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fuck_my_skinnygflive sex stripping with hd cam


44 thoughts on “fuck_my_skinnygflive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. That's fine, however it's obviously important to him especially if they are all in frequent contact together, it could appear that it was something that was trying to be hidden. She also asked for details of his sexual past but then omitted this part of hers? If it isn't a big deal to her, then why omit?

  2. Also “my birthday”, the delusion that this person has a relationship with that woman in any form, the age gap, she “knows he has feelings for her” but doesn’t say why or how, her obviously not thinking this was a date, the description of himself and then the “fit guy”, making out for 5 minutes in the driveway????? Calling bs lol

  3. Maybe this is the problem comment from OP.

    I am trying not to taint everyone's perception of Charlie so I guess my lack of divulging stems from that.

    When I first brought him home to have dinner with my mother and father, he was two hours late as he was playing games and there was a lot of traffic on the roads. He arrived late at a family function (baptism for my niece). He makes jokes at my expense around my family. He left the table during my niece's birthday party and sent back his plate of food and it infuriated my mother/brothers. I went to my brother once when Charlie was giving me the silent treatment and was really upset.

  4. He leaves you on read and accuses you of being moody and distant. These are very red flags. Honestly, I'm more concerned about that than the age gap or the fact that you are both on the rebound.

  5. It would be better if you online together for a while first. Most of the issues that cause people to split you don’t even find out about until after you live together.

  6. Hello /u/idkwhatnumberitis,

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  7. I've played hockey my whole life, I've been to dozens and dozens of ice rinks. There's team locker rooms and then they have small dressing rooms for women on coed teams.

    If it was an all-women's team, they would use the same kind of locker room that her team uses.

  8. Yeah I thought of doing that as my thing is I don’t want to look bothered. Although I am and wish she’d just leave since it’s been so long ??

  9. If you were my daughter I would beg you not to marry this man. 4 years and he’s already got a wandering eye? Your engaged and this is what he’s doing?? Come on baby girl. You know you need to leave.

  10. No, because it’s not because they’re married, it’s because they’re married to each other and work together. There’s a pretty large difference there. Non-fraternization policies are legal, and this would operate under similar lines of thinking. (Yes, I understand it isn’t the exact same so please don’t try to explain to me that non-fraternization policies refer to something slightly different). Your arguments gets disproven on the basis of sex as 2 other women (40% offered) are also buying the place and it effectively comes down to “a boss/owner of the company does NOT owe you anything in terms of career progression/raises unless written in a contract. Your argument of marital status also goes out the window as at least one of the managers offered was married, and more than likely, multiple were, probably even one of the women.

    Even if every other person is offered a $10k raise PER MONTH and you’re not, that isn’t illegal. There’s no case here for discrimination. He made a choice in who to sell his business to. The fact that he picked one manager and not the other doesn’t mean it’s discrimination. Now, her husband absolutely should’ve brought it up, there’s clearly a difference in priorities there, but the issue isn’t a work one, it’s a relationship one, specifically a communication one. Now, if OP feels slighted enough she wants to quit, she’s more than allowed. Many would understand if that’s her position, but ultimately she isn’t owed the promotion of opportunity to buy the company. No judge will say she is entitled to it.

  11. All I can say is I'm hiding from someone violent in my past and that person from my past knows things about me that could ruin me. Things that I was forced into.

  12. He has never ever come onto them or anything, they would have told me. It definitely is something that I just have to learn not to take so personal. It’ll take some time I know but I need to find some sort of healthy outlet to make myself feel more confident, like what you suggested with the pole dancing! Also, I gotta stop depending on him for my happiness and self-esteem issues. It obviously doesnt hurt to have him think I’m attractive, but I have to be able to see that in myself also! Thank you

  13. So, if he has promised to change and doesn't, what makes you think he will change this time? Has he agreed to take over housework and chores? Has he started listening to you? Why do you feel like you need to walk on eggshells?

    This sounds like he will just fall back into the same pattern. Honestly, if you don't want yo put the effort in, you don't have to. It doesn't sound like your husband is.

  14. So she's an established liar.

    You're being really black/white here about a kid who was involved in her parents immigration fraud. She was 8 when this started. You're suggesting she admit to, again, immigration fraud. Something that would destroy her family and possibly deport them and all that fun stuff.

    People do what they have to do to immigrate. It's hilariously obvious you've only lived in a nice safe country you were born in with your dramatic reading of all this.

  15. Or maybe his wife sees that his dad always put his hobby first. Plenty of fathers have hobbies sure, but at the expense of a wife doing more than her share of the work.

  16. Still need more context. But I will say that it sounds like you’re communication regarding pornography is hostile and violent. Him exploding over one of your concerns regarding his behavior is very aggressive and immature. I hope you bring this up in therapy. Think about what you want with your hubby (esp. I want to be able to communicate in a non violent and open manner-have relationship goals.) He has to be open to changing and growing with you and deepening the relationship.

  17. Moving into someone else’s place is such a bad decision. Quitting your job, even worse.

    I agree with this comment – save yourself things getting messy, grab your things and go. I know it’s easier said then done but you are one person – doesn’t sound like you have a ton of things there if he’s able to pack it all up for you. Talk with your parents for temporary stay and try to get your own place.

    & NEVER move into someone else’s space without security, commitment and an actual plan. Love makes people online in lalaland until things hit the fan

  18. Let's forget all the actual evidence.

    Your gf disappeared with a mutual friend for a LONG TIME during a party.

    In the middle of the night.

    There is no reason these two people EVER needed to be alone together. Ever.

  19. Thank you so much for the input — I'll definitely just suck it up when it comes to my own fears with confrontation and have the conversation with him because it's probably what's best in terms of moving forwards. Plus, as you said, figuring shit out with best friends it the funner way to do it, and even if it goes south I'll definitely be trying my best to keep things together And if you get a purple envelope through the door, that's the wedding invite (it's his favourite colour)

  20. Bah. You lied, check back in a year or two. I feel like you may have a different tone unless of course you stop lying.

  21. You need to show that you’re trying. It’s okay to struggle with things but if you aren’t even trying to help yourself why would he, you know? Like you gotta take control of your own destiny a bit, I also have adhd I get that it’s very hot but there are so many resources for coping and making strides that are out there now, you have so many options, you just need to take some steps. It will help you. It will help your relationship.

  22. not everything is a red flag, true, but OP's friend seems to be a walking blaring crimson flag. now, not all red flags end up meaning something sinister is actually afoot, but they should be taken seriously and investigated regardless.

  23. At 19, you can probably afford to waste some time. In any event, I recommend that you figure out what you want, and then tell her about it. It's no good both of you waiting and wondering what the other one wants. If she rejects you, at least that puts an end to the time wasting. But if she wants you too, then happiness for you both.

  24. Then i'd be the bigger person to tell him it's over or start going to a relationship counseling. If he has been starting to take thing away from his apartment he's mentally preparing to end things. If he has broken up with you before and you have gotten him back. He will do it again, explain the situation to him and explain how you feel and let him tell you how you feel.

    Make a choice if you want to keep going or end it right then and there,

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