them, then you can’t be surprised. Which is a fair statement.

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