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9 thoughts on “xXXSexyamazonlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It’s up to you man, if you don’t feel confident/comfortable about it you can always leave as in any relationship.

  2. Getting a vibe she has narcissistic tendencies such that she uses negging as a way to try to control other people.

    She obviously cannot be a safe, loving and fulfilling partner.

    You need to divorce her comments from what you think about yourself. She is not coming from a place of loving honesty- but anger, disappointment and a desire to spread her misery. She said things to hurt you on purpose. Probably so that you focus on why this your fault, instead of considering that she is a nutty narc. See this for the manipulation it is.

  3. I’ll try this in an hour. God, you’re so right. I used to meditate and again, it never came to mind as an option to help with this. Why? Because of those spirals of self-hatred.

    You’re the best 🙂

  4. In all honesty stranger, I feel badly about myself when I'm with her

    That right there is really the only thing that matters. It sounds like this relationship is hurting you, and nothing about wanting to exit a relationship that's hurting you makes you a bad person. Nothing you have written makes you a bad person. You deserve to be happy. You deserve a relationship that makes your life better, not worse (if a relationship is even what you want).

    I know a lot of the above is cliche, but it's true.

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