Tasty Justin check my FANSLY page https://fans.ly/r/TJ the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Tasty Justin check my FANSLY page https://fans.ly/r/TJ, 26 y.o.

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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Tasty Justin check my FANSLY page https://fans.ly/r/TJ

Tasty Justin check my FANSLY page https://fans.ly/r/TJ live! sex chat

Date: October 12, 2022

21 thoughts on “Tasty Justin check my FANSLY page https://fans.ly/r/TJ the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This is what I think, too, that she's literally just talking about scratching down there, like how men scratch their balls sometimes. She sounds very repressed due to her religious upbringing, so I also am in the camp that I doubt she's been masturbating her whole life.

    OP, I don't know what “materials” you showed her, but I think you just confused her. The motion of scratching an itch down there can look similar to “flicking the bean.” (But you'll usually be doing it for longer if you're masturbating, lol.) I think now she's scared that every time she's touched/scratched her vulva, she's actually unknowingly been masturbating.

    She says scratching an itch is not sexual, because it's not. (Just like how the mechanics of inserting a tampon can be similar to inserting a dildo, but that's also not sexual and not masturbation. And just like how men scratch their junk without that being sexual.) OP, I think you need to stop insisting that she's masturbated, because that doesn't sound like it's the case here. You owe this poor girl an apology for not listening to her.

  2. Block and delete her on everything and tell your GF to do the same. DON'T keep this from her she has a right to know that she being stalked by your Ex.

  3. Oh, yes. Part of my mental health issues definitely have OCD characteristics, I think. I don't do anything like checking to make sure the door is locked all of the time or having to nock a certain number of times. But there is an order to the way things need to be done and there is a certain spot/place where things go. If anything is out of wack at all I freak out. He is pretty good at trying to understand what I want and how I want it but absolutely doesn't understand WHY I want it that way and I cannot explain it. It's just the right way.

  4. He’s saying he’s worried about affording a ring before your leases are up, and your response is ”I don’t think it would be too difficult to save”. Girl, where is your compassion and willingness to compromise in this situation? If you really cared about being engaged/starting your life with him you wouldn’t let a ring stop you. From this it sounds like he wants to take your relationship to the next step but you’re holding off because of a ring. If I were your bf I would seriously reconsider. Because it’s saying you care more about that ring than the relationship you have and your bf.

    Get a cheap placeholder ring, what’s the problem here?

  5. I would just end this relationship.

    We on-line in a really weird society that validates behavior like this from women sometimes. If you tell her to stop talking to these guys then you will be labeled as a crazy controlling boyfriend for asking her to do something reasonable.

    Because at the end of the day the reason that these guys are hitting on her is because she's creating an environment where they can get on her by staying engaged with them.

  6. Absolutely go to court to have custody/visitation formalized.

    And also stop stalking her family. Her dad buying alcohol for minors is a nothing burger, and her being in a mental hospital is not the current state of her mental health. Neither will be helpful to you in a custody case.

  7. It's specifically about wanting to control women. The desire to control women, how they dress, what they do, especially whether or not they have sex, and also if they can have abortions seems very deeply anchored in a lot of religions.

  8. He is politely telling you he wants to end the phone call. 1 hours is a long phone call, I couldn't imagine talking to anyone for longer than that

  9. A polygraph is not reliable for anything. It's bullshit pseudoscience that is only used to try to scare people into telling the truth.

    You were both half hot. Something may have happened between you and the best friend, maybe not. This is why you don't get drunk to the point you lose memory of what happened. You're 26 and you're doing teenager shit. This will sound judgy and I guess it is but I don't care. Productive, reliable, good decision-making people who have their shit together don't get drunk to the point you did.

    Your BF/ex seems completely done with you. This probably hurt him pretty bad and he will never be able to fully trust you again. In which case, the relationship is damaged beyond repair because if you can't have trust, the relationship is doomed long-term anyway.

    You fucked up, lost your partner over it. I really doubt he's coming back at this point. Best you can do is learn from it and move on.

  10. The dog issue isn't how things normally go. That's what threw me off about it. When it comes to most important decisions, we do relatively well. Can you explain why it doesn't sound like we talk to each other like adults (aside from the dog issue)?

  11. I have my family on a 3 hours bus distance, I’m planning on visiting them one weekend but it’s quite expensive and my work hours are not the best for a quick stop. My closest friends are also travelling on the first week of March. My best friend is staying and offered to stay with me, so I’m considering that for a few days. I guess I’m just figuring out I got no routine at all for this year and a few months from 2022, and it’s bringing me “I can’t do anything by myself or at all” vibes.

  12. Pffff. Girl, let me tell you a secret.

    If your boo wants to cheat you, he will cheat you. With this friend, with a random girl, with a call girl, with anyone. Relationships require trust. You trust your boo will be a decent person and he trust you to be a decent person. That's the gist.

    What you showed him is that you are an insecure controlling person who is afraid of a platonic relationship and he shows you that he has no concept of loyalty for people that matters to him. Because I will tell you, if my boo asked me to stop talking to my friend because he is insecure, I will say buy before he could finish the request.

    Next time he will just lie to you because you with 36 Damm years old is as childish as a teenager. And when he finds someone that he thinks he can benefit more than you he will dump you because he easily dumped a long time friend.

    Enjoy your “relationship”.

  13. This understandably upset me

    Sure I get it, but it's totally not on them or their fault. they shouldn't have to be restricted just because you say so, because of your feelings.

    Losing my virginity is a fairly important deal to me : the nature of A and I’s agreement that he will get with other people

    Yet you randomly did it with him you're not in an exlcusive relationship with and understand that fact.

    You have a hot lesson here, you can't control stop or change other peoples free emotions and free will to do what they want.

    Maybe they'll respect its causing you issue if you brought it upto them, but they don't have to.

  14. She said she's planning on having kids with her new husband, so its not that she doesnt wanna be a mother, it's that she doesnt wanna be HER mother. OP is the lowest of the low. Anyone who choses a partner over their own child deserves to suffer a long, slow, tortuous existence. I hope that this guy leaves her so she's left with nothing and no one, and i have a strong feeling that exactly that is gonna happen.

  15. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I am in utter disbelief right now. This man does not trust me at ALL. Mind you I have not done anything remotely questionable to make him doubt me at all. He assumes when I’m on my phone tilting it to the left I’m hiding something when that’s not the case. He’s gone through my phone twice and went through personal messages between me and a close friend. Adding to that he’s went through my laptop and then didn’t even tell me until it was convenient for him to ask me a question so he could catch me in a lie. I could go on and on and he questions me in why I get defensive, but it is so irritating to be with someone who does not trust you AT ALL. I get questioned for everything. Two weeks ago he came into the apartment and we usually make our own little personal pies for dinner. I usually eat almost my entire pizza alone, usually only leaving one slice. Mind you I was home not only 30 minutes before he got home. He accused me of having someone over because and I quote “I never finish my pizza” he assumed I had someone come over in the span of his 30 minute commute and shared my last little slice. I believe we all have some form of trust issues but this is insane. He was hurt in the past and cheated on by his exes and friends but that has nothing to do with me.

    Which brings me to today, I go into the living room and I see him with headphones on. I’m like that’s weird he usually leaves for work. So he closes out his tabs and leaves. I call him after and ask him what was that about and he goes nothing it was nothing. Then he confesses he thinks I’m doing something and he is so certain he “caught me” because he had his mic set up and he heard me moaning. I am literally in disbelief because all morning yesterday we were texting because of his trust issues for him to go and do this? Based on the recording he said it was around 12:30/1pm when at that time I get ready for work because I left no later than 1:30. At this point I’m just in utter shock that he would go that far when I have not done anything.

  16. he wouldn’t invest the time & money he’s invested in me if he wasn’t serious about our relationship & that it would be illogical for him to cheat on me.

    That's a crazy thing to say. It only shows that he's serious about having sex with you – not that he's serious about your relationship.

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