❤Sascha❤ the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


❤Sascha❤, 18 y.o.


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❤Sascha❤ live sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

16 thoughts on “❤Sascha❤ the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. It is sometimes reversible. It should not be used as a temporary form of birth control.

    OP may want kids in the future so a vasectomy is not appropriate for him.

    GF never wants kids, she can seek out a tubal.

    It is unlikely that they are each other’s life partners

  2. Thanks for the answer. My major concerns are not sharing key moral values and if that shows his true character, since I have met him for a short time.

  3. Thank you so much for the reassurance and advice. It really does help to hear it from someone else. You are absolutely right.

    For the plan, I'm just kind of seeing where it goes, if it goes anywhere. Seeing if anything builds organically. We've both been through the ringer when it comes to toxic relationships. We are in no rush, we have no expectations. Right now it's just basically a fwb situation which I know can be risky. Yet the last thing I wanna do is put pressure on something if he's not ready to start dating again. I myself am keeping the mentality of “whatever will be, will be” But I do care deeply about him as a person. He is so funny, wonderful and so down to earth. Heck I'd date him in a heartbeat. We were supposed to meet again but then sadly his father's health took a turn.

    We are 3 states away from each other so we both drive halfway to meet in the middle every now and then. Conviently we both have a friends house to crash at when we do see one another. Both of which are trying to persuade us to move there. (We're thinking about it!)

  4. I dated someone who punched me in my thigh once really hot during an argument. I was stunned. I looked right at him and said “you wanted to hit me in my face, didn’t you?” And he told me yes. He told me I was lucky he didn’t. That man continued to torment me until I left him. I don’t know your boyfriend, but he sounds like a narcissist and you might benefit from some therapy regarding that. I like “narcdaily” and “surviving narcissism” on YouTube. These channels empowered me to leave that loser. You deserve so much more than to be screamed at, belittled, lectured, tormented and hit. You deserve to be loved.

  5. Someone who loves you will want you to pursue your dreams and help support you to that end. If his dreams needs you to be a different person that require you to forego your own life then I would question how much he's actually listening to you. It's fine if the dream changes, but changing it under pressure will breed resentment. You can love somebody and have incompatible life goals that make the relationship untenable.

  6. Reasonable people can disagree on how to feel about being friends with exes, but this age gap is pretty predatory. You’ve been dating a teenager for a year and half when you’re a full-grown adult.

  7. I was in therapy a few years for issues with my parents so I'm familiar with what has caused this. I just need to figure how to ease it

  8. There is no conflict to resolve. You've not had an argument. You had sex with his girlfriend. He doesn't want to ” resolve ” this. He's the injured party here. Your unwillingness to accept that and the fact that you're dwelling on this as an injustice towards you proves your lack of emotional intelligence. You might think that you're sorry, but you need to prove that by accepting his wishes about this situation. You need to leave him be and accept the consequences of your actions. You can grow, of course. You can do better in the future, yes, that's possible. But you can't force anyone to accept any remorse or apology, however genuine you might be.

  9. as long as you can connect the cheating of P1 to P2, then go ahead and let P2 know.

    but just like how you have evidence, get that similar kind of evidence for P1 to know that it's not just talk, or not just you trying to mess up his marriage since you're is about to be ending in divorce.

  10. You didn't misgender your bf, and your friend is being rude and white-knighting on behalf of someone who doesn't want that. Their pronouns are he/them. If he wasn't acceptable, the pronouns would be they/them, or something similar.

    My partner is NB and uses she/they pronouns. Even though they are okay with both, I make an effort to use they as often as possible, because it shows that I'm not just forgetting and defaulting back to she. But I can use she when talking to people who my partner is either not out to, or who wouldn't understand or react well, because that's still one of their pronouns.

    BTW, you might want to ask your bf whether they want you to use a different word than “boyfriend”. Might not be an issue, but they might be happier with a gender neutral term, and either way they'll appreciate that you thought it was worth asking about 🙂

  11. I agree. I’m just very hurt because I thought by a year he would be a bit more understanding of my feelings and not so selfish on what he wants. I feel angry but I know this will pass too. I tried my best and gave him an opportunity-he just didn’t want to take it

  12. Dude, this is exactly why I don’t date rich people. I’m sure there are many kind, down to earth rich people out there…. Somewhere…. But, if I’m on a date with someone new and realize they come from wealth, I politely let them know it’s not gonna work.

    She has a different view of the world and how it works/what it owes her and you can’t change that. You’re seeing her true colors. Don’t waste any more time.

  13. My ex husband had the whole weaponized incompetence down. He was a pro.

    I was married to THE KING of weaponized incompetence! Would ruin clothes purposefully so he wouldn't have to do the laundry. Wouldn't load/empty a dishwasher. He did all this stuff when he was single, but as soon as we got married, he got amnesia. The last straw for me (obviously as this is a verbatim argument we had) was when he wouldn't even sweep the kitchen floor. Mind you, the man grew up on a working hog/cattle farm. I'm positive he mucked stalls and pens.

    Him: “I don't know how to sweep a floor.”

    Me: “You take the fucking broom and the fucking dustpan and you put the fucking dirt in the fucking dustpan. I don't care if you sweep from north to south, or from east to west or any other direction, just put the fucking dirt in the fucking dustpan!” (delivered at the top of my lungs)

    Eventually I left his ass sitting on the front porch as I drove away in a U-Haul to a better life without his sorry, lazy ass! Best decision I ever made!

  14. How long ago did they divorce? Sounds like he did something bad to her and still feel guilty, or he's not over her. If he can afford it, sure, it's fine giving gifts to the mother of his kids, but he shouldn't have not spend on you too. Has it always been like this for 4 years?

  15. After years of your husband putting someone else first? Girl, no – eventually you need to take a stand.

  16. Living apart would be going backwards. For me it would end the relationship. Neither one of you are wrong though. But it sounds like you have different needs in terms of affection and security. To be honest it sounds like this will be a difficult relationship to maintain and will require a lot of effort. Both of you should consider if it’s something you are willing to make it work.

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