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trioindylive sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “trioindylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. He just got to talk to him. Make the first move start slow. Cuz without sex he's not your boyfriend he's just your best friend

  2. You have the strenght, you are so much stronger then you give yourself credit to. It will be very hot, might be the hardest thing you've done, but deep inside you know that you have to do it. You can always tell him the truth, that you have to leave him because you love him/want a relationship/have feelings for him, and since he doesn't feel the same way you find the most reasonable thing to do is to just end it before you get even more hurt. That way he atleast know the full truth and he'll get a chance to say something if he have the slightest feelings for you. Either way, you'll know for sure. But stock up on tissues and sad music/movies.. Be strong and take care of yourself!

  3. My 2 years younger brother tormented me growing up and our constant fighting traumatized our little sister. And that is why I only have one child. Siblings don’t always get along. The idea of best friends is a myth. But in your case, let her leave. A 40 year old woman with a toddler who thinks she will find a new partner to get her pregnant is sadly delusional. And leaving you, her child’s father, is cruel to the child she has. I’m sorry you are dealing with this. But you can secretly get a vasectomy and then agree to trying for the second child which of course won’t happen. Sure it’s a lie, but she isn’t thinking clearly and the relationship might not be worth saving.

  4. That's a really good point about the talking. Also, if she was allowing him to kiss her if she was unsure there's a whole nother bag of trouble waiting at the end of this rainbow.

  5. From your posts – – you admit you like traveling with your husband (and maybe it was as good as the trip with your sister?) – you admit that he's willing to compromise – you admit that she's the one unwilling to compromise – you admit that when you mentioned your feelings to your husband, he found ways go be accommodating

    Here's where I'm struggling, you take this info and want to leave your husband at home rather than leave your sister at home

    The only thing your sister did that your husband won't is give you a free trip. Maybe instead of taking multiple trips, you should plan to take just one trip a year with your husband and splurge on the excursions you want to do.

    Honestly, it sounds like you want your sister to fund a lifestyle beyond your means and instead of being happy and grateful for what you and your husband have

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