the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Date: October 15, 2022

15 thoughts on “ the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. The kids are not killing your marriage. Kids definitely change the dynamic, your life is never going to be the same! You need to communicate and support each other even more. You should be partners in childcare, housework, and making sure the mental load is not all on one person. We had 3 kids under 4. It was crazy. What worked? Was making sure we had time for ourselves and especially for each other. Support each other’s hobbies, have girls and boys nights every so often. It’s not easy, but now we are in our 60’s with 3 grands and life is good.

  2. Break up and leave and walk away and never look back! Hopefully you don't live! together but if you do, tell her to contact????? and tell him to come pick her and all her shit up

  3. Hard to judge. Could just be really busy, could enjoy chatting but too afraid to meet in person causing her to panic cancel, or maybe she’s just not that interested.

    She might suit last minute plans better. “What’s the plan for today?” If she has nothing on maybe offer a movie/ or lunch date. Some girls find cinema dates less awkward, you can warm up to the guy a little before going for a meal after.

  4. You wasn't robbed of your youth. Some people have different partners during their college years, some don't have any at all, and some stayed with just one partner. It's all a learning process, there's nothing to be wasted.

    Also, she's now 24 year old, she's not the same person as she was in 16. She's grown both physically and mentally. What you currently think her “real version” was actually your memories of her 16 year old version. It no longer existed.

    And so are you. You're not the same person as you were. Maybe she figured that out already, and realized this is not gonna work. One day you might realize this too. That marrying to high school lover was not as beautiful as fiction. And you should not sacrifice your future by forcing yourself to marry someone you no longer love for the sake of the past.

  5. So you don't trust her? If you trust her then there's no reason to be worried about this. They're dudes in a game, they're not a threat.

  6. A lot of boyfriends/husbands aren't going to be fine with their spose spending the night away raving with friends. I understand that you are perplexed but it's not as uncommon as you might think. Most people are trained to think that bad shit happens when people are out partying, which in the rave scene very much involves alcohol and drugs. Even if you don't partake, it's likely going to be around you. It is what it is.

    Your best bet is to find someone who does the same thing and goes with you or someone who is okay with it. I don't think a lot of guys in a commited relationship are going to be alright with a 6 AM return home. That's just one of those those things that you either get or you don't. If you don't agree, that's fine. But this isn't some crazy request from your partner. That being said, you're completely within your right to walk away and find a relationship more suited to your lifestyle. This is what dating is about.

  7. OP we need the timeline of the divorce, remarriage, and the birth of the baby. We also need to know who your new wife is, age, how you met, etc. Also, we need to know how your son was treated at the time of divorce and after and if his needs were met at that time.

  8. Nothing you did or didn't do caused her to cheat. You don't have that kind of control over any other person.

  9. I'm reading the comments and many say that it was not consensual. I never thought of it this way because if I didn't want it then how could I still preform.

    I didn't tell my ex many details more than that I didn't want to continue the relationship. I didn't want to hurt her with the details. I don't want to jump back to my gf now my fiancée miscarried. I just want to confess to everything.

  10. Dude, anyone who thinks “ha ha ha Ima rape you” is a joke is a hideous asshole and also wildly unfunny. Please stop being fucking gross.

  11. From what it sounds like, your girlfriend had negative experiences with Slimming World. Now she views everything involved with them as negative and probably goes into a bit of a 'fight' mode (vis a vis fight or flight) when anything involving them is mentioned.

    And from googling, they aren't without their critiques and some valid cons have been raised about them. I think this is something you might just want to agree not to share/talk about specifics of your program with her. Focus instead on other shared aspects of weight loss journey.

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