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Room for online sex video chat alixfeeling

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Birth Date: 1990-02-19

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Date: October 11, 2022

24 thoughts on “alixfeelinglive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. So now you know you can't bounce your relationship problems off of “Daisy”. It's always amusing when people with huge emotional problems try to act like some voice of authority on emotional issues. But you already knew this woman was a hard mess with suicidal taste in men. Not even sure why you'd let this bother you when it seems so obviously laughable. Looking for sound relationship advice from “Daisy” is like asking a serial arsonist to guard your cache of fireworks. She can't form healthy relationships so she's trying to make sure no one else can either.

  2. u/user189271831, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. Do I just move out and move on?

    It's really shit what's happened and the timing is just awful but yeah, move out and move on. I wouldn't even attempt a friendship in that situation if it hurt that bad, distance will help get over it, clean cut. I hope you manage to find a place quickly too.

  4. Hello /u/Odd_Journalist_,

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  6. Woah there hoss…I was replying to the comment above yours pointing out that they tried longer than a year. Reel in being offended

  7. No problem. Guilt is well associated with things like anxiety, depression, and other things. I've been there. Like I said, I can go into reasons I think you might be feeling this but given you have a therapist I think it's best saved for them. Maybe come back to this thread if you have any more thoughts after your appointment.

  8. He says that's not his problem what his friend said or has done to me and i should fix the issue by myself by inviting her to the pub to discuss the matter. But I'm not feeling confident and because I'm a scared she would change my words and create more issues… She got the power.

  9. I think it’s concerning you were able to communicate your point fluently for days/weeks, and she undermined you by going to your mother directly to sneakily get her mother invited. She might “understand why” now, but does that excuse her ignoring your very very valid point of only wanting to spend time with your family? Absolutely not. I’m glad she’s come around though, hopefully this means you can enjoy your time with your family without having to cater to MIL.

  10. Really it’s no problem, don’t apologize. Enjoy, first I found moist then I found Nathan, my life hasn’t been the same since

  11. Ah sorry, forgive me, I misread apart of your reply. I’m used to not getting the most friendly replies on questions like this unfortunately. I’ve tried to think that way, but I guess it’s hard because I don’t really have an experience to compare it to

  12. He's purposely stringing her along to “save money.” He's disgustingly immoral. Why would you want to be with someone like that

  13. You have every right to feel how you feel. But I think you are overreacting here & making a mountain out of a molehill.

    It's pretty simple, you were away celebrating your grandma's Birthday, he didn't want you to freak out & for it to ruin your weekend. There was nothing you could have done for him since you were away, so what was the point in telling you and having you freak out and ruining the weekend.

    It really isn't a hard concept to understand.

  14. The problem isn't that he wants to go to Croatia.

    The problem is that he's putting exactly zero effort into your relationship. You're not insecure, you're a neglected romantic partner.

  15. No let him release the poor girl and he can for ever chase ads literally.

    I would bet money on: he don't even spent a second othinking of her and what she likes while he dreams about assholes

  16. This is amazing advice and you should apply it at any time of your life not just your first time! ?✨?

  17. You don't need a relationship. You need a therapist. Why would anyone stay in this relationship when you want so much more than he will give?

  18. The writing on the wall is pretty clear on this one. Might as well rip off the bandaid and talk about it.

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