Sofi-hill live! sex chats for YOU!



Date: October 10, 2022

7 thoughts on “Sofi-hill live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Your problem here started before the inappropriate chats.

    Your issue started with your gf going into a space where you weren’t welcome.

    My husband and I were playing our first campaign and it was weekly. We were all pretty good about showing up (husband and I literally never missed a game).

    Problem was that I started a job that completely conflicted with the schedule. I was dead tired during games and the dm got insulted that I was trying to keep myself awake by doing things between turns. (Think half an hour between turns)

    Things were said between the DM and I. I was frankly only waiting until the current arc was over to bow out. But he decided to ask me to step away. I asked him politely to reconsider. He was firm. Ok.

    In all honesty, I was relieved. DM was doing shady things and I was getting a feeling that the game wasn’t healthy anymore.

    Next day he contacts my husband about what the schedule would look like. My husband basically lol, we are a package deal, if she isn’t welcome then I won’t be there.

    That isn’t to say we don’t game separately, just that we never game with a group that excludes one or the other of us.

    As to that feeling? DM lied and told everyone that I refused to return and that he hadn’t asked me to step away. I kindly sent the entire discord chat on to the group and blocked all of them.

  2. I agree. I will find a few eating disorder therapists nearby for my mother to go to and try to convince her.

  3. Honestly you should’ve left the first time you saw it because there’s no way you saw her the same after that. But you gave it a chance and now you know how badly she misses and lusts for his dick. In fact every time you didn’t make her nut she went home, got her vibrator and pulled up her fave homemade video

  4. From your description, I honestly think he’s just respectful to women.

    He isn’t brash and he doesn’t want to do any of the gross things heterosexual macho men want to do. He’s moral, he’s good, he’s the golden standard and if he’s there, the guys who are assholes feel bad about themselves knowing he’s the good guy and he won’t do any of that shit.

    It speaks more about how bad other men are, even those you probably also know and love. They fear how obviously their misogyny and their ignorance will shone through around him. They don’t want someone good raining on their shit parade.

    Take it as compliment that those most vulnerable in your life feel safest around him.

  5. Break up. You don't love her, you love the idea of her. No one who loved her would speak about her the way you do.

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