Vasilisa the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Vasilisa live sex chat

Date: October 9, 2022

26 thoughts on “Vasilisa the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This is so. yuck.. tell ur mom if she does that you’ll move out and never speak to her again bc it’s fkn weird

  2. so wait, you shared porn with your ex, told your new boyfriend, then got upset with him when he did the same thing?

    On top of that, you say you see evidence that he has given it up, but are wondering if change is possible?

    You seem like a nightmare, honestly.

  3. Eh, not necessarily. She’s 28, she’s probably antsy to start family planning and is concerned that they won’t be in the right spot to do that when the time comes. The unfortunate reality is children are very expensive to raise. Perhaps she was planning to stay home with a baby, and now that option is seemingly off the table for the time being. Maybe that was super important for her. Everyone has their preferences. She had an expectation and is seeing that the future she envisioned for her family might not be possible. I don’t think that her expressing doubt about their financial future when things are uncertain is enough to call off an engagement for, as it seems she’s just communicating.

  4. I did mention she is a loser thats how the world sees her but in my eyes I can see her worth, I am attracted to that certain archetype that many people would label as “losers”

    his is one of those awful bait posts about age gaps

    please why are you devaluing my experience? this story i just told is one of the most intense experiences i've had in years that could potentially determine my entire life only for you to say its a “bait post” .. im on a burner account … thanks …

  5. I went through this recently as well. We split up and he ended up moving back in with his Mother. I'm now realizing how toxic a lot of my relationship with him was…

  6. If he shows up, can you leave the box of his items with the door man? Then you don't need to deal with seeing him.

  7. Have you ever played adult hockey? Because I've played on lots of men's rec teams with women who changed with the men.

  8. Honestly you sound jealous. I don’t buy that you did this with noble intentions. If you really felt bad about him not knowing, why not tell him sooner than a year in? Was your sister not imploding this relationship fast enough so you thought you would step in to speed up the process? I don’t agree with your sister to withhold the information, but it was her lesson to learn naturally in the relationship why that wasn’t cool. Of course she is mad. You changed her relationship even after she said she didn’t want the information shared. Maybe give your sister some space and evaluate your intentions in the situation.

  9. I agree that they’re not necessarily linked. I have a very high libido but I rarely masturbate as I find it boring and tedious.

  10. It's not fake and if he sent this to children he should be in jail. The blackmailer should be going to the police if your husband sent this to a child. You have to go to the police because either your husband is a pedophile or he's been cheating and someone is now trying to extort money out of you because of it. You give your husband one more chance to fess up and admit to cheating on you. Tell him either he cheated and he should tell you with who or your going to the police. And then still go to the police if any bit of his story doesn't add up or seems weird.

  11. ….dude. it's not like she's going to routinely block you for 2 weeks every time she gets a hangnail. She is going through something that may be really harming her self esteem and mental state. Also if you get this dismissive and angry to strangers live!, it's no wonder she doesn't want to talk to you when she's stressed. I doubt you'd be helpful. The people she's talking to right now are probably people who love her, uplift her, and are patient with her.

  12. Oh good fucking lord, you're 18 and your girlfriend doesn't trust you for shit, do not get married, you're just going to be divorced by 22. Dump her, move on.

  13. I don't see mixed signals. His signals seem quite clear. He is treating you with cruelty and contempt.

    Why are you letting him?

    And before you answer “because I love him” – ask yourself what precisely you love about him, because I'm not seeing much to love

  14. i dont get what you said, it was 5 differents nights, it was the same night and she told 5 differents storys about it, i really dont get. and you could just sit her down and tell her to be sincere with you and if she tells the whole truth from the start both of you can get over it (you dont really mean it, just a way to get to her spit the truth)

  15. The reason she won't (and shouldn't) take you back is that it took her ending things for you to want to change. That means she has been bothered by your behavior for a long time, and I doubt she was silent about her unhappiness. By and large, the time a woman leaves a long-term relationship, she has already made peace with whether or not the aftermath of the breakup will be painful for her. Being left shouldn't be what it takes for a wake-up call.

    You should apologize and let her know what you have realized, but don't make excuses and definitely don't act like she owes you forgiveness.

  16. Ugh, I knew people like her. Usually you can find a bunch of hippies like that at our main city's university of human sciences and philosophy. Is her favorite book also an Art of War by Sun Tzu? XD Lol.

    Run from people like her. You are head over heels for her, and she makes you feel so small and unimportant in her “grand scheme” of things “she knows best”.

    As other people said, she is also just an average asshole at the end of the day. Dont buy that shit. You're maybe too impressed with her (or in love) to see that she is actually, nothing special. All these things she does, other people also do. But they dont try that very hot to Be SpEcIaL

  17. Honestly, if you want to break up and pursue the new girl then do.

    Just don't tell your gf that's why you're breaking up, you can frame it as being about the interests rather than 'I met someone new'.

    Just be prepared that new girl might not be into you, or might have aspects you don't like that you're unaware of yet.

  18. Yh agreed i did my mate gave me the same adivce when it happened tho my mental health is still bad due to my mum dying recently.However my finances are up and im starting to inves i just kinda wanted a 3rd person view on it.

  19. How did you get seven years into this relationship without discussing this? No offense at all but it all comes down to talking—I too have been in a relationship for 7 years and I made it clear pretty early that I wanted to lock it down, he came around to it a few years later (gotta let that brain develop!) and now we’re ring shopping. Discussion discussion discussion

  20. Lord if 3 hours of fifa time is cheating i better get a damn lawyer my husband's been an unfaithful bastard since we were teenagers!!!!

  21. & that’s not really something you decide at 22. Y’all might think you have it figured out but have no idea how much more life you can live! before you settle down. Enjoy youth. Don’t complicate it with pointless situations

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