Kitanaray live sex chats for YOU!


こ, んにちはユキ Hello my kitties (´• ω •) Wanna have some fun? Goal is dildo in doggie ♥ [GOAL MET]

Date: October 17, 2022

12 thoughts on “Kitanaray live sex chats for YOU!

  1. She needs therapy to deal with her infidelity in a healthy way and move on. If not that, then I'd suggest moving on yourself.

  2. In my PERSONAL experience (30-ish years) of relationships with men, the ones that did that stuff didn’t stop. And sex was less of an intimately shared expression of love and more objectification of my body. Think about what you want long term. You can continue the relationship and keep an eye out on this….it’s possible he tried it out and realized it wasn’t working for him. But a man that thinks of you and his love for you during intimate relations if far, far better than one who fantasizes about Vogue-worthy women while making love to you….that’s not worth keeping, in my experience.

  3. Agreed. If after seven years she still can’t articulate to herself with full confidence why he’s a catch, she isn’t ever going to be able to.

  4. I don't know what you want us to tell you when you already know you need to drop him.

    I don't understand how you didn't know you were behind on rent when you lived there before he did.

    Regardless, find a room to rent and move out. Drop the dead weight before you drown.

  5. I think everyone else has this covered – it’s rape. Your husband rapes you over and over.

    Consent must be FIRE: Freely given Informed Revocable Enthusiastic

    Sleeping people can’t give consent

  6. Your partner’s actions are both controlling and codependent. He needs to trust your judgment, as well as his own in a relationship.

    My advice: go out with your friend. Tell him to go out with his friend as well. Those are the plans you made, and you both need to stick to them. If he needs a text every hour or wants to know what you’ll be doing or where you’ll be going, or when you’ll be back, I think that’s reasonable. But don’t give in on his BS. Time for boyfriend to grow up a little.

  7. I know for certain, Id never be able to trust someone again after they cheated on me… I would constantly be worried they were going to cheat again

  8. Yes, I've actually spent a lot of time on my grandparent's farm growing up (5-6 months a year) and I have always wanted to have one.

    I'm also not rushing into anything, we're still getting to know each other, but at least, everyone on his side has accepted me and treats me nicely.

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