Rem the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Rem, 19 y.o.


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Date: October 15, 2022

12 thoughts on “Rem the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Should I confront him with what I have now or snoop first? If I don’t find concrete proof of cheating, should I still confront him? I’m just not sure how to proceed here… we’re so close, we’re best friends, I just feel so betrayed right now I don’t know what to do

  2. What advice are you looking for? Are you asking whether or not you should feel guilty about secretly recording your boyfriend? If that’s the case, then yes, recording your boyfriend in an intimate moment without his consent is a huge breach of trust (regardless of how you think he would react). If it was consensual, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with what you’ve done. However, this is completely wrong.

  3. i hear what you are saying. and i tried before to move on until i saw their picture. but it hurts so much that i never got closure and never knew the real reason.. maybe i would hear something that hurt but at least i wouldnt feel so stupid for not knowing if his feelings were real at any point or made a fool of myself giving so much love to him ?

  4. So- here is the crux of it right here. You felt you could fix it because you assumed, without actually knowing, what was going on.

    Listen- take it from someone who has been dating longer than you have been alive- you cannot fix it for other people. Ever. It doesn’t serve you or serve them. What you can do is offer help, offer advice when asked, and offer support. Otherwise you are not respecting their consent, needs or process.

  5. Ive dated someone like this. Your adult response isn't going to work because this person is too narcissistic to consider they may be in the wrong. They will just flip the story and make you feel like shit for even suggesting this, they'll act overly offended and you end up apologizing just to keep the peace.

    Inner child approach is the way to do it as you also tell her good bye, ya aint having this shitty relationship anymore.

  6. Check her post history. It's because she's awful and expects these men to jump at the chance to be with her. But they see her insanely shitty attitude from a mile away

  7. Exactly, this is not just a “high conflict personality”, his wife has veered in to full on abuse territory. How many people would tell a woman to do couples therapy with an abusive man? This needs to be treated with the same seriousness.

  8. You've got two different problems going in here, and they're both almost certainly irreconcilable.

    First, this blowjob thing… You have every right to not enjoy it. It sounds like you've made an effort to get comfortable with it, which is commendable, but it's just not working for you. So at the end of the day, if you don't like it, you don't like it. And if you don't like it, you don't have to do it.

    Conversely, he has every right to not want to be in a relationship where blowjobs don't exist if they're that important to him. Neither of you is in the wrong, but it's a serious incompatibility. Unless you're both willing to compromise (yes, blowjobs, but maybe infrequently), this isn't going to work. And it's okay if it doesn't. You'll each need to find someone else that more closely matches your own alignment.

    The second problem… He doesn't recognize it as an incompatibility. He doesn't fully understand how much of a struggle this is for you, and thinks you should just get over it and suck him off. It's a problem because even though he's aware of your discomfort on some level, he's mostly disregarding it in favor of his own desires. In short, he's disrespecting you. He needs to recognize it for what it is: a deal breaker. He needs to stop trying to shove his dick in your mouth and accept if he stays with you, he doesn't get blowjobs, and if that's not good enough, leave with some dignity.

    It's also really shitty of him to cum in your mouth when you specifically ask him not to. My wife and I have been together 23 years. She enjoys going down on me, and I can't remember the last time she didn't swallow. And I STILL warn her each and every single time just in case this is the time she's not in the mood.

    You're going to have to face the fact that you guys just aren't made for each other, and after his latest display of disrespect, the onus is on you to that initiative. He was so easily swayed by his friends not because he's weak-willed, but because he's never fully accepted the situation, and they just sparked a renewed effort.

    Just know that, as you start dating again, most guys are going to want blowjobs, and a large percentage of those are going to consider it a deal breaker. They're not wrong for wanting it just like you're not wrong for not wanting it, so it's a conversation you're going to have to have early and often with people you date to ensure you're in the same page.

    And don't set a precedent by giving early blowjobs because you're in the heat of the moment with someone new. They'll always remember the one you gave them when you first started dating and wonder why it can't keep happening.

  9. You have to take care of yourself too. She refuses to admit that she has a problem or work to improve her health.

  10. First of all. He didn't use contraception when you asked him to. That's literally a deal breaker. I am not sure if it counts as sexual assault or not but it's in grey area.

    Secondly, you can do better. You don't even love him, why are you with hin even in first place?

    Those eho you like are friends, and those you love are partners. He's not your partner, why waste your life for him? And the kids life if it comes into this world?

  11. And again affirm how your past has made you feel insecure about your boobs. And that is perfectly valid. But don’t set yourself up for hurt when you can communicate what u need.

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