Alex and Tobey the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Alex and Tobey, y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Alex and Tobey

Alex and Tobey on-line sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

66 thoughts on “Alex and Tobey the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I dunno. Like dust of any amount suggests they were there for a while. Maybe he grabbed something and they came out with whatever he grabbed and he just tossed them back not even realizing/caring what they were. It doesn't sound super sus and I'm the queen of overthinking. Trust your gut…what does it say?

  2. ya im scared of asking him again. i feel like me asking if he was free saturday and he said hes not sure but would let me know… for the market thing.. 🙁 i feel like he would say yes or idk something not that answer am i overthinking? lol i didnt mind the mimicking lol he remembers something i didnt even know i did

  3. I can see that you have a valid point and I agree with what you are saying. We have both agreed to do things together when being open and talk about our wants and needs in advance of anything transpiring. Yes I admit to looking through phone records because I felt that something was off and I was being lied to. I feel that after what has happened I am not the right kind of person for an open relationship as I have been hurt by his actions. I take full responsibility for my hurt and accept that I am the one who needs counseling and to change my thoughts and beliefs. It’s a nude pill to swallow and I fully admit my wrongdoing in this. With that said, it still hurts. But it’s my own fault I realize.

  4. If I understand this post correctly your husband’s mother abandoned him when he was ten and moved away with her lover? That choice made her estranged from him and wounded. She is trying to mend fences and come back into this life. Is his correct? So your husband’s situation has nothing to do with his mom “cheating” – it’s about his feeling that she abandoned him and was not part of his life, that she chose to do that and basically gave up the right to be his mom and in his life now? So what does this have to do with your mom having an affair in the 1970s? I am confused.

  5. I don't think there's much you could do in this case but accept that he kinda sucks.

    It's not reasonable to judge someone based on who they dated when they were 14, much less how the people you dated then behave now. I mean, it's been over ten years, how is their behavior on you? There's not really any meaningful logic there which leads me to believe this guy has very problematic and antiquated views about women.

    I think the only thing you have to understand is that his logic is flawed and he's definitely not worth dating.

  6. She hasn’t dated him, she got pissed with him one night because he is on her friend group and they kissed.

    And since then they had meet rarely and because the group of friends was out.

  7. Dude, the meds can take up to 2 months to fully be effective. Give it time. In the meantime, just talk to your wife. How have you been with her for this many years but can't communicate with her about your needs??????

  8. He's putting in the down payment for his house, that will belong to only him, that he will be able to sell and cash in all the money. If they break up, she gets nothing out of the house. Different people, different opinions. I would never charge my SO to pay for my house. Utilities, groceries etc. 50/50 or according to salaries, but I wouldn't make someone I love pay for the house that only belongs to me, and if we split up they're coming Out of the arrangement with their bare ass.

  9. Sounds like you need to lay off the porn, like delete all that off your phone, and actually stick to it. It's not something that's bad per say, but the chances of you finding a partner who is okay with it or isn't bothered by it is slim to none. You're just harming yourself in the long run.

  10. He sounds like if he had hiv or worse it would be no big deal to give it to you or anyone else

    Dudes a red flag dump him honey

  11. That's the first thing I thought. Why is she giving her number to strangers in the gym? I've seen this post with the roles reversed on Reddit. A man who wrote flirty messages and then gave his number to a supposed stranger. His girlfriend had trust issues and he knew but yeah, he was just making a new friend. The comments were A LOT different. The man was a narcissist, cheater, dump him, she deserved better. Her going through his phone was justified because he's such a pig. Yeah, I'm beginning to believe that someone is writing these to see how completely different the threads are when genders are switched. If that's the case, the person who noticed the support of women and man bashing on this sub was right again. But I didn't check her post history.

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  13. u/Snolow, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  14. u/Wilsthing1988, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  15. Not okay. My ex was garbage, did the same stupid crap I only took it for a few months then left. If he's refusing to change then there's nothing left for you to do but run. Get as far away as you can as fast as you can. You are a queen and deserve to be treated as such. Don't settle. There's 1000s of good men out there that would love to treat you right. You just gotta wait for him to find you.

  16. It's unlikely that this was simply about the game but instead sounds more like an issue of pent-up resentment and other feelings that have been building up for a while (and your stream of criticisms during the game were simply the straw that broke the camels back).

    It's important for you to realize here that this situation is more than just stuff being about the game. Back off for a little bit and spend some time doing some reflecting before you reach out to your friend for a proper talk.

  17. Mom's weekend… That is a new one on me. But seriously, she is a cheater and clearly won't be happy unless she gets to fool around with women. Either accept that fact and let her or break up.

  18. That sucks for all involved. But at this juncture in time it's best to NC or LC so OP can begin the healing process. The more OP sees their mother or John the more deeper the wounds will get. Perhaps over time OP can start making more regular contact but right now it's not healthy

  19. It's not easier said than done. Have some control over yourself. Do you want to continue to be abused? If you want to stay with him then don't whinge about how he treats you because your eyes are open but you're just being wilfully blind.

  20. Okay guys, I appreciate the concern, but I KNOW he’s not married. We have to declare marital status and we have common friends. Also, we’ve discussed meeting so it’s not entirely out of the question. The age, while not a dealbreaker for me personally (I have dated man-babies before and never again), is genuinely an area of concern.

  21. Hello /u/FlamandAnse11,

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  23. We can't dictate how people manage trauma. There is a huge spectrum on how people cope with trauma, and she has been vulnerable with you in sharing this, not only violation of her body, but a complete breakdown in loyalty and trust. She was not only raped, she was taken advantage of, encouraged to do drugs, and betrayed by someone she considered her closest friend.

    It would take me a long time to mourn this friendship and manage any resulting trauma. I agree that therapy would be a good thing, but don't be so nude on her. Sounds like she went through a lot.

  24. You did the right thing. Neither of you is ready for a serious relationship, let alone a marriage. Good for you for recognizing this relationship is toxic!

  25. He’s a big pile of EW wrapped in a dozen or more red flags. You shouldn’t have to tell someone to stop something that you aren’t comfortable with multiple times. You shouldn’t have to feel anxious or uncomfortable because he can’t keep his hands to himself. And if he’s been told about his behaviors before and is doing it with someone else, he either learned nothing or doesn’t care about consent. Being “too excited” isn’t a legit reason—he’s selfish and cares nothing about your feelings. You really think he just didn’t notice he was being too aggressive during the head and overall? This man is not The One.

  26. Hello /u/Odd_Yesterday9008,

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  27. Kinda sounds like he did by denying having dinner with her etc. but he should have told her not to text him.

  28. Literally anywhere. When the fuck was it a HR issue to block a coworker? That’s literally not a thing. Where in the world do you work where your place will go mental for blocking a coworker? Blocking some on your personal accounts is not work territory. You’re the one that’s never worked if you think that’s the case.

  29. Have you asked her why? Because she has a larger than average following there could be privacy issues and maybe her ex just didn’t want to be posted

  30. Divorce his ass and move out. Or move back to your home country with the baby and tell him he can join you there on the condition that you do couples therapy.

    By the way:

    of course I would be hurt, but if you gave me a legitimate reason for having it, like say the pregnancy, you apologized, you told me that you loved me and were still attracted to me, and then got rid of it, I would probably have a little cry over it but then I'd hug you and say I understand, thank you for throwing it away.

    You would enact this little drama over a sex toy? Both of you have some soul-searching to do if either of you is that threatened by a SEX TOY.

  31. He was implying that I’m not his wife yet which doesn’t matter because I don’t think attitudes towards a womans body changes the second you put a ring on it

  32. Have you tried contacting your family or friends? I think you might find you have more support than you realise.

    Contact your mum. Tell her what hes put you through. Ask for her help.

    This change isn't permanent. Babies don't fix abusive situations. He will revert to his old abusive self. He will likely hurt your child at some point to.

    If you intend to keep this baby, you need to PROTECT IT starting by protecting the babys mother – you. I know others have commented about abortion, which I think is something you should also seriously consider here. But if you want to keep this child and keep them safe – you need to leave.

  33. I’m sorry this is happening to you. None of it is your fault. Don’t blame yourself or try to reason things that are out of your control.

    If she’s willing to go to marriage counseling, that’s the first step. What killed her attraction to you? That’s the answer you need to start finding a solution.

    A sex therapist could be a great idea too. They can teach you how to be intimate-not just physically. Emotional connection deepens pleasure. And I mean.. it was your first time. No hate, but it was probably disappointing for her. You don’t know what you’re doing, so it’s understandable and normal. Did she finish? Have you talked about what she likes in bed or turns her on?

  34. They have had this conversation where he would have had the perfect opportunity to tell her without one of their mutual friends making a joke out of it and humiliating her. It wouldn't have just been out of nowhere. Y'all will say anything LOL

  35. Is he Polish too? If not, it’s unfair to expect him to act as if he were raised like her. I have to admit it’s incomprehensible that she care from a person raised in N America. If my bf forgot my birthday it would probably hurt my feelings, but women’s day I forget that it exists but for seeing it mentioned in advertisements. I have never been wished happy w d, wished another women, ever in my several decades of life.

  36. Some time apart would probably do you both a world of good. It sounds like she does not have a clear sense of what she wants in a relationship and, while she has a vague feeling that this isn't working, she doesn't really know what's wrong specifically. Perhaps she's coming to you with contradictory complaints as sort of shots in the dark to see if addressing the issue that's currently irritating her will fix her sense of wrongness. But since she doesn't really understand the problem, she is never satisfied, even when you do what she wants.

    None of this is surprising given how young you are. People change a lot in the years between the ages of 16 and 18 — much more so than between the ages of 26 and 28, 36 and 38, etc. What worked 2.5 years ago may simply not work anymore. Even though it's painful, I would advise that you take this break seriously. You've never been single as an adult before. Try it out! The whole world is out there waiting for you.

  37. Agreed. It might also help to define your reaction to those boundaries being broken. Not as an ultimatum, but as a simple statement of fact. This is not something you're willing to tolerate in a relationship and breaking that boundary will have a consequence. The follow through is important. Best of luck!

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