Isabelle-adjanii on-line sex cams for YOU!


7 thoughts on “Isabelle-adjanii on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I’d reconsider this friendship as she is not supportive of you the way a friend should be. She took advantage of your trust in her opinions and hurt you to make herself feel better. She obviously knew what button to push too, because here you are defending yourself from her comment on Reddit.

    You obviously have not gotten more unattractive but you do mention having a lot of self-confidence and self-love, and that might be driving her jealousy too. As you said, she feels she has to change everything about herself to be attractive for mates, yet here you are gaining weight and only having more success in the dating world. It’s not you, it’s her.

  2. I’ve been in many a dark place in my life. In my personal life, in my professional life, and in my mind. Never have I resorted to abusing a partner??? Come on. Here is the largest red flag, signalling you to run as fast as you can in the opposite direction of your (hopefully) ex-bf.

  3. Like I said. Push out the wedding. Everyone wins. They both get their parties and she scores a husband still.

    If I were him I'd call the wedding off. Or, at least postpone it and see how things go for the next 3 years. If I'm having problems like this before the wedding then no way in hell am I going through with it.

  4. Arguing and disagreements at least once a month in only the first year of dating doesn't scream “happy and healthy” relationship.

    If you have to ask how often is TOO OFTEN, it's probably too often.

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