NeoMira on-line sex cams for YOU!


30 thoughts on “NeoMira on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. It sure does!

    It’s not about who he was or what he did. It’s about who he is and what he’s doing. And what he’ll do tomorrow.

  2. Your girlfriend is most likely exhibiting these highly passive aggressive behaviors because she is annoyed or jealous of how much time you’re spending asleep. ? I would examine why she feels you sleep too much, or leave.

  3. Lmao I'm 36, I got married at 26.

    26-28 is the exact perfect time in your life to settle down and start a life with someone. Go sit down.

  4. Thank you for commenting, it’s just so odd that I feel a sense of loneliness now that no one is needing my constant attention. I know she’s not good for me, but my brain misses that? I don’t understand myself

  5. I literally went the very next day after unprotected sex and tested positive for chlamydia. I obviously did like you said though as far as the timing for testing for hiv though.

  6. But you didn't help him. You blundered into a situation you clearly hadn't listened to him about, thought you knew better than he who had lived it, forced him to break boundaries, and have thoroughly made things worse for all concerned.

  7. You feel she's out of your league and you try to compete, that will only end in misery. The best you can do is enjoy your time, don't try to over- compensate don't be clingy. If you go into 'enjoy-the-ride-mode' you get relaxed, more confident and kinda indifferent, now you're totally freaked out, in fear of loosing her, not being enough etc, that will turn just toxic or she will loose interest or her respect for you.

  8. Yikes. She literally thinks she can just snap and have these men adore her. OP is a pretty abhorrent person and these guys can tell and correctly avoid that bullet

  9. Rough patches happen but nothing in your post explains the problem, just your fears about being single.

    You have to find the cause of the rough patch and address it. Relationships take work and things are not always effortless. If you've had reservations in the back of your mind through the whole relationship then it sounds like you don't think it's the right relationship but you're too afraid of failing or being alone to pull the plug.

  10. That is honestly one of the greatest things I’ve heard. Thank you for highlighting this for me. I never thought about it that way, and I have to find a way to understand what this is. I have no clue where to start but maybe time will help me see it. bless you too and thank you so much for being part of my journey in discovering this part of my life. I’m really grateful

  11. Tell the dude's wife.

    If you don't have kids, dump her.

    If you do have kids, you should probably dump her anyway.

    She isn't even apologizing for what she did, right?

  12. Tell the dude's wife.

    If you don't have kids, dump her.

    If you do have kids, you should probably dump her anyway.

    She isn't even apologizing for what she did, right?

  13. Once the trust is gone…it's gone unless she works on rebuilding your trust for her.

    While my trust in my girlfriend has been shaken, I still believe in her and want to work on rebuilding that trust. It's going to take time and effort, but I have faith in our relationship.

  14. You have a suckerfish attached to your back.

    Oh, poor baby, the suckerfish resents his host!

    Maybe you can figure out what to do about that.

    Seems pretty obvious to me.

  15. He did this on purpose to push your boundaries and force you to 'give' a little on them. He'll do this time and time again until your boundaries no longer exist and you feel as though you aren't allowed to have any.

    He knew you didn't like this but deliberately left his own fries untouched and helped himself to yours?? It was 100% on done on purpose to push your buttons.

  16. I really hope my sister is just an idiot, and isn't trying to ruin my relationship. And yeah, internet history proved that my GF is innocent.

  17. Yeah….no. Nope. Live sexual gratification/behaviour needs to be agreed. It’s like sexting and most people regard that as cheating.

  18. Thanks and I don't think I'm an extreme anomaly so hopefully I won't have a serious problem if I'm careful

  19. May I recommend the book “Psychopath Free” for when you're hurting. Just remembered the name for later. It's a very gentle book on healing from what you're about to spend the next 5-20 years experiencing.

  20. You were 17 and 19 when you started dating? Big red flag on his part. And his reaction to you not texting back on his time frame is abusive, manipulative, and controlling. Even bigger red flag. Oh and he doesn’t respect your stance on religion and would rather fight with you until you agree with his views? Come on.

    I know you’re young and it may feel very difficult but please let things end and move on. Don’t be with this guy. Sounds like an abusive jerk. Cut your losses! You’re better off without him.

  21. As an old person, I couldn't put up with anyone this insecure who asks me a bunch of questions about a comment I made. But I'm assuming you said she's undateable because you don't find her attractive/or do find her attractive but awful (the character)? Perhaps develop some discretion in your communications. You say you don't like to lie, but you don't have to lie to be discreet and judicious in how you say stuff. Good luck.

  22. He's manipulating you into ignoring your boundaries. That's not good. That's not healthy.

    He doesn't respect you. Do with that what you will, but I think you should break up and find someone who will share your sexual compatibility and actually respect your feelings.

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