????????? @?????????????? the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


????????? @??????????????, 21 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms ????????? @??????????????

????????? @?????????????? on-line sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

15 thoughts on “????????? @?????????????? the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I understand, but you were probably manipulated. Best thing is just end it now, block him, and dont look back.

    I know there may be pros to staying with him and all the memories and what if and this and that and blah blah blah dont listen to that voice in your head, it is stupid.

    However, do make time to grief and process the break up, cry as much as you want.

    But do not go back.

  2. This is tough, but tbh it doesnt really sound like your boyfriend was, in fact, able to train the dog. Sure you could try to take on that yourself in an effort to making the dog a livable situation for yourself but that isnt your responsibility and shouldnt be your burden.

    Jack Russel Terriers arent an easy breed to begin with for all the reasons you listed- if theyre not worked out, well trained, and stimulated, they turn into little demonturds that choose violence every morning.

    Your boyfriend also doesnt sound like he is well suited in his current living space for that dog specifically.

    Some things wont ever change- if you decide to have a dog in your life ever again, dog hair is just a reality… but the rest is on him for not choosing the right breed and not doing right by it. The choice is he either changes his life and behavior and ACTUALLY gets the dog trained right, or he should seriously consider rehoming it.

    And I think, as bad as it would feel, you would be well within your right to tell him that you dont see a future living together with this dog. It feels like an ultimatum, but he kinda already made it that when he decided to impulse-buy a dog.

    You shouldnt sacrifice your mental health or physical well being over this dog.

  3. I agree with everything you're saying cause I'm the same type of person. Its more about enjoying the little ounce of dopamine i get when i just have a small bite. I dont want to eat the food, i just want to taste it. And if it's my favorite food, I'm going to like a bite.

    But in this case gf said no she's on a diet, and then expects an apology for him respecting her wishes not to have said food. If i told my bf the same, I can't expect him to offer me any because i declined for a dietary reason. Gf should have just communicated what she wanted in that moment rather than expecting him to offer it to her.

  4. Why is it so likely that you'll run into each other since you don't live together anymore? Do you live! next door to each other now?

    Either way, you're not doing anything wrong. It will hurt him to see you with someone else but he's going to have to deal with it sooner or later. It's been 6 months so he must be expecting it.

  5. Sounds like she is already emotionally checked out and just looking for a reason to end it at this point. Or more accurately, hoping you do it for her so she doesn't have to deal with the guilt.

  6. Try to remember that their judgements mean nothing. Because you aren’t a pedophile and you aren’t a creep. I know the horrible feeling of being judged or shamed, especially when it is untrue, it feels like such an injustice. Your wife is more important and you two need to face this problem as a team. It is you and her against the world, not you against her and the world. Sending you heaps of good vibes πŸ™‚

  7. i can understand her not wanting him having pics of him making out with his ex on his social media though.. i dont think its really that weird of a request on her behalf. the way he responded was way out of line though. if he didnt want to remove them, he shouldve had a calm convo about it. her being uncomfortable or yeah maybe insecure is still not a reason to be yelled at and called a cunt..

  8. This is a rage bait troll. As someone pointed out in another comment. Whenever someone calls out their comments they get defensive and curse.

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