Aphrodite(call me , “A” for short) the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Aphrodite(call me , “A” for short), y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Aphrodite(call me , “A” for short)

Aphrodite(call me ,

Date: October 16, 2022

15 thoughts on “Aphrodite(call me , “A” for short) the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Hey, just adding another perspective here. I have loved someone with severe depression and understood that personal hygiene is difficult sometimes. I never held it against them and loved them through it. Wishing you well.

  2. Hello /u/Ok_Exercise_4076,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  3. I almost always councel to not contact the spouse/gf but in this case I think you should. Lead with the fact that you too were deceived and that you now know what a practiced liar he is.

  4. So if the problem is your communication then what answer do you want?

    Improve what you can and accept the consequences.

  5. Fair. But for me, him wanting to go and suggesting it would tell me enough – and we would be done. I don’t want to be anyones keeper. But I wouldn’t want to be in that relationship either.

  6. Guard your birth control and be the one to buy and store condoms if you're using them. It's entirely possible for a man to baby trap woman if he knows she'll be open to having a kid, so don't take his little “jokes” lightly.

  7. You should be concerned. However, no means no. You crossed his boundaries, because you wanted a hug he didn't want to give at the time. That's also a red flag.

  8. I had this conversation recently. We had a major life changing event happening so a lot things got kind of pushed in the back burner, including some self care.

    It took me 2 weeks to work up the courage. I started stating how much I loved them and how I would never intentionally try to hurt them with words. I also wanted them to find out from me rather than someone else, I feel it's only right. I asked them questions like if they are in pain and if they've noticed any changes in their mouth.

    They took it in stride and said they appreciate the honesty. And would look into it.

    I think the fact that you already tried to approach her and she had a negative reaction it may be a bit harder. She may need to here it from someone else? Idk. Maybe help her find a dentist that's good with people. Show her reviews of said dentist that gentle.

    Hopefully she can see you come from a place of love.

  9. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Throwaway cause I don't want her to find this. My girlfriend and I were supposed to celebrate our 3 year anniversary today. She started the day with telling me about how not that big of a deal the anniversary was and I'm not gonna lie I was a little hurt. I specifically tried hard to make sure I got the day off from work even after some scheduling conflicts with my boss almost made it impossible. I even surprised her this morning with wine and chocolate and her favorite sodas. We went to a couple of different places including the mall and target and some errands that she needed done. I tried my absolute best to make sure my attention was on her all day along, which is difficult sometimes because I have ADD and tend to get distracted when I'm just relaxing. She did get me a few things through out the day but over all she mostly ignored me, not wanting to stand with me, or just getting mad at little things. I tried to end our day off at the bar near our place which I thought would be a romantic way to end things. She had already had two glasses of wine at our house and went for a few more drinks at the bar. When I was ready to leave she insisted we go to another bar down the street and maybe I should have said something but I also thought it wasn't my place to boss her around and there was an arcade in the bar so I was willing to go to try and get her to play some arcade games with me. She instead tried to leave me and join a table of random people at the bar which is where I finally intervened and told her it's our anniversary and I wanted to be with her. She finished her drink we didn't play any games and began to walk home. halfway home I realized she was black out drunk couldn't stand straight could barely walk and wasn't speaking right. She insisted that I leave her on the street to go get her the car and drive her home which, I refused because I had a couple drinks and I didn't want to risk it. This is where she began to get really mad at me. At one point she wanted to use the bathroom right on the bridge we were on and when I told her she can't because that's illegal she got more upset. Fast forward to us being home now and she went to use the bathroom could barely stand up demanded I make her food and then she just kept calling me a loser over and over again. She finished her food and went to bed saying I was useless. Now I've always been emotional but I just want to cry now I don't want to be with someone who thinks I'm a loser. I'd do anything for her. Did I do something wrong? What should I do?

    Tldr – my girlfriend got black out drunk and called me useless and a loser.

  10. If you have a great relationship with your Bio-dad then I don’t see this as a hot decision. Bio dad all the way.

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