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SweetCherry_Marylive sex stripping with hd cam


21 thoughts on “SweetCherry_Marylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Trusting you in what? What risk is he worried will happen?

    Damaging his car? An accident? Worry or replacing his car. (Which is a real issue currently in this economy).

    What would need to happen for him to feel more comfortable?

  2. Thank you! I really love everything you said. I agree it feels like it’s time to start having these conversations now that he’s hinting and joking about engagement and marriage and kids. I also like the idea of this being an evolving series of conversations and not just a one time thing. That sounds like a really healthy way to go about it.

    Also, he’s taking me on a weeklong trip to this really pretty old city next month for my birthday. Coincidentally, a lot of his family happened to plan a trip there the same week as us, but they’re supposed to be doing their own thing since it’s a separate trip from ours. I’m slightly worried that he’s going to pop a surprise proposal on me way too soon without us having a discussion on it yet. He keeps saying that he can’t tell me our plans there yet because it’s all a secret, so I’m slightly worried lol. I think I need to start having these discussions with him sooner rather than later.

    Also congratulations on getting engaged!

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  4. It could be beneficial for you both to see you'd be better off with other people. So from that perspective, yes it can be very helpful for some people.

  5. You’re definitely not crazy. I have a good relationship with my mom and had to stay with her after knee surgery. Seeing how she did not take care of herself and wouldn’t follow doctors directions made my sympathy for her plummet. We can’t care more for them than they care for themselves.

  6. Unfortunately with the information that she was wearing a t shirt and his hand was out of sight the implications suggest she might have understood the contact as flirting and was ok with it. He had to be fairly close to her to put his hands around her waist to being with. Maybe she is embarrassed that you caught what was happening and doesn’t know how to admit flirting. Or she genuinely didn’t realize it but it’s really naked to believe, that’s why I totally understand your post. Like how are you wearing a T-shirt, sitting next to someone you know is not your bf and not react to an arm and hand reaching and holding onto your waist. Ugh. Situation sucks.

  7. I‘m sorry to say so but I really don’t think it’s a good idea. Sure, it’s rom-com cute but she explicitly told you she isn’t up for anything romantic between the two of you. You should respect that.

    Odds are she’ll find it way more creepy than cute if you don’t respect her wishes so things between you will likely get very awkward. It’s even possible she’ll say you can’t be friends anymore since you want very different things and ignored her needs. And unfortunately, even on the off chance that she can be swayed to meet for a date, long distance across countries doesn’t work for most people, especially at your age.

  8. Let me break it down for you. You've met someone that you really connect with, and it sounds like she's pretty great. But you're also used to being able to have sex with your friends, and it's naked to give that up.

    Here's the thing, bro. Loyalty is a big deal, and if you're not sure you can be loyal to this girl, then you might wanna hold off on making any commitments. But if you're thinking she's the one, then you gotta be willing to make some sacrifices.

    It's cool to have friends and all, but if you're looking to take things to the next level with this girl, then you gotta cut ties with your friends. It's not gonna be easy, but it's worth it in the long run.

    Think about what you want in the long term, and if you're willing to give up some good sex with your friends for something that could be even better with this girl. You say she's the best by far, and if you're really feeling her, then it's worth it to give it a shot.

    But remember, if you're not ready to be loyal to her, then it's not fair to her for you to be in a relationship with her. You gotta be sure you're ready for that level of commitment.

    Also, It's not okay to lie to her and say you are single when you still have sexual relationship with other women. That's not right and it's not respectful to her. You should be honest with her and tell her your situation and have a talk with her and see how you can move forward in the relationship.

  9. We met!! Ahaha. Honestly I was over him completely and made other plans then he texted and called at like 5. I told him I had made other plans because I hadn’t heard anything from him and he apologised a lot and said he had just finished work.. I’m going to try and keep guard up for a while but honestly I’m glad I went. Thank you for your help:-)

  10. He's being really toxic towards you. Sounds like he's trying to break up, but not have to find a new place to live!. Or turn you into a roommate.

    You do not have to put up with this shit. Who cares what he wants? He's not a good person and he doesn't get to tell you what you can and can't do.

  11. Well, I got in a relationship 7 years ago and moved away for that person. That relationship ended a year ago. I don’t like it here and moving back there for work anyway. I’ve been away for a few years and am reconnecting with other people I was friends with. So I have people to hang out with and do stuff.

  12. Time to become estranged. It’s their fault, not yours. Sorry you had to be in this situation, you sound like a smart, capable, and caring guy. I hope you find people who treat you with respect because unfortunately, your family does not, despite your repeated attempts to address the issue. Cut your losses and run.

  13. What a terrible comment. If OP wanted to cheat, she would. She doesn’t need a personal trainer to do it. You’re as insecure as OP’s boyfriend! Congrats.

  14. I did, and none of it suggests that you have gotten serious psychological treatment. Every single one of your problems from past relationships are your problems to solve with the help of a psychologist who can help you move on from your past, find better ways of dealing with the pain they caused, and to stop yourself from making these issue his problem. No matter how you word it or approach this in the post you’re not getting away from the basis of the issue in him pulling away from your which is you making all these things from your past his problem to handle based on your behavior and how you deal with your issues because it’s seemingly unavoidable in the way you described it because you’re letting that past trauma rule your life.

    Based on your reply it doesn’t sound like you want to put in the work to be healthy and are just looking for a quick fix, it’s not something that happens over night and it does take time. The only person that can work on that is you, so either you take the time to do it right or he’s going to eventually leave you for someone that is willing to work on making themselves a better person and partner.

  15. I'm sorry dude but you don't cheat on people you love. Being drunk isn't an excuse. I think you want the idea of what you back because it is more comfortable than the reality you're living now. But you made your bed now you have to lie in it.

    You can send your ex an apology if you'd like where you acknowledge all your faults and wrongdoings. Maybe to give her some closure. But other than that leave her alone you've already done enough to her. The best thing you can do is give her the chance to heal and find someone who won't hurt her like you did.

  16. What is her problem with you why does she keep harassing you if my cousin told me that somebody would have treated them badly in high school I would not be dating them I would stand behind you because I love you and your family. Why does your family thinks this s*** is funny when it's not it's breaking your heart and they seem not to care. Don't go to any events that she's going to be at

  17. It sounds like he just wanted a place to talk about his problems that he may not have felt that weren’t important to being enough. Maybe it was just bugging him at the time so he decided to get it off his chest and didn’t want to make you feel bad so he came to a bunch of strangers who will listen for a quick minute

  18. It sounds like he just wanted a place to talk about his problems that he may not have felt that weren’t important to being enough. Maybe it was just bugging him at the time so he decided to get it off his chest and didn’t want to make you feel bad so he came to a bunch of strangers who will listen for a quick minute

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