Gensha<3 the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Gensha<3 online sex chat

Date: October 13, 2022

127 thoughts on “Gensha<3 the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Why are you refusing to accept she doesn’t enjoy it? Oral isn’t the star of any show. There are plenty of other ways to go about things. This sounds more like you want to go down on her rather than respecting her.

    Oral does absolutely nothing for me, and it gets incredibly annoying to have to explain that or be badgered about it by every partner I’ve had.

  2. You should go out for nye.

    If you on-line together and comingle money its a red flag. If its all his money its a yellow flag.

    He should have let you know before the decision was made.

  3. You can’t. You blamed a rape victim without listening to his side of the story because he was the man in the situation so of course he was the guilty one. You brought up a trauma he already feels shame, disgust and hate for and reinforced those feelings. You turned a victim into a predator on your campus and you’re worried about your guilt first. You need to start by letting everyone you spread these lies to that you were wrong and out as much effort into fixing the on campus rumor as you did to blast and shame him.

  4. That's all good. Benefit of the doubt, sometimes people get pulled into things. I see you've stated it comes up again that's it, best you can do while giving her a chance.

  5. Come on man! Do not get back with her. She was trying to do better and it didn’t work out for her. She will cheat again, you know this.

  6. I’m sorry to tell you but you have very low self-esteem, that is why you defend his behavior. No one can tell you any advice unless you realize yourself his behavior is unacceptable

  7. Thanks! I’m actually going to have a chat with him tonight. He told me he’s committed to building a strong relationship with me and he apologised about me being upset about the girl and he said he’d be different but I just feel like he’s a grown man and he knew what he was doing all along. He knew how I felt about infidelity. He always talked bad about it too and his mom just recently went through a separation because of it and he was angry at his dad so he is aware of how it makes people feel so this just doesn’t feel like an “accident”

  8. Your choosing to choose between a man you've never met and would not in the foreseeable future be able to be with in person long term. Or a man that has been pining for you secretly while choosing to stay in a relationship. Honestly the LDR is the better options out of the 2. But I'm going to recommend you commit to neither of them. Your friend isn't a good friend or a good boyfriend and probably not a good person. You need to cut contact with him years ago.

  9. Info: doe the friend group know?

    Because I'm petty and to feel a little better, I would go to the party.

    Then have conversations with some of the friends telling them, “you know I'm glad I came. It's still awkward and uncomfortable with AP because of their emotional affair. But at least this is the last we will see of hee anytime soon.”

    Your husband won't like it. But at least they'll both be outed to their friends.

  10. To add, I had a cheating ex once, he attacked me every time I thought I caught him, I ended up being correct and looking back it was so obvious. The really nice sex is like a man gifting you after cheating too btw. I was young and crazy so I installed a spy app on his phone, and I wish I hadn’t, I saw things I wish I didn’t. So don’t do that.

  11. Oh yeah, I literally asked my husband what I should say and he said to either not respond or just give a short response saying thanks and hope he’s doing well too! I wouldn’t want to be anything but transparent with something like this in my marriage

  12. Hey, you just got your heart broken by someone who lied to you and was deceptive. It’s completely reasonable that you are hyper vigilant about women being untruthful with you.

  13. this is a great start. im not sure specifically what advice youre looking for, but if i am guessing right you want to know how to set and maintain those boundaries?

    if thats the case, whats helped me is researching and implementing attachment theory methods into all of my relationships – including with myself. i know attachment theory is a therapy-speak hot topic that gets thrown around a lot, but in all seriousness learning about it in depth from a therapy patient side (not an academic side as a psychology student) was immensely helpful. while most of the commonly accessible material relates to romantic relationships, the core of it is about building that security in yourself, and the methods used can and should be used in every relationship you have, be it romantic or platonic or otherwise.

    i recommend the personal development school channel on youtube as a place to start, but there are lots of (free) options if you dont like that one. you dont have to focus on the dynamic/couple based videos yet, rather the ones that center on sense of self and identifying our own needs first and foremost.

    i was in your shoes. frankly i still am, even if they are snug from growth. i wish you the best of luck.

  14. Newsflash: she's not your gf anymore. She's your roommate.

    Also, what were you doing looking through socks in her drawer?

  15. Don't have an affair, get a divorce. She is already checked out. Cheating would only make you more of “the bad guy” in the situation.

    I wouldn't recommend couples counseling at this point but you can always benefit from seeing a therapist for your own individual issues.

  16. Same! I became so used to it but it slowly wore away all my self esteem. I was so confident when I first got into a relationship with him, then he sucked the life out of me. It took a long time to build it back up.

  17. Wow this is so incredibly victim blaming and ignorant. Rape victims don’t “let” rapists get away with anything, and blaming OP for any future assaults (instead of blaming, idk, the actual rapists??) is incredibly fucked up.

  18. OP, be careful with this. I am hispanic and I have dated white men. My first boyfriend would make stupid comments like this a lot. I didn’t realize how he really did feel like this until he met my mom. I am a more “ethnic” looking hispanic, think dark hair, a bit tanner. I have german ancestry and my mom and sister are very white passing with my sister having blonde hair. As soon as he saw my mom he later told me he was happy that our kids had a shot of being white like him.

    I was a fucking idiot for not breaking up with him immediately. The comments did escalate and when we broke up, the craziest shit was unleashed from his mouth.

    I would observe and see if it progresses, if it does—tell him he needs to unlearn some racist, toxic shit and end it. There are plenty of people that will love and respect you, can play around with you without being racist.

  19. The one I watched started with their wedding too. Have your parents or anyone in the family said anything to them? You and your parents must be so hurt by their behaviour and actions, your brother does need to be confronted so everyone knows why he's behaving the way he is, I will warn you what he says probably won't make any sense to any of you.

  20. Hello /u/Outrageous_Clerk2335,

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  21. Honestly I thought I could change him…my fault. And he was great in every other aspect. He does most of the housework, gives me foot massages without me asking, makes me laugh, really he’s my best friend. I guess I didn’t understand how much sex would matter to me down the road and decided the 90% of our relationship that worked was worth committing to. Now that we are older my needs have changed.

  22. Hello /u/Hopeful-Radish48,

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  24. Nobody said she was infatuated. She loves his movies as she said and thinks he’s attractive but that only came out after the bf pushed her about it. I can say I love Morgan Freeman and by that I mean I love his voice and his acting. I don’t think he’s attractive but different strokes for different folks.She certainly didn’t say she was in love with him. In your example the person is a bit obsessed.

  25. Dude, what future? There is no future here for you. She doesn’t want you. She wants someone other than you. 8 months of rejecting you followed by cheating on you.

    Count down to midnight and when the ball drops tell her to leave.

  26. Hello /u/nesrinbo,

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  27. A healthy pet dog is not going to treat a house cat as prey. Fact.

    If you are some fucked up individual who teaches dogs to fight and starves them so they are more aggressive and more likely to lash out, that is entirely separate.

    Predators go for the easiest source of food. The IAMS a human gives a dog is much easier food than trying to fight another predator animal and eat it.

  28. Hello /u/THROWRA13940wa13,

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  29. you lied about an embarrassing and personal condition. he committed a type of domestic violence. these things are not on the same level. what he tried to do is called reproductive coercion and is criminal.

  30. Does he know you don’t plan on renewing the lease? You should tell him you do not plan on renewing the lease and your plan is to move home alone so you can save money once the lease expires. You know your BF better than reddit, so only you know if he will make things uncomfortable for you if you tell him now you’re breaking up versus waiting to move out. If you have someone mooching off you, they aren’t going to make it easy for you to leave because that’s the end of their free ride.

  31. I definitely agree with you. I never told her his salary, she just asked what he does for work and she just knew off of his job how much he makes (we’re all in the medical field so it’s pretty easy to estimate salary). This entire situation just really breaks my heart and I wish it wasn’t like this at all but unfortunately it is.

  32. There is no answer to that, you draw it when you finally decide to draw it.

    I’ve never been able to get over this girl.

    You've never actually given yourself a chance to. You're acting like an addict who still believes that they can get high on “special occasions” without fucking up their recovery.

    Don't wish her a happy birthday, don't check on her, write off as gone forever any belongings at her place and put anything of hers in the mail.

    Treat this like an addiction, read some 12 step literature, see a therapist, start making some kind of art.

    You don't even have to acknowledge that she's toxic but you DO have to understand that 2 people can both be awesome but not awesome together. Strawberries are wonderful. Clam chowder is heavenly. Putting strawberries in clam chowder doesn't work.

    I have an ex who is, objectively, a fantastic guy- smart, funny, achingly handsome , incredible in bed, competent….and I certainly don't suck…we had outrageous chemistry, amazing, the shit that they wrote poems about in Ancient Greece….and we brought out the absolute worst in each other. Neither of us is a bad person but we were a terrible combination. It sounds like that might be the case here.

  33. So then I hope you understand where I’m coming from. It’s not like I’d ever believe that my girlfriend would ever hold it over me, but at the same time I don’t want her to be the one having to take care of me. I’ll gladly give her the food off my plate and the shirt off my back but I can’t accept it the other way around. It doesn’t sit right with me personally

  34. The core issue seems to be the fact that you can't unwind at home because it's basically your second job

    You need to address the reasons behind your stress (could be multiple reasons) but for sure you need to talk to your boyfriend about going 50/50 on chores.

    OP has a boyfriend problem, not an alcohol problem

  35. He’s going to kill you. You need to leave now and start over- no person who loves you would ever put a gun to your head. You’re young and you can start over, be happy. Don’t stay a second longer than you need to.

  36. It's a long shot and an uphill battle at this point for op. He's had his suspicions for a while and waited until the kid was 15 and raised him anyway.

    This isn't a cut and dry paternity thing anymore, he can apply all he wants that doesn't mean a judge will even care to look at dna results at this point. IT would be different if the child was an infant or very young. Not so much the case when you wait this long.

  37. Stop making excuses for him. He's not using defence mechanisms, he's not like this because he's been hurt or any other weak justification you care to throw at the wall in the hope that it sticks. He's a manipulative piece of work who is breadcrumbing you (in other words, giving you just enough to keep you trailing after him and hoping for more) because he gets off on you massaging his ego and the power it gives him over you. He's giving you less attention right now because he's getting his fun elsewhere and doesn't need you to top him up, while still doing justabout enough to keep you around in case his other sources dry up.

    Listen to your friends. Walk away, cut him off, block him everywhere and start mourning what you thought you had while accepting what you really had (which was nothing but self serving bullshit on his part). There's a chance that once you walk away he'll suddenly have an apparent epiphany and start pursuing you – don't fall for it! It'll just be more manipulation to being you back under his spell and once he feels he has you secured again he'll be back to blowing hot and cold and treating you like shit.

  38. Ask your wife exactly how she feels about Sasha now, hopefully she gives you some clarity that her feelings are in the past. Then follow up with asking her to set some boundaries, I would personally say something like “it sounds like your relationship didn’t develop in a very healthy way and she still seems toxic now. It hurts to see you so involved with someone who wants to pretend I don’t exist to you. I’m not going to tell you what to do but is there any way you could more concretely tell her we are together and happy, and that she needs to have a more minor spot in your life if she’s going to stay in it? I don’t think it’s right how much she expects from you and undermines me.”

  39. My fear is: what if he is hiding something dangerous about his mental health and we leave him alone facing it?

  40. Women are not property, so you didn't need to ask him for shit. He's just mad because he likes her but he's too scared to commit, and she obviously wants some fun. She can sleep with whoever she wants, and so can you. He's immature.

  41. It sounds like her fears are valid, the best gift would be accepting her feelings. After ten years a last minute Hail Mary and attempt at therapy might be too little too late.

    Just talk to her, tell her you’re willing to work on yourself and the relationship if she still wants to.

  42. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    First of all we've been married for almost 3 years now, and this friend of mine is also a mutual friend we've known each other since college for many years and I consider him to be pretty close to both my wife and I. Basically a few days ago we were hanging out (friend, myself and a few other friends) and I incidentally saw his gallery on his phone while I was using it (changing songs on spotify on his phone and incidentally saw his other apps running while switching apps) and immediately there were like at least 10 to 20 pics in his gallery of what seems to be risque selfies of my wife in lingerie (no full nudes) and they look like they were taken in our bathroom, I of course have no knowledge of this kind of pics, and immediately I took my friend outside (not in front of our other friends) and called him out on what I just saw on his phone I was also about to call my wife about it but he stopped me and said it was all him and that he stole it off of her phone and she had nothing to do with it, at the heat of the moment he kept apologizing but I don't think I took in much of the explanation and the night obviously ended sour, didn't say anything else to him or any of our friends but went home and I immediately told my wife who was also appalled and shocked about it all, now I don't know what to do and I feel like I'm still in a bit of shock on whats going to happen since it's been a few days and I haven't talked to my friend who has been texting me but I just told him I'll talk when I feel ready. If I recall right he tried to explain when that night that the photos was literally he saw them by accident while trying to fix something on her phone and he didnt resist and saved them but then forgot about it or something like that. The thing is we've known each other for a while and honestly I don't know where to go with this friendship, since he's also my wife's friend her opinion is to just forget it ever happened and move on but in my mind I don't know and I don't know if I should even try to hear his explanation again and what to do going forward. I do feel like I'm not even thinking straight right now so I'm hoping that reddit can give me some advice on what to do, what are my next steps?

    tldr – found photos of my wife in lingerie on friends phone, apparently he stole the pics from my wifes phone, haven't talked to him since then and its been a few days, what do I do now?

  43. Honestly, 8 years isn't that big of an age gap. Can you talk to your mutual friend and see if this guy has a history of seeking out younger women? If not, I wouldn't say it's a concern. Keep your moms advice in the back of your head, but don't let it control your decisions

  44. You don't know what you don't know. If you're married that's one thing. But, I bet I could go hang out at a local hotel bar by the airport next weekend and hook up with a married woman who's there on a business trip.

  45. Okay, so Im the wife that earns more than the husband and honestly we dont even pay attention. I maunly manage the finances and, of course, always tell him whats up. My income covers mortgage and hoa and his covers the bills and groceries. Honestly that shouldnt be a problem.

    Now, as a wife and partner I do want him to earn more because HE wants to earn more. I dont push him to, and thats okay. Just know that she most likely see other things besides that. I normally take care of the cooking and some of the cleaning. He mainly does all the cleaning and laundry we share the chores which helps a lot significantly in the balance.

    I think its find just balance each other in finances, chores and everything else. It will be just fine.

  46. 100% love languages, read up, learn, be better.

    Question – you say you pay for a lot of activities/when you go out. How often do you plan those activities/outings? Does she always plan them? Do you say “hey, I thought doing XYZ would be fun so I looked at your calendar and figured out when we could both go, made sure all the timing was right, found a place to eat while we are out, and will pick you up at A time!”

    Just wondering. Any chump can pay for activities or food, but actually sharing the load of a relationship is not something that men know how to do.

    Second Shift is a great place to start your new adventure into sharing load.

  47. too emotional

    This would be more convincing coming from someone who wasn’t overcome by emotion to the extent that they go on random rants about the fanfiction they make up in their heads about other people’s lives

  48. It sounds like she expects you to carry the burden of the conversation. This is a pet peeve of mine, how can people expect a conversation to continue if they give you nothing to reply to? But it sounds like conversation is really important to her, so if you want to keep her interested, you'll probably have to make an effort to respond even if she's not giving you anything to work with. Maybe just change the subject if she leaves you in the lurch? Ask her a question about something that could start a new conversation.

  49. As much as I am petty and would ABSOLUTELY GO SUPER NOVA ON THEIR ASS. I'd go with this, give them no reason to play the victims.

  50. Have you ever considered that while your idea came from a place of caring, it was crazy?

    Like, that was the first thing you thought of when your wife told you a family member is sick??

    Go to you wife. Agree that was a crazy and stupid idea.

  51. Ahhhh I can't remember em all atm but so far, I've got him bento cakes (inspired by pintrest hehe?) to cheer him up or whenever he makes some sort of progress I get him cute small cakes. And I've gifted him his favourite band (Megadeth) merchandises and also his favourite anime figurines. Apart from that, I occasionally like to bombard him with flowers, chocolates and handwritten letters hehe I understand gift giving is not a competition but I feel like sometimes I deserve something nice aswell?

    Ah so the basement of his apartment complex has about 50-100 cars w people coming in and out ALL THE TIME so I sort of have this fear that people might see us (and potentially record us and blackmail us— just my irrational fear). Apart from that, I come from a very collectivistic community and sex before marriage is a huge no-no. Not that it is inherently bad, it's just that coming from my culture I feel like my parents would be very disappointed if I did it. Um, they sacrificed a lot to send a small village girl to this huge city for her higher education and I am super grateful for that! And I think that when I'm not focusing on my goals and getting distracted I'm essentially disrespecting them and their sacrifices. I don't know whether I'm making any sense or not but yea?

    Also I'm kinda unsure how to bring this talk up. Can you help me w some prompts? Thanks!!

  52. even if it's not intentional these types of questions are mind-games. It puts the other person in a spot, where the “wrong” answer creates unnecessary problems. They get the “right” answer, you get your validation. BUT if they're unable to convey it in a way they you're convinced because let's be honest, the “right answer” is a lie, they're in trouble. If you have to tip-toe your way out of a question, that's a fuckin mind-game.

  53. Your fiancée has the wrong perspective and focus of marriage. She's focused on the “appearance” of your wedding more than the actual goal of the wedding……you. And on a related note, of what's important to you.

    I hate to say it because she is sad, but this is vanity. Vanity is self-serving. Vanity could influence other situations at some point.

    I won't say that she won't ever be good for marriage, but I don't believe she's ready for it at this time. In marriage, you try to put your spouse ahead of yourself(in loyalty and commitment)…..and in this case, she's putting her and her ego as first place.

  54. She cheated. It's over. Burn the relationship, everyone here saying you need to step up are fucking insane.

    She was unhappy and instead of communicating it, she fucked some other dudes. You think they just kissed? Adults don't kiss grow up.

    She was having her partner watch the kids while she fucked other dudes behind her families back.

    Why would you want to save this?

  55. So it seems like your girlfriend had no remorse, your brother had no remorse, your parents have no remorse. There are a few things in life where you can legit cut out your family members, and no one would blame you or try to change your mind, and this totally is one of them

  56. Sure, everything’s fine for him.

    I think it’s time for a little pressure, like regular sex like in the beginning or you walk.

  57. They are married.

    But yes… it sounds as if his life had been narrated differently to his parents.

    They seem to know op. But maybe not that they are married.

  58. This isn’t about her. It’s about him being a totally shit person. Kick him out and focus on you and your kid.

  59. Chill let the feeling be there it will pass and you'll fall again its normal to feel swings and roundabouts sometimes.

  60. I dunno dude sounds like she is getting everything she wants from the relationship including guilt free cheating. What are you getting and why stay?

  61. Please don't try to act as if you'd be reaching out to his new gf out of the goodness of your heart. You are jealous and just want to be petty because he moved on so quickly. Keep out of it.

  62. If somebodies wife literally looked like a child and they were talking shit that my wife looked old and haggard that would definitely not help the pedophile vibe.

  63. Congratulations on the impending conception of your first child.

    Fun Facts: The Rhythm Method is unreliable.

    Another Fun Fact: Birth Control Pills were developed by an American Catholic in the hopes that it would be compliant with Catholic Forced Birth dogma.

  64. Why on earth would you ask that? I don’t think that just because she came the most with him means you know how she views your sex life. She didn’t tell you that’s how she feels. You decided that based on a question that wasn’t about how she views your relationship. How much she enjoyed sex with another person has nothing to do with how much she enjoys sex with you. It’s not a zero sum game. Are you in therapy? The way it sounds, you may need to do some self work before you’re ready to be in a healthy relationship.

  65. You're a strong, independent woman and absolutely should be paying half. It's only equal. But he should pay you for the housework if he's not doing 50% of it. He should be paying 50% of the gas required driving to and from the grocery stores.

    Quite frankly he sounds like a wierd-o. Who comes at a loving relationship like a fucking accountant?

  66. I think i'll take the risk .. i cant help what the heart wants… why stay in an unhappy relationship you know

  67. Pack up and get ready to move out. He'll either backpedal or you'll know it's time to go. Your car is a lifetime commitment.

  68. How is it a double standard ? The same scenario would be her joining her girl to do her girls husband

  69. Yeah he can do so much better than you.

    You don't deserve him.

    If you actually care about him, end it so he can find someone who won't lie and deceive him.

  70. If that was literally the message, you're not biased. You're being an adult while your SO is being a child. What is making you doubt yourself here? Has he been fairly critical of you?

  71. I would never normally suggest this but –

    “right. Im absolutely sick of your attitude. Youve been disgusting to me. Ive let you treat me likr shit for way too long. You might wander round thinking your jack the lad right now but i swear to god, if you dont sort yourself out. Treat me with respect or at least be civil towards me and stop treating me like literal shit, I'll not only be lettint everyone, and I mean everyone, know you fucked me. But ill be letting them know just hos bad you were at it as well as what youve been doing to me since thabjs to your oen internalised homohobia.

    I dont wanna hear one more put down, threat, snicker, anything from you because im hapoy to let our tutors know why youre acting this way at this point

    Eind your neck in. Leave me the hell alone”

    And walk away

    Make sure someone like the counsellor knows of whats happening or of nay threats he has made so as it anything does happen its been talked about before

  72. I would never normally suggest this but –

    “right. Im absolutely sick of your attitude. Youve been disgusting to me. Ive let you treat me likr shit for way too long. You might wander round thinking your jack the lad right now but i swear to god, if you dont sort yourself out. Treat me with respect or at least be civil towards me and stop treating me like literal shit, I'll not only be lettint everyone, and I mean everyone, know you fucked me. But ill be letting them know just hos bad you were at it as well as what youve been doing to me since thabjs to your oen internalised homohobia.

    I dont wanna hear one more put down, threat, snicker, anything from you because im hapoy to let our tutors know why youre acting this way at this point

    Eind your neck in. Leave me the hell alone”

    And walk away

    Make sure someone like the counsellor knows of whats happening or of nay threats he has made so as it anything does happen its been talked about before

  73. This situation is horrible. Being made to plan a wedding you don't want, then being criticized at every step, despite no help.

    First – this situation is unacceptable. Halt and cancel all plans. Hand the planning on him to restart if he wants.

    Second, consider putting it off indefinitely. If you can't coordinate a wedding together, and he's behaving this poorly, how will you manage a household? Finances? Kids? There are so many complicated things to handle in life. It sounds like any coordination and management of your life going forward, he will likely dump in your lap, refuse to help, but be very open with complaints and criticism.

  74. He hasn’t bought you a ring or gave you a ring so In case you didn’t know that still just makes “just a girlfriend “ ?

  75. The man orgasming is 99% the end of the sex too

    Sorry to tell you this hun but that is just plain incorrect. There are many MANY ways to have sex both with and without orgasm and limiting it to that sounds, quite frankly, stressful. It sounds like you are really hung up on this while he isn’t, and while I can imagine he doesn’t want to put pressure on you he probably doesn’t feel super great about it either. It may take a while for his medication to be balanced out so that it doesn’t interfere with his sex drive, but honestly it sounds more like you are feeling insecure because of it. That’s perfectly normal, but this isn’t your fault. I would highly suggest you focus less on orgasm and more on making him feel good in the interim while you figure out this medication issue. If you’re just waiting for him to blow his load then that puts a lot of pressure on not only you but him too and would ultimately make sex more of a chore.

  76. I couldn't on-line how you've described. If you won't break up with her, you are resigned to living like this. You two are just not compatible.

  77. He is an AH. Who the hell calls someone like a animal? STOP answering. Tell him if he wants to talk to you, USE YOUR NAME.

    Maybe start spraying him with a water bottle like they do to pets which misbehave. No, I don’t think you should do it to your pet, but this AH absolutely. Maybe he’ll learn.

    I get it he called you a pet name or something, but a f’in whistle? No! It feels degrading because it is.

  78. The very person you shouldn’t have paired up with is Claire, go back to therapy and end this relationship you are not ready

  79. What would Emily think of him if she knew he did this? If she was a loving person she would want her family to have happy and fulfilling lives.

  80. Pot calling the kettle black over here. You can dish it out but you can't take it so you are going full nuclear because she got one up on you. Sure, continue to on-line a petty and small life. It doesn't matter if you were 15 or 30 when you did this. She's 45, she did this and you think it is appropriate to cut her out.

  81. i mean i didn't read any the context just the title. if the context is about a father putting his mistress above his kid then whys it say it's about a step mom wearing white?

  82. Thanks for your honest opinion, maybe you are right, but maybe not. If I had read this a few weeks ago, I guess my reaction could be similar, but this situation now overhelmed me, because I never had anything like it.

  83. All of this is terrible. It’s abuse and manipulation. He wants to micromanage your life and then get upset whenever something doesn’t go according to plan. He wants you to justify every effin decision. He takes everything personally. He attaches ridiculous meanings to innocent things.

    It’s impossible to keep him happy. But if you could, it would require jumping through so many hoops, it would consume your whole life. You’d lose yourself.

    If that level of control feels right to him, there’s something deeply wrong with him.

    Of course I’d recommend leaving him. But either way, I’d get yourself a therapist who’s knowledgeable about emotional abuse. They’ll help you understand what you’re seeing and how to handle it.

  84. You should, because the feelings you just described are what your fiancé feels every time this happens to her. Except she’s trapped in the situation and can’t get her bearings.

    Please intercept every time in the future. It might even give her the confidence she needs to start standing up for herself if she sees you standing up for her.

  85. I'm not arguing your right to choose because it has nothing to do with anything. The kid is already here the decisions have already been made.

    I'm sorry for assuming but that's why I asked first and that's why I said I was only making an assumption but it really doesn't change my opinion. As someone who was raised by a single mother who knew my father was incapable of being a decent parent and left him when I was still young. I can tell you you're setting this kid up for a less than ideal life with your mentality.

    You grew up with your parents so you don't know how it feels to grow up without a dad. Wondering why your parents aren't like everyone else's, how it feels to watch someone do stuff with their dad when you haven't seen yours in years. How awful it feels thinking you're the reason your parents don't like each other and that list can go on and on you have no idea how much therapy I still need just because my father wasn't there. Now obviously a healthy one parent household is better than a unhealthy two parent household but nothing is better than a healthy two parent household and you've made the decision for yourself to deny that from your child.

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