Yeon online sex cams for YOU!


15 thoughts on “Yeon online sex cams for YOU!

  1. He needs to go see someone….if he is intentionally awake that long it’s usually a sign of anxiety or depression. (Source: I have had anxiety and depression. Sleeping habits were garbage).

  2. It can feel isolating and frightening not to know what’s happening in a loved one’s life, particularly when you care very deeply about that person.

    Your wife is very invested in you. She loves you. She wants to know what happened to you.

    All of these things are normal, but they are hers to manage. It’s a good idea for her to start therapy, too, so that she can have some help dealing with these feelings while you work on your trauma.

    I truly understand not wanting to talk about this with your wife. She’s too close. You need a bit of distance to be able to work through it yourself first.

    This is like if you’ve been shot. You don’t want anyone but the doctors in there digging for the bullet, but your wife has seen the blood all over the living room and wants to know who shot you and why. Both sides are entirely reasonable. Neither of you are wrong. It’s time to call in more support for both of you, because neither of you should be expected to mop up that blood alone.

  3. It is a huge red flag when you can never love the family of your spouse and it always is a sign that the marriage is not going to work. Especially if you consider them beneath you.

  4. That’s a valid point and normally I’m thinking clearly about stuff like this but I really didn’t say anything at the time except like “seriously?” And i do have to start being a little selfish when it comes to this, my feelings are important in this too and i just kinda make them take a backseat to his

  5. You DO have to “accept him” as he is because people shouldn't have to change to suit a partner's whims. But he has the do the same with you. You and this person just aren't a good match. You may have been great friends but you're obviously incompatible as romantic partners.

  6. Plenty of people called out the joke, so let me point out something else.

    I don’t know how to convince her that she has nothing to be angry about

    This right here is your first fault. You don’t get to decide, let alone convince someone, how they should feel. When someone wakes up with a migraine and feels miserable, would you say “oh stop, it doesn’t feel that bad, let’s go to the rave!”?

    I hope your relationship does die on that hill. You’re 30yo and act like a rebellious pre-teen. You shouldn’t be in a relationship.

  7. What do you hope to get out of spending more time with her? Is it for her? You don’t owe her anything. Is it because you hope she’ll apologize or change in the last few months of her life? I seriously doubt that will happen. Figure out WHY you think you need to spend this time with her. Then ask yourself how likely it is that what you hope for will happen. You don’t owe her anything. You never did.

  8. I mean that's completely fair, and I apologized for how I communicated with him. I didn't realize his comment made me uncomfortable until several days later and I certainly didn't want to bother him while on his work trip. I never intended for anything to be accusatory and just wanted to understand what he meant.

  9. No, it was not like anything I would have ever expected from her. She is not typically a very promiscuous woman.

  10. i’m so sorry. no matter what, you need to know that this was not your fault. you are right, we shouldn’t have to limit our lives to cater to scummy men. if you’re boyfriend tries to put any blame on you for going out, he is wrong. the rapist is always to blame for their actions, not you.

    but your boyfriend is justified in being concerned for your safety. are you going out alone or with friends? in the future, could you go out with a group and have a buddy system? do you and your boyfriend ever go out together?

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