Terry the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Terry, 24 y.o.


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Terry live! sex chat

Date: October 11, 2022

2 thoughts on “Terry the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. She has admitted to having a fat fetish. It isn't even about the fetish it's just I feel like she isn't understanding that I can't always be there to help her and that I am my own person. All her previous boyfriends have been abusive too she said. Yet when she says things like she can easily find another boyfriend or it's my fault she is fat it just really makes me rethink the whole relationship. I explained to her I have tried showing affection and the such but she just says I don't or doesn't listen to what I am saying or thinks of it in a way that fits her way of thinking.

  2. I hope that this is a troll post, but in case it’s not …

    So she cheated on him but he wants to get back with her … why? She apparently doesn’t like you so why would she be ok with him to keep dating you? He wants to fuck both of you. How is that going to work? Are threesomes involved or is he just going to fuck each of you on a rotating basis? Are you allowed to go and fuck other guys, or is he the only one who’s allowed to have a harem?

    Yes I’m being deliberately crude and confrontational but I hope that’s highlighted how ridiculous this whole situation is.

    Tell him it’s over and move on. Or stay and have your heart broken. Your choice.

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