FaithDon live webcams for YOU!


Hi Guys, I’m without a guy today

Date: October 12, 2022

14 thoughts on “FaithDon live webcams for YOU!

  1. My mom worked 2 jobs up until the day she squirted me out, and she did it by choice not necessity (dad made good money). So, your gf sounds like she's a lazy POS tbh.

  2. Ice skating was the most defining thing about the relationship? It doesn’t sound like you should be in a relationship if you cannot fathom taking part in an activity without imagining your ex instead. It doesn’t sound like you are over them at all.

  3. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “A drunk mind speaks a sober heart.” I’m sorry. He sounds like a prick. Please don’t waste one more day with this complete loser.

  4. I could imagine doing that as a prank when I was a child. But as an adult? Be glad he showed you who he is before you got beyond just dating.

  5. Not taking away from what others said about this being a probably relationship ending issue, but out of curiosity: you said she thinks about it like having “two toys to play with”. Is she sexually dominant? Have you guys done S&M stuff before? I would understand the aversion to being restricted on something basic like kissing in a dom context (although I personally can think of enough ways to not need it), but tbh, in my opinion in a good d&s context the sub makes the rules generally, so she also is not doing that correctly. I would definitely at least suggest honestly talking about Sex and kinks. That ks still very likely to lead to you learning about an incompatibility, but it's the only way I can see a possibility of the relationship not breaking apart. Definitely do not do her kinks/fetishes just to keep the relationship. If you can stomach them, you can try them out. Maybe you are also into some things, maybe she loses the interest in the threesome. Very likely though, you are going to find why you should break up and then move on.

  6. I totally agree that cheating is a reflection of one's character – namely a lack of integrity.

    However… you might want to spend some time hanging out on some of the infidelity subs, particularly the wayward ones.

    The “I went out partying and never intended to cheat” narrative is so common it's a cliche.

    I'm not at all accusing you of secretly being open to this by the way. I don't know you at all. I'm merely pointing out that most people I've talked to that mistakenly had a one night stand went into it saying exactly the kinds of things you are.

    Some people will never cheat. I've been propositioned when my partner could never find out, or even propositioned while separated and moving towards divorce and never went for it. You could be the same – you just don't have it in you.

    However, not recognizing the risks is also unwise. Booze, drugs, and a party atmosphere can lead to behaviours that people might regret the morning after.

    I personally don't put myself in those situations even though I'm sure of myself… partly because no one is bullet proof, but mostly because I never want my wife to feel insecure about our relationship for any reason.

  7. She sounds really manipulative and he sounds blind to it.

    I don't think she actually wants to be with him, but she doesn't want anyone else to be with him either. So, if he was single, she wouldn't go for it, but whenever he's involved with someone, she vies for his attention.

    It kind of makes me wonder if there's a way to get him to open his eyes to her ways without you coming across as jealous, but I don't have any specific advice. Have any of his male friends tried to talk to him about her?

  8. This relationship isn’t a fit for your GF. She just needs to get out of it. It’s been this way for 4 years. She’s either to needy to leave or she’ll just do the same thing as your ex wife.

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