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3 thoughts on “fairytalemialive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I am definitely thinking of that as the main option However they didn't even send out a cop that night based on the info of a woman screaming for help, so im unsure how helpful it'll be.

    She even lied to the doctor and downplayed what he did. Refused to tell her that she was choked.

    Like… a guy whose killed animals and beats women horribly. And now I've essentially put myself in the path of this shit and I worry what could happen to my own gf.

    Hell, the fact she told me hes killed cats. Multiple neighbors cats have died in the past year… I feel like ive caused myself so much unnecessary stress, not knowing might have been worth the guilt of not waking up.

  2. some kind of good deed he was doing to show his loyalty to his fellow coworkers

    If he only knew how quickly co-workers throw you under the bus once you go head-to-head with your employer

    How do i know?, 15 years of sitting at the side of people like your BF, as HR used their co-workers against them to dismiss.

    “but they said they would back me, i did it for them” …..sweet summer children

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