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6 thoughts on “niyaasguylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Do you have a custody agreement? If not, Do Not allow him to be alone with your child.

    Chances are, he’s living in his car.

  2. Bro you liked a girl, she friendzoned you, you decided to stick around sending her gifts hoping for a change that would never come, she lied to you said she wasn’t ready for a relationship, but she was fucking someone else the whole time, and now you are trying to see how to rebuild the friendship? Move on, cut her off man what is wrong with you?

  3. Stop focusing on what he's doing with his life and move on to live yours. Why do you care what he's posting on insta. You're broken up. Blocking is usually par for the course. Just move on.

  4. Stay out of other people’s lives – you don’t belong there. You sound like a very petty and jealous person, and you are spending way too much time and effort to stalk her to “figure all this out”.

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