Lilu and Max the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Lilu and Max

Lilu and Max live! sex chat

Date: October 11, 2022

31 thoughts on “Lilu and Max the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Immature and entitled. She acts as though the world owes her everything simply for her existence. If I were you I’d put my foot down and set some strong boundaries, and let her know that you’re just as valuable as she is in this relationship, and if she continues to treat you like your actions and efforts don’t matter, then you will find someone who does think they matter. If she’s so unhappy with you being a simple human, she should be with a space alien instead, then maybe she’d be happy.

  2. Are you completely braindead or what ? She cheated on her ex with multiple dudes, and for some reason you thought she is a good person to date. And “shockingly” she continued with cheating and cheated on you with her ex, the same ex she was cheating with.

    Youre literally walking doormat.

  3. I'm sorry but you know you're the toxic one. I don't even know what you want to read in the comments except for how much of a bad partner you are

  4. You really have to watch out for yourself. And for her. She’s hurting you. Both physically and emotionally, the latter you may not even realize. What you need to do is draw lines and put in measures. You do this, this happens. You do it a second time, this happens.

    In the end, you will break up. Whether you want to or not. She’s unwell. This is how she will be your entire relationship. It won’t get better if you live together. It won’t get better if you get married. In many ways, that consistent access to you will only make her more and more dependent on you. This will only escalate. You think she makes you late now…wait until you have a more serious job and she gets you fired.

    Do you think you may realize now why she doesn’t have friends? Why she’s so threatened by yours? Why she wants all your time no matter what you have going?

    There are red flags all over. She will hurt you worse one day. Then blame you for it. And then you will wonder why you missed the signs. You didn’t miss them. You’re ignoring them.

  5. Do I let this messaging play out

    Absolutely fucking not. She is actively emotionally cheating on you.

    or do I draw the line and end things now over this ridiculous fake live relationship?

    This is the answer. This ofher person isnt isn't problem. Your wife seemingly thinking its okay to prioritize ger romantic relationship with some rando on-line is. She clearly does not give a fuck about losing you because she I pushing for it to continue.

    You should message this person and let them know your wife is married. It is not okay for them to be in the dark about that. They do what you will about yourself relationship with your wife.

  6. EWWWWWW! How do you know he didn't do it on purpose? There's always stories about someone having a random kink that they involve other people in without their full consent. Girl, it hasn't even been half a year and he gave you parasites and is mad at you for setting boundaries while trying to get rid of them. He's just been walking around with an itchy ass and being intimate with you! Why aren't you more grossed out? How much worse does it have to get?! There are literal animals with better hygiene. You can do so much better. Run away from him!

  7. Hello /u/ThrowRAACCCOUNTxf,

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  10. Is she still accomplishing everything she needs to accomplish at work? Has she changed in other ways? Does she still leave the house regularly? Is she more tired, listless in general? How does she feel about wfh? Does she love it or does she miss the office, coworkers, structure? Also, does she HAVE an actual desk/proper space to work? I personally have a desk at home but I hate using it so I sit at the kitchen table. Maybe there's something wrong with the space.

    If she is doing absolutely fine and it's just that she's lying in bed all day– try approaching it from a health perspective, bc tbh it is a health issue, spinal health and def mental health at least. This will be good if you can include yourself in it. Like, “I feel like we've been getting complacent lately and I don't think it's good for us. Want to try some health stuff with me?” If you haven't, you can also try taking her out for a lunch date or something. Give her a “reason” to get dressed.

    If she is NOT doing fine, chilling in bed is probably a symptom of a larger unhappiness. And in that case don't just bring up the bed and hoodie, bring up the larger mood. “I feel like since last year you've not been yourself. How are you feeling?”

    Basically I get where you're coming from. I also wfh and it's super important for me to have boundaries between life and bed. And it's super easy to let go of those boundaries and get complacent… but that means I have to keep it up.

  11. Hello /u/Glittering_Age8647,

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    [##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:

    [34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post

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  12. Would you be okay if your bf did this in the past before he was with you? Masturbating to other girls on social media? Or would you judge him?

  13. Trust your instincts and prepare to leave without showing him. Start packing a suitcase for your child and for yourself. Gather important papers and all bank information. Open a new account at a different bank branch for yourself only. Find an attorney and do what they say. Arrange a place to live. If you need a shelter that’s a good place to go. They can give help and keep you safe for a time. If you have family you trust then great. Do it ASAP.

  14. I'm not sure if I wanna take things the legal route but I appreciate the advice. I am getting out, I plan on moving my things out while he goes to work but I'm stuck for the weekend

  15. It sounds like this is a boundary for you and that's totally okay. I don't really see this situation as your fault or her fault, but just as an incompatibility.

    For those saying she's still in love with her ex, I don't think you are looking at all of the possibilities. I don't know her so I can't make a comment about her feelings for this guy, but if she says it is platonic, then I'm inclined to assume that's the case.

    I totally understand her point of view and I personally wouldn't date someone who had a problem with me being friends with my exes. I'm totally platonic with my exes and I've known them for years. Relationships can change and evolve over time and it doesn't mean that 100% of people harbor those feelings after breaking up, especially when they've had a 10 year foundation. So they were dating for 4 of those years, but for the other 6 they were friends (this literally mirrors the timeline with one of my exes).

    I think this comes down to trust, security, and compatibility.

  16. I love how everyone has exactly as much information as OP has and they're still getting mercilessly downvoted just in case the reasons are actually bad ?

  17. it is scary knowing that self-awareness didn't directly translate to improvement, but i hope i can do better than that. don't mean to make it about myself.

    but when you’re in the relationship it feels like your issues must be unique somehow.

    it is really like that lol. I have been in relationships where I was mistreated, and having access to the internet helped make it feel less isolating. I hope that with the advent of a new information age, our society can work on nourishing healthy and strong relationship skills.

  18. Ok so first things first go look at the 18 year olds. And see how young they look to you (they are probably starting to look really young/baby faced through your eyes) listen to how immature and remember how you feel about those 'teenagers' getting married, they are young and silly and think they know better right? Now they have an age difference to you of a THIRD of what this guy has. 'Old soul' yeah I've got some mature friends, but inexperience still affects you, your still not on the same page as him in life.

    Which leads us to point 2. Good chance guy is leading you on, what does he have to gain from marrying you? You already do all the wifey stuff. People who have been divorced are generally not keen to jump straight back into marraige, and I'll be willing to bet the ring is to keep you placated. He has enough experience to know “i don't feel ready to commit to anything. I think we should hold off on getting married. I don't know if i want to get married.” Won't fly well enough to keep a woman who has as many options as you do at your age. But a piece of shiny bait on the hook will keep you there so much longer wasting your time, and then he's got a good chance of you going “well it's been xyz number of years, do i really want to throw it all away?”

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