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Imaray_1_live sex stripping with hd cam


22 thoughts on “Imaray_1_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I'm leaning towards this. She not only lacks boundaries, but is persistent in breaking mine. The protection that meeting in public gives is very light suggestion for her to follow norms. When emotional, she may dissociate and then nothing matters. It's a really dark place and super embarrassing to have to participate in. It has put us in dangerous situations and in at least one situation I was suspected as an abuser.

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  3. Her sister has a two month daughter. It’s not that we can’t afford another one there’s no room and I don’t have time to be a father all over again

  4. I have not talked to him about it yet because I don't want to come off as superior or unsupportive. I was looking for some advice on what exactly to say and how harshly to phrase it before I talk to him. I don't want it to seem like I am bashing him or calling him stupid

  5. Your ‘club’ story is difficult to believe. What did the pictures show? Who took the pictures of you and why? If you were in a club apparel looking for a wallet the pictures of you should be pretty dull and support your story- is that the case?

  6. I think he started dating someone who happens to use coke maybe. That would explain the manic behavior and the ease of his cruelty.

  7. I'm with you on this because I work in horticulture. I have done independent landscaping work for 4 years and being in the rural south is literally the worst place to be. I was able to make $20/hr with a truck and a few pairs of shears. If he wanted a successful lawn business he could be charging +$80/hr for a 2 man crew to mow lawns anywhere with denser populations. Because lawn care costs more where more rich people are. That means suburbs, lake and river front communities, gated communities. Tourist towns and cities would not only have way more opportunity to grow, but would also would have higher potential wages. I on-line in a semi-rural tourist town on a lake and one of the big companies charges $125/hr for landscape clean up crews to cut back hedges.

  8. I love the way you've put this. I'll just say that if either of my parents cheated and broke up the family, I don't think I'd ever look at the other the same. I probably wouldn't be able to forgive him/her because I abhor cheaters.

  9. It's pretty easy to know how to react, the relationship is built on a lie. She has proved to a serial liar and deceiver, why on earth would you ever stay with someone like that? There is no excuse for cheating, it doesn't matter when it happened you end it.

    she’s clearly not given him reason to doubt her or done anything for him not to like her hence the loving post.

    Do you realize how stupid this sentence actually is? She has clearly proven to able to hide and lie like it's 2nd nature, he didn't know she cheated in the first place, so how would he know if she hasn't done it recently?

    Cheating isn't even the main issue, it's her ability to be a selfish lying POS that only cares about themselves while continuously claiming to love someone while lying to them and robbing them of an informed choice. She lied to him for 6 years, the cheating pales in comparison to that. She is not worth it.

  10. 19yo's make a lot of mistakes especially with relationships and sex. You should do what feels right but make sure you do it with eyes wide open. Either you're prepared to forgive her mistakes from the past or your prepared to demolish your future together for her mistakes in the past. Choice is up to you but make sure you take responsibility for your actions and response.

  11. I don’t want to forgive him but I have to for the family’s sake.

    You really don't. It isn't your job to keep your mother from being sad. It isn't your responsibility to bring peace to the household. It is OK if things are awkward.

    Honestly, my advice is to move out of this shared place and cut all contact with him, and cut most contact with your mom.

    Can you stay with your mom's friend some more? She sounds amazing.

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