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13 thoughts on “Thickxhoneylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Those are core beliefs and fundamental to someone’s character. It is easy for him to be who you need and want right now while you are so far away from each other. But think about how a homophobic family or partner would handle it if you had a kid who was gay, what would happen when you forbid guns in your home, what happens when you are at dinner and one of them says something racist. Those aren’t things that change for most people. You don’t belong in that family or with that guy. You have different morals, core beliefs, and character.

  2. Don't do things only he wants to do.

    Don't accept being insulted.

    Don't accept your needs and concerns being ignored.

    So… Bread up with the dude that would rather chuck a tanty then consider his gf's needs

  3. While his joke is low class and uncalled for. Your reaction is way overboard. Go see a therapist about it, why are you reacting so harshly to a very stupid joke

  4. I'll be honest. Your rule seems needlessly dangerous. It sounds like a sure fire way to set yourself up for a dysfunctional but short marriage.

    I wouldn't get engaged to someone that I had no idea if I could actually on-line with.

    making this big decision less exciting… I’m wondering how much research my bf has actually done regarding rings… I feel like I’m losing the magic

    You've seen too many Disney movies, and you're obsessing over material things that don't matter. Twenty years from now, you won't care about the ring, you'll care about if you're actually compatible with your partner. You'll wish every cent spent on jewelry was put into something useful. Real life is about making well informed decisions, not taking exciting, life altering risks.

    Your obsession with a fantasy is a clear indication that you're not mature enough to be making a lifelong commitment like marriage.

  5. We only knew each other about 3-4 weeks before we started dating. He works on building homes, Monday to Friday. He lives with friends. I don’t know how to feel about it all :/

  6. Definitely wait a bit for everyone to calm down and then sit your husband down and ask him to calmly explain to you exactly why he is upset.

    It is totally weird to freak out over sharing a bed with your sibling. If he's an only child he may not understand sibling relationships, which isn't an excuse to freak out on you, but could possibly explain why his first reaction was disgust, because to him your brother is “a strange man” in what he perceives as his marital bed.

    Again, not an excuse. He is way overreacting. But communication is vitally important.

    If it turns out his concerns are about incest, then ask him some hot questions like does he seriously think so little of you that he assumes you would 1) cheat on him and 2) do so with your own brother.

  7. Well, I thought I could give advice, but you being in Iran makes it very complicated. Is your BF extremely conservative?

  8. Because paying rent is normal? I mean it's not different in the sense of leasing an apartment. If she would be living there why shouldn't she pay rent?……

    She is not taking out the loan hence why she is not entitled to be on the contract

    They been together for 9 months why on earth would he put her name on the contract?

    They aren't married nor are they even long-term partners.

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