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Room for online video chats Denise_Rocks_

Denise_Rocks_live sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for live! sex video chat Denise_Rocks_

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Birth Date: 1988-03-28

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Date: October 14, 2022

71 thoughts on “Denise_Rocks_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. perhaps the comment means

    if you are Smart enough to go to law school why can’t you figure out that this guy is jacking you around?

    what would you do if a client wanted a divorce and describe the husband as the man in the relationship with you, what would your advice be?

  2. They're looking for sex and with so many young people doing the FWB thing, if you don't want to date them, they're wondering if you'd be down for FWB instead of a relationship

  3. OP your situation is a difficult one. It must be extremely hard to move on when a love was cut short in such a tragic way. And your gf entered the family wanting your attentions and felt what appears threatened. I feel therapy for your grief and for your daughter as well should be looked into with a focus on having a new person entering the picture. Your gf would also benefit with therapy to learn how to understand and accept that the deceased was a great part of your life. You have to make space for any new partner to feel welcomed into your lives. And the new partner needs to know that you had a past that still resides deeply in your memories. I would send the gf a message of how you feel, that you see the need for working to fix things and hope that she is still available to keep trying together. Give her space and keep working on bettering yourselves for a brighter future.

  4. My fiancé and I have actually had this conversation… Even though there is absolutely nothing wrong with being autistic, it feels like I’m betraying her in some way by speculating about it… Idk why, it just makes me feel terrible. If it is true, there’s no way she’s aware of it. To me and my fiancé, it is the only thing that makes sense. I’ve met (on several occasions) her parents, and they are both your cookie cutter, respectful, great role model parents (except for the fact they are divorced). I see zero of Sarah’s inappropriate mannerisms in them nor do I think her behavior resulted in their parenting style. Of course I would never share these thoughts with her, but thank you for reminding me that this could mean she may need a lot more patience and guidance in correcting her behavior. Keeping this in mind will definitely help me with our conversation. Do you have any advice on how to appropriately guide her into correcting her actions/realizing when she’s doing something rude? The other person on here said to come up with a code word but I feel like that would totally stand out to others and might make the situation more weird/make her feel embarrassed? Idk. Any thoughts?

  5. Okay, I'm a student like you (in debt), and I often pay and tip quite generously, even try and give out here and there when I can (ie. Homeless). But, tipping culture is to my knowledge a primarily North American custom due to their low wages (which we shouldn't be paying), in many places in the world, it is considered rude and as if you're looking down on the staff that they need your handouts. Aside from that, I also agree tipping culture has gotten out of hand. Even Subway's have the tipping option when you go to pay.

    I wish tipping would return to “if the service was good or they went above and beyond in a certain way”, because I often I feel bad when I tip someone 15% for shitty service and then only tip 20% when the service is great.

  6. Hello /u/FunFinance5974,

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  7. A bastard is not welcome so you can’t be a father… WOW. That’s the most selfish and pathetic thing I’ve ever heard. You’re the one who had sex and violated your own cultural or religious norms, so why is the child the one who has the suffer as a result? The child didn’t do this, YOU are the adult who decides to have unprotected sex. Your community should kick YOO out for being a deadbeat.

  8. Why would he feel the need to lie about snapchat or instagram, what were his purported reasons for giving them up in the first place.

  9. Thank you. I didn't feel like you were debating me, I'm just trying to challenge things for anyone on my “side” so I'm not just in an echo chamber, you know?

    I think a lot of things you say ring true, I just love him (derp) so it's a painful extrication, and I also have a lot of self-doubt cos I know I'm not perfect and am unsure if, as he often says, I have standards that are unreasonably high or unattainable.

    I really really appreciate all your words and I'll be re-reading comments in this thread and mulling them over over the next few days. I don't want to make any rash decisions, but I also want to try to be objective, too.

  10. With the baby on the way, they'll probably put 2 and 2 together soon enough lol. The cause of your parent's divorce becomes INSANELY obvious when a new sibling pops up under 9 months later.

    I agree about not dragging kids into it to use against the other parent though.

  11. thank you for validating me it felt really hurtful.

    when I say he's immature I mean he makes bad jokes (like this, if this can even be called a joke) and I see him tease other people sometimes.

    he always dismisses me. I saw some really flirty texts on his phone and confronted him that what he said crossed a line and he basically said 1) he flirts with everyone 2) it isn't a big deal. he then basically waited me out to not want to talk about it (we were on vacation together and no where to go but be with him)

  12. Hugs why are you with someone that enjoys making fun of you and attempting to be your mother? She apparently enjoys making you upset so your voice changes which is a form of bullying that she gets off on.

  13. One more possibility is that they're just not compatible. Every one of us has their own scent, OP may just not like the way his girlfriend naturally smells.

  14. Well if this becomes a serious problem go to the police. For now start making a dossier on this person. Safe every text record every call with date time and of possible phone number.

    Make photos of every time they are in the area and of their car if they drive by.

    Don't go out alone for a while if you feel unsafe to do so. If you have a good file on them go to the police again.

    Usually they can only take action when it's presented like this. So that is the best way to keep yourself safe.

  15. He said he was aroused that someone he liked seemed to be interested in him back and she was touching his thighs so that made him excited so he masturbated. Does that make sense?

  16. I’m also a woc and I’m struggling with the same thought process. I don’t think he has bad intentions but I don’t know if I want to do the constant emotional labor to change him. I feel kind of like his parent or something, it’s a turn off honestly

  17. You don't need her agreement to break up. RUN AWAY ASAP. Don't waste another day with this creepy, manipulative person. RUN AWAY!

  18. The moving is more for me! I’ve been wanting to move for years for my career. He has known that was my plan since before we were married and always agreed—Our 1st year of marriage he tried completely ripping the rug out from under me saying he didn’t want to anymore (which is unfair to me since he knew and agreed prior).. this was during the time of him being shitty to me.

    Somehow I’ve held my foot down on it and told him this year I’m moving with or without him & he seems like he wants to go now all of a sudden.

    It’s like he’s such a better guy now, but almost like maybe all the past stuff did make my passion and romance disappear. Idk. ??‍♀️

    I said I’d take 50% minimum. He said he felt like when I adopted my dog 2 years ago that he thinks I left his name off the adoption paperwork on purpose so if something happened between us he wouldn’t have rights to her—honestly, they just asked me what my name was.?

  19. Yelling is a big deal, so stop downplaying it. You need to learn to have conversations without yelling if the topic is truly trivial. If the issue is very serious (like your safety) yelling is understandable, but then it's a big deal.

  20. It sounds like, to me, that the issue to “unpack” here is yours. She has daddy issues, so what. It's much more common than you think, so she dated an older guy.

    You are hung up on the fact that she dated an older guy and it's “super gross!!”

    Let her go find a guy who won't be judgemental and will love her for who she is.

  21. He's already told you and showed you what his priority is. Why won't you believe him? Why are you allowing this? A real grown-up in a relationship will shift his priorities to his partner. He won't. Find someone who will prioritize you.

  22. If you find out a friend stole from you a year ago, but you just found it out, would you not allow yourself to process and react to that how you would for a friend stealing from you today?

    Because that is essentially what you are saying. You recently found out that he lied to you, hated your boundaries, and didn't respect you. But because he did it that long ago but you didn't find out until now, you aren't allowed to react?

    So if anyone just lies or hides something from you for long enough, it's OK? You are rewarding them for how long they can lie and hide things from you?

  23. If you find out a friend stole from you a year ago, but you just found it out, would you not allow yourself to process and react to that how you would for a friend stealing from you today?

    Because that is essentially what you are saying. You recently found out that he lied to you, hated your boundaries, and didn't respect you. But because he did it that long ago but you didn't find out until now, you aren't allowed to react?

    So if anyone just lies or hides something from you for long enough, it's OK? You are rewarding them for how long they can lie and hide things from you?

  24. I'm on the spectrum too, sounds to me like he likes you too!

    I mean tbh #6 is a total crapshoot, the light could've been low, my meds dilate my pupils, etc, but honestly everything thing else sounds like he could very well be romantically interested in you

    Even if you accidentally scared him off a bit, if he reciprocates, you absolutely didn't say anything that was actually detrimental, just maybe word-vomitted your feelings a bit too early. Seems like an easy recovery to me ?

    Good luck OP

  25. OP Please ghost this guy, he made clear he prefeers dogs over humans, plan your leaving and when you are ready send a message to his parents explaining that you are leaving him and please be there for him to give him support, but you can no longer take this amount of emotional mistreatment.

    Then block them (ex + parents) and focus on your mental health, his behavior is seriously abusive and manipulative and is not going to get better.

  26. That's fair, I think. I would feel a bit weird about it in that case, if I was feeling very close to that person and thinking about them a lot it would feel like that wasn't being fully reciprocated.

    Do you think it's something you could work through, or not really? I don't think it indicates that she's untrustworthy or anything, you guys weren't exclusive, so it would be a shame to let a good thing go. But you can't help what you feel, if it's too much that's understandable

  27. Dude, the entitlement on this b*tch. Cancel the membership, she can't run into you or set conditions on your visitation to the gym if she can't use it!

  28. Have the conversation with him. Some people don't feel it's necessary or want it. He's obviously assuming it's no big deal to you as you seem to talk about other important things like a house. Assumptions in relationships are lethal. You'll always be disappointed

  29. Yes I really do. I really wonder how different advice from those tiktok dating coaches are from real life??? It sounds super toxic which is not my style but they do make sense in some ways..

  30. Yes I really do. I really wonder how different advice from those tiktok dating coaches are from real life??? It sounds super toxic which is not my style but they do make sense in some ways..

  31. I have a job, he doesn't want me to expand business because he is threatened by other males. Also, I've had several good job offers, but responsible with the kids imposes with the hours. If have to work min wage from what I've found

  32. First off, she’s being pretty over dramatic about talking to people over the fuckin radio. Second off, you sound like a massive cunt

  33. If your response to hitting your girlfriend is “I was in a dark place” and a few other things that excised your behavior, you haven’t changed.

  34. OP, I totally understand how your ears parked up when hearing your own name.

    Please think long and hard from both perspectives, pro and con, before making this life changing decision. He sounds like a great guy and I think you could involve him in this decision and weigh the pro's and cons together. Talk it out.

    My point is, lots of parents talk about how great parenting is and having children really is great I agree.

    But people, not even your doctor, really talks about the medical risks. Like how from 2007-2016, 700 WOMEN A YEAR DIED during pregnancy in the USA. And that mortality rate has gone up 30% since the pandemic started. That's just pregnancy. The US has an estimated 26.4 deaths per 100,000 live births. So this is not a risk-free endeavor!

    That's death, but there's a host of changes not covered under “death”. This will change your body forever. I'm not talking about your waistline getting bigger or cosmetic changes. I'm talking about permanent changes that will change the way you live.

    For one example: For many women, they have trouble holding their bladder when they laugh or sneeze or just suddenly have to go. Then you can't hold it in and it starts to dribble down your leg and through your clothes because you can't hold back the tide. This happened to my friend at the office and she was mortified in the bathroom when she realized she really needed a shower and a change of clothes but was stuck in the bathroom stall in the middle of the office in the mid-morning in smelly, wet pants!

    Before you allow your MIL and casts of thousands into your delivery room, even on the other side of the curtain, realize that many women defecate when labor begins. It smells. Something to consider when planning your birth!

    It's can be a beautiful experience. For some it is. For others it's hell and they don't have more than 1 baby for this reason. A friend had painful sex for months then years after, and the doctor immediately said it was a chronic condition that she “just needed to adjust to”, so her husband divorced her. Queen Victoria had anxiety attacks at the idea of repeating childbirth. She said it was the most painful thing she'd ever experienced in her life and she said famously something along the lines of “no woman would do this if there was any other option.” This was in the days before birth control so her options were limited.

    Personally, I didn't think birth itself was all that painful, but that's me. I did develop a disease that's been with me ever since. And will be forever. I have considered suicide so many times because there's days it's a living hell. But I love my kids and don't want to leave them without a mom. So I'm trapped. It could have been prevented but the doctor ignored the warning signs. Doctors often ignore women, especially women of color. He told me to stop being so hysterical and desperate for attention.

    Also during pregnancy, I told my doctor repeatedly I was in pain that felt like stabbing in mid chest area. He said it was probably just gas and waived it off. Turned out I needed my gallbladder removed but had to wait until after the pregnancy for the surgery. Every Time I ate, even bananas/applesauce, I'd get those stabbing pains.

    Many women develop diabetes while pregnant. Sometimes it goes away after childbirth, sometimes it becomes a lifelong ailment.

    Sometimes your organs permanently shift and their new positions aren't as good. Sometimes you need surgery to put things back or strengthen or reinforce places that got weak in pregnancy/birth. (Remember all those commercials for class action lawsuit about needing abdominal mesh implanted in your body following birth? Those poor women went through hell.

    Or you decide not to take the risk and you online with the pain or inconvenience. And surgery is ALWAYS a risk. Sometimes those surgeries aren't successful or there's complications. Some women still die in childbirth especially women of color who are more likely to be ignored. If you have a benign tumor for years, suddenly those pregnancy hormones might start it growing like crazy.

    I'm not trying to scare anyone. I just want to balance the tables a bit. When your colleague comes back from maternity leave she's not going to stand up in the team meeting and say, “I love my kids but I wish I didn't have these hemorrhoids so it hurts and I bleed every time I poop, and it's not going to fix itself unless I want to risk surgery. Yay! Now let's all overshare!” Especially if men are there, they are probably going to object to hearing about it,cuz most men don't like hearing about “female body issues” like periods, UTIs, and birth.

    This leads women to the false conclusion that pregnancy and birth are ALWAYS peachy, just because no one wants to be a Debbie Downer and say what really happened to them!! I wish women felt more freedom to share.

    Best of luck to you, whatever you decide!!

  35. Emotional cheating involves… Emotions. This was a handful of messages between opposite gendered people and she laid out that she has a bf. It's not cheating. It's not even close or related to cheating.

    Also, her private information was violated. He absolutely should not have done that. You and she ought to report him to the manager/owner of the gym. He'll probably get fired for that shit.

  36. Yeah, my thinking too. Especially considering that there’s basically no time between posts. That, or it’s truly a sad life, in which I stand by that she needs to figure out her life, including herself.

  37. IT. WON'T. Repeat after me: IT. WON'T. Because IT. WON'T.


    Dude it'll hurt way more later when you're getting divorced than it does right now.

  38. Listen man I’m older than you and I’ve learned this the hot way.

    I can’t emphasize how important when I’m about to say is.

    The only way you can be in a healthy relationship, is to be able to lose it. If are constantly afraid to hurt your partner by setting boundaries, or living your life to the fullest, then you will not ever have a good relationship.

    Figure out who you are. And I can tell that you’re a man who really wants to have a job like this. Stick to your boundaries. Go on the interview. If she leaves you, then she leaves here.

    Never fall into the trap of saying something like “the action I’m about to do it might ruin my relationship, therefore, it must be wrong. “

  39. Is says in the post OP has told him not to touch her nipples bc it sensitive and she has trauma, and you're saying “I bet he isn't ignoring your boundaries” like can you read? I feel like you're projecting in this guy bc you like touching your partners nipples. That's fine bro, but if she tells you she doesn't like it then stop. “loving all of her” isn't an excuse, if you love her you'd respect her boundaries.

  40. Just think about your kids in the future. Say goodbye to vaccines, doctor visits, medicine, public school, college, etc. You dodged a bullet.

  41. Me and my only serious, long term ex broke up about 2 years ago. We were together 7 years, same deal, I thought she was the one for so long, but the relationship soured for reasons I won't get in to and we both just broke it off.

    Honestly? 3 months in and, for me at least, the pain hadn't even gotten as bad as it was going to get yet. Granted I probably hobbled my ability to process it by falling in to a year long very toxic rebound relationship almost immediately, but the honest to God truth is I found that nothing really helped me but time.

    I tried to keep busy and start going out again, and the rebound helped somewhat, but I'd still think of her at night, dream about her, the pain was unreal.

    But as time went on you just slowly forget. You start to heal. The most important step I made was breaking off the rebound and learning how to be on my own again. And the only way to do that was to just, be on my own, deal with the pain, life my life as best I could and wait for the pain to go away.

    I know none of that is really helpful but this would be my advice to you, when the pain feels at its worst and you feel like nothing is ever going to make it go away, just please remind yourself this isn't forever. It does get easier and it does go away, just really, -really- remind yourself of that fact and dealing with it now might become a little more tolerable, it did for me at least

  42. she is driving a wedge between myself and the group

    That friend is correct. Your girlfriend sounds exhausting. I understand not wanting to be added to the groupchat, because those are your friends and things can get messy.

    But, based on what you describe, she was totally making a big deal out of nothing:

    Eventually, there were a few interactions in the group that she felt were passive-aggressive towards her, i.e. not using reaction emojis on her messages, and a feeling that the other couple in the group was always trying to “one-up” her and I.

    That's it? She's mad because she thinks your friends don't laugh react to her messages enough? Do you agree that they are passive aggressive? You sound like you just repeat what your gf says to your friends without actually thinking about what she is saying.

    my GF now feels that my friends are getting off easy: that I should be harsher on them for disrespecting her.

    How did they disrespect her? What is she even talking about here? You're supposed to ground them? She left the groupchat because she didn't want to be in it and that's fine… what does she want from them now?

    Sorry man but your gf sounds legitimately insane and exhausting and I wouldn't ditch lifelong friends for her.

  43. You need to apologize unreservedly. A lot of other people have given you advice on that so I’m going to focus on you.

    Before you apologize, you might want to take some time to sit with your feelings. A lot of people are saying that, based on your initial reaction, you clearly want to have kids and that’s a non-negotiable. That may be true and it may not.

    You discussed having kids the same way you discussed having a home and traveling around Europe. In your mind, these were dreams you have together. In one sentence, without preparing you, she collapsed one of those dreams. So it’s understandable and even forgivable that you were emotional.

    What’s less forgivable is that you immediately jumped down her throat and insulted her for changing her mind about something that you admit you’d only ever joked about before. Ideally you should have sat down and clarified what you both wanted on these issues before you even got engaged. It’s as much your fault as it is her fault that you didn’t do that.

    So think about why you reacted the way that you did. Why did you lash out in a cruel way? Have you done this in the past? Why? You need to try to understand why you reacted the way you did so you can identify ways to cope differently in the future.

    Then, think about kids. Are you really okay with not having kids? What if you and your fiancé get married and then get divorced? Will you still feel that it’s worth it?

    Let’s say you apologize. You also realize that you want to be with your fiancée, kids or no. And your fiancée accepts your apology. Let’s say all these things are true. Sounds like it would be a good time to have a serious conversation (maybe not on the same day, but schedule it at least) about anything else you’ve joked about that you aren’t totally clear about whether you’re both on the same page

  44. Also what you've experienced is known as 'Poly Bomb'. If you google that you'll find stories and information that will help you navigate the situation.

    Many have walked the path before you to learn from 🙂

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