Kk majors live! webcams for YOU!


$kkmajors2 4 specials

Date: October 16, 2022

22 thoughts on “Kk majors live! webcams for YOU!

  1. The demand is itself the issue. I’m not so opposed to strip clubs specifically since they’re mostly hands off, but I agree with the other commenter that the fact men feel entitled to pay for women is a problem. And when “getting what you want” is money to put food on the table things get a little dicey. Yes; there are SWers who make bank but that’s the exception not the norm, so I would also argue that most actually aren’t being compensated fairly.

  2. Yeah it's a huge no that he doesn't believe you. Tell him if you were doing anything, you have no recollection of it and if he doesn't believe you then tough but you don't have to give an inch on it. That's his problem and if he's going to be an asshole about it, that says a lot about who he is as a person.

  3. oh you are fine. You are 19, and this is just a lesson among many more that will come your way. What ifs are pointless. There is a whole world of men out there for you to make your next mistake with. Enjoy the possibilities. I'm not being glib, I mean it. Go out and make all kinds of mistakes and have fun.

  4. “I have no problem with you choosing to sell naked photos. I am not comfortable with you flirting with strangers.”

  5. From this day forward, make it an effort to be the kind of guy you’d want in your life. Even if they never forgive you, you’ll at least stop driving away others.

  6. This one here And he may use the videos to blackmail the grubs that were screwing you. I would start diarising your engagements because you may end up in court the media possibly both. You will need to have some info to keep your memories alive. Just a thought

  7. I'm a problem + solution guy.

    Send out your resume to 3+ places.

    Then break the news to her. Say, yes I've lost that job, but I'm already on the hunt for the next one!

    Be confident, not scared. Otherwise she will be worse off than you.

  8. I could be wrong but I think most dancers make the bulk of their money from private dances where they do get hot and there is varying levels of physical contact.

  9. Sadly a day where I’ve needed him has collided with a day where he needs to be alone. This happens all too often and we don’t have enough days together where this doesn’t happen .

  10. Translation, she liked fucking him, but at some point, she liked fucking you more.

    She didn't yell you because she didn't want to lose you, so she kept it hidden all this time. She didn't give you the option to choose for yourself, she gave it now.

    So, choose for yourself, a relationship built on a lie? Or freedom, accompanied with some sadness for some time until you move on?

  11. This is easily the most logical, emotionally intelligent comment I have ever read on Reddit. Thank you so much.

    I was worried about catching more lies, which is what caused today's argument – so if I look at this logically, he's frustrated because he feels he ruined the trust in our relationship. In his emotions, he took it out on me, saying he's on the spot and I'm going to just keep doing this — then admitting he knows it's his fault. When he said “people get over things at different paces” I thought he was being rude, but I think he was trying to validate that I'm still upset, because he's not the snarky type. We've both been wrong in the whole ordeal, me asking for too much info and him for lying. We both have work to do and feelings to feel.

    You're a miracle worker… haha.

  12. OK, from my personal experience being in a relationship with a very outwardly bi woman was it was a lot of stress for me, her options are double and her fluidity allowed for more same sex cheating (which to her wasn't cheating for some reason). I was (and probably still not) strong enough to handle and hold that kind of relationship together.

  13. She wants to get railed by someone else, and if it doesn't work out, pick back up with you. Be better than that and have some self respect. Tell her bye and go no contact.

  14. We started counselling last fall at my request when I started noticing this pattern. So far I feel like we have really danced around the main issues and it hasn’t helped much except to make us feel like we are doing something.

  15. It is never stupid to leave a relationship over a family member. Your cat is your family. They were with you before he came into your life. You did introductions between the cats right. It doesn't sound like they are fighting to a degree that is dangerous so much as spats so it could be something that fizzles out over time. It did with out dogs. What he is doing threatening your animal's home is not okay.

  16. That does not matter and your lack of empathy is a you issue. You're the one who broke your relationship with your sister and if you refuse to see that it's on you. Leave your sister alone.

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