Rebecca-Bari live sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 17, 2022

25 thoughts on “Rebecca-Bari live sex cams for YOU!

  1. This is unacceptable behavior towards you, his gf and the mother of his child.

    Do you have family or friends close by where you can stay?

  2. I’m grateful for everyone’s input even if I was wrong or I overreacted. I rather people be truthful and honest with me and blunt because with my trauma I sometimes don’t think clearly. So again thank you for your feedback.

  3. She did find someone and she is trying to cheat openly so you did the right thing leaving her. You need someone who actually cares for you and isn't trying to cheat on you.

  4. Honestly, I was genuinely umm'ing and ahh'ing over it, but from the (admittedly little) I've seen of your situation and your responses, my Dad could've written exactly the same things – right down to the 'embarked on life-changing sprees without consulting anyone else'.

    Ignore the money, ignore the success – what are you bringing to the relationship aside from that? What do you two gain from each other by being together that isn't financial in nature – and if you have enough money that you don't realistically need more money, stop.

  5. I guess it depends on how OP sees his sexual needs.

    Does he just need the act itself? Or is it the connection with his partner?

    With seeking sex outside of the relationship, is he going to be forming attachments to his partners? Or will it just be doing the deed without feelings, like an appointment?

    I've seen people who say that sex without a connection to their partner is meaningless, and would qualify as just “getting laid.”

    I think it's an important distinction OP needs to make. If he needs sex just for its own sake or if he desires an intimate connection with his partner. Sex outside of the relationship would only satisfy one of those things; or, it might lead to forming an emotional connection with someone else.

    There is a LOT that can go wrong. More than what people can reasonably account for, especially when we're talking about emotions. While she might say she wants to try it out, there's also the real possibility that she's only saying that because she doesn't want to lose OP. Which is how a lot of these open relationships start on here, admittedly, when one partner wants new sexual partners. It's a valid concern based on a lot of posts here.

  6. Look, she told you clearly numerous times that she did not want to be in a relationship with you. She was uncomfortable with you doting on her the way you have with the gifts and such. She clearly states she does not reciprocate and her actions also convey that.

    For you to have the audacity to shame her for not telling you she was in a romantic relationship with someone else so you could stop being strung along is unreal. She thought you were her FRIEND. Turns out you're only a friend if you think it will eventually end with you in her pants. And for the record, you strung yourself along. That was a choice YOU MADE.

    Her choices and her issues are another thing altogether that I'm not even going to comment on. Move on from this girl and don't make the same mistake in the future. Also don't be friends with girls just to get in their pants. It's a betrayal most women have experienced and it fucking sucks. We think we're friends and then we get with someone that isn't the friend and suddenly were the bad guy. It's icky and manipulative and gross.

  7. it’s really not fake lol. my question is if i was being unreasonable with my upset towards the situation as he doesn’t see the issue with it

  8. Math skills? This dude fked up bad. I mean so bad that his mother has to handle his finances.

  9. I think you're massively overthinking things. People don't always get along. There are a billion social reasons why that's the case, and frankly, you don't actually want to be friends with everyone you meet. If he does want to make more friends he might just need to put in some more effort to do things with people, you can't expect people to become your friends automatically just because you're a former high school track star who likes MMA.

  10. I did not get in a relationship with someone “just for what's in their pants”. We just happened to not be sexually compatible.

    Do you shame women who break with their boyfriends due to problems with penis size too?

  11. I feel like her telling you this is a sign she may want something like that again. Reason being is you put that she wanted that indicating to me she made sure to tell you it was something she wanted. With it being something that you aren't into I would tread carefully.

  12. You are not being dramatic. Unfortunately, this is no longer a person you can rely on. You'll need to grieve the end of your bil/sil relationship and keep him beyond arm's length. Don't be alone with him. Don't have any more conversations with him about anything except the weather. Trust me on this, I'm speaking from a similar experience. He IS gross, and you need to stay away from him.

  13. I wouldn't really call that cheating… Though, If I was Matt, I would be upset to hear that my GF replied “That would be fun, but…” to the her male friend propositioning a threesome, instead of shutting it down nude and clear. That's probably why you feel guilty.

  14. Thanks for clearing that up!

    And I have to agree with the other people here who are saying you're being far too nice to Phil. I don't know about going to the police since you don't have any hot evidence, but stop trusting him at once and change your locks. If this is the end of your friendship, it's absolutely on him.

  15. I’m fully willing to take responsibility… it’s him? I wanted to keep this one and the last as well. Before him, I had no abortions and 1 kid..

  16. Your fiancé is concerned, but I agree with you he's being overly cautious. You won't be alone, and you've been to Tijuana before.

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