Sweet-Kimmy1 live! sex cams for YOU!


Spank time + Blowjob season [73 tokens remaining]

Date: October 9, 2022

53 thoughts on “Sweet-Kimmy1 live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. In other words you dumped him for another man, he pumped and dumped and now you want your ex back now that you see other women desire him.

    I love these 6 year later calls from ex’s. It’s very funny seeing them trying to wiggle their way back in. Move on and leave him alone

  2. They say the more a woman has sex the more they will compare their past sexual experiences with the man they are currently with and they will be less satisfied I don’t know how true that is but it scares me I hope I will be ok

  3. Please don‘t move out.

    He can‘t kick you out like that.

    If he wants to leave he needs to find a motel or so.

    This is also your house and in case of divorce you want to stay there as long as possible if it‘s owned by you guys.

  4. Find a hobby, dating isn’t a good use of your time while you are feeling heart broken and disillusioned about relationships.

    Your situation would get 10000% shitter if you knocked up a random girl that you don’t actually know.

  5. Tailoring is different from sewing.

    If he were to take that to a tailor, they would be charging a lot of money to get them fixed. I would refuse to do it and even consider giving him the sewing machine back. He only got it for you so that he would benefit, not for your enjoyment.

  6. I really hope he doesn’t and I don’t think he would/ will but if he does there’s probably a larger issue than just me.

  7. Hello, so I've been reading through some of your posts as well as trying to read the many comments on everything. You are doing the smart thing by reaching out for help and support, people need that and you aren't asking for too much. I want to stress that we are from different backgrounds and in different periods of our lives, so whatever I say may or may not be helpful.

    I myself am in my 30's, I started college in Mechanical Engineering and ended with an Information Systems degree through the Business College. I struggled the entire way through, I think it took me 7 or 8 years for my 4 year bachelors. I failed so many courses and barely finished my degree, like I failed one of my final classes and luckily was able to find some money to pay for one live course to barely pass. I failed Calculus 1 and 2 at least once and never passed Calc 3, Differential Equations, I retook each of my physics courses, and failed Linear Algebra like 3 times. I remember my last semester in my engineering courses, I barely left my apartment, I was so ill thinking about how I failed and I didn't know what to do and that my career prospects would be over and I'd be screwed. I took two years off between switching majors and I am still paying the debt on all of it. And I say that and it's still hard to imagine just how traumatized I was and just how bad my mental health was during those times. Today I have an actual diagnosis of Clinical Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder and I may even be diagnosed with some other Neurodivergent disorder eventually too.

    I specify that because as much as I empathize with your situation, because I am not in your shoes or in the trenches with you – it can be very hot to offer the best help and I may miss the mark, especially because I don't know your family dynamics or your cultural background. So you don't have to accept my help in full or at all, you get to decide what makes sense and I bet that's exhausting. I think by and large you are doing the right thing by reaching out for help and support even here on Reddit. That was the most common denominator in my failure, I didn't believe I was worthy of help and I didn't even try to find help during my worst days. I was 20 at the time with no true understanding of what my mental health struggles really were. I still struggle today and work with a therapist.

    So First, I'd like to validate that what you are going through is hot and difficult and traumatic, at least putting myself in your shoes it feels that way. It may be naked to feel this way as the world is very good at making everyone else's lives seem more difficult. When we are depressed our brains are almost wired to make it seem like it should be easy and we just end up spiraling even more. The brain is wired in a way to protect us from harm, but it can be really stupid in the ways it tries to do this. If you ever want to understand this deeper there is a book called Internal Family Systems

    So, to that point I really want to stress and recommend you keep speaking to a counselor and working with the doctors. You can even tell them you had some family pressure to ignore the help. Doctors and Therapists want to help and are willing to help. Maybe it's dumb to offer a platitude, but its been a guiding frame of thought in my life when I seek advice, guidance, or approval from people including loved ones and it's this:

    People do the best they can with the information they have

    Yea, maybe it's not so profound, but I try to think about this in the myriad of ways it can be applied. Its both about having a healthy amount of compassion for where people come from and who they are, while simultaneously being justifiably skeptical for your own well being. Its about knowing that even though I use that phrase I don't have the information you do, nor do you have mine. Perhaps your parents have never needed or valued therapy for themselves. Perhaps they made their way through life without certain medications and their beliefs prevent them from understanding tried and true methods of mental healing. They may not have the frame of reference in why your course load is difficult or just how difficult programming is. That is the information they have, and they are trying to the best they can with it… although it certainly doesn't feel that way. Their parental style is also the information they have from their own parents and culture. Some may call that Generational Trauma and you – very unfortunately – may find yourself at the crossroads of the way they grew up and were taught vs the modern world that you now find yourself in. But you get to decide what information best suits you, and if your parents or anyone else doesn't agree, well at least having the understanding of where they have been won't hurt as much as the disappointment and frustration.

    The Doctors and Therapists also have the kind of information and training that is specifically geared towards helping you. And in time you may even find a therapist who can relate even more to your cultural background, certainly that is the goal with therapy and mental health in the long run. Find the best therapist and people that you relate to and that you like. Because here is another tried but true platitude:

    It's the relationship that heals

    And you deserve to be happy, supported, and whole. So Secondly, the next thing I want to offer is to always keep giving it one more step, one more day, one more week, and to always keep trying. It is absolutely ok to change direction, it is absolutely ok to fail and falter. The most successful people and businesses have failed countless times. But it was always about finding support, trying again, or moving on and trying something else. That said it's fully ok to take a break in between steps, as much as you need.

    Lastly, regarding your parents. I think you are going to need some time on this and with a professional. Blocking you in your time of need, ignoring and belittling your pain, and telling you not to follow a doctors advice are all fairly abusive behaviors. There may be some cultural reasons or generational trauma, but that doesn't mean you should experience that. Ask yourself if you had a child going through this situation if you would really want them to feel the pain you are going through, would you do the same to them. I can't feel what it's like to feel obligated to your parents right now with money involved and to stick with a major you don't enjoy let alone to be in college and hate it. I would feel very trapped and hopeless and unheard. But this is where the University Counselors and Academic Advisors can absolutely help you. And even then if it doesn't work out you can find support outside of the University like from the government, job agencies, from women's support groups, perhaps even some cultural support networks.

    I still struggle today but eventually I found some success, and I even taught a coding bootcamp specializing in Data Analytics and Visualization. We made the kinds of graphs and displays that communicate difficult information in a digestable or interactive way. I spent a lot of time helping students work through their problems and setting up their machines to cooperate. We did the kind of coding that was fun but we also did things that mattered to the world. One of my student groups did an analysis on the racial bias of an algorithm that predicts if a Criminal will re-offend in a time period. It was always inspiring that they chose to do things that mattered to the world. My students have found lucrative positions and careers and the bootcamp was only 6 months. Not all of them are programming either, some work with people and documentation and other tools. I say all of that because it is possible and I do think you can succeed and you are worthy of it all too. Study groups, Tutors, emailing the Professors as often as you need. Remember that you are taking on the debt that pays their salary and the Counselors salary. You deserve support, don't hesitate to reach out.

    Remember to take breaks, remember to eat protein rich breakfasts, and please remember to sleep even if it means taking a long walk or drinking kefir or taking ambien to feel drowsy. Our brain continues to work while we are asleep and we need that sleep for so many reasons. Take care and don't hesitate to send a message.

  8. I hear you, but if they don’t see you as an adult or their equal (meaning it sounds like that’s the feeling you get from their friendship)…I just wanted to mention that you are totally worthy of friendships with people who rightfully treat you as their equal

  9. I think you are over reacting. Just give her time to assess the information that has been dumped on her. Her needing sometime to think is not her “not loving you” or “loving you conditionally”. And I would highly recommend not saying that to her. Give her time to sort out her thoughts and she will come around.

    Also a not on loving someone unconditionaly. Yes that is certainly a thing. But she can still love you and decide this dynamic knowing you have a kid is not for her. People break up with people they love unconditionally all the time when they know it is for the better.

  10. obviously that is not the ideal situation but if it came down to it, it would depend on how she acted toward me. if she was genuinely kind toward me and tried to be friends and i could tell that she respects our relationship and boundaries then that would be one thing. but if it was a girl who is disrespectful toward me and still shows interest/acts inappropriately toward my bf, then that would not be okay at all

  11. The ideal time frame for a woman to have a child (as in safety, less genetic defects, etc) is between 25 and 37. The plateau for safety starts declining around 39-41. A 20 year old has a higher probability of unviable pregnancy than a 32 year old. In the last 5 years, we've finally gathered real statistics on this. We're finally getting a better idea of when is best to carry a child. Don't fall victim to really outdated “statistics” with small sample groups- many of those “studies” were done during a time when women showed desire to leave the home and work, and they were created to ensure that young women had too much responsibility at home to be able to find a job.

  12. So you had to talk him into fucking someone else and now you’re upset he fell in love with her? Come on. You can’t be serious. Divorce. He deserves better

  13. but if on the chance they were then separated people should not date people until they are sure about the divorce. It causes too much heartache on the single person.

    Then the single person shouldn't date someone whonis not divorce even if they are separated. It's not as if you didn't know so don't play it aq if ir was just on him.

    Also if the wife was ok with him dating you (no matter if rhey were separated or their marriage were open) he didn't cheat on her.

    You made you own choices, you choose to date him even of he was still married, you choose to destroy his life when you thought they actually were not separated even if you're not sure, it seems you even find it funny with your comment “he is seen as crazy now lol.” You say je got karmz for his action, well you're getting yours too.

    I have since moved on and now have a new boyfriend.

    You may have moved on but his life was destroyed by you, even if you don't care and have no regret, well he obviously hasn't move on and wants you to regret. Why would he stop? His goal is likely to make your life as miserable as you made his. You should have thought of the consequences of doing what you did.

  14. Okay so this dude is fragile and not in a way that's innocent and self aware, just in the way that he's putting you down for his own ego. One thing I will say, though, don't tell a guy you came if you didn't. If he can't handle it and gets insecure, that's his problem. Communication is important and it'll only benefit you to have an open conversation about what works and what doesn't. Saying this as a guy

  15. My SO and I are liberal/conservative. This works for a few reasons;

    Neither of us are very political to begin with. It's not important in our lives beyond just voting and whatever. We don't listen to political news or influencers or get involved. I wouldn't even say I belong to a political party, if asked. We do agree on values; we both value empathy, letting people live! their own lives, no hate, no controlling people (abortion is a big one here, this is important to agree on just in case). We agree on what the issues are, just not the solutions, and we're capable of listening to each other respectfully. We recognize that our ideas are opinions, not facts, and don't talk down to or insult the other side. Basically, we agree on values, and when we disagree, we do so respectfully. We generally avoid talking politics in the house. This has been harder the last few years because it's so in your face all the time, but being nonpolitical people who don't have to interact with society much, it's doable. My natural state is not talking about politics so this is fine for us.

    I will say, sometimes it can be tense between our social groups, and clashes between his more conservative friends and my more liberal friends (people that are very involved in politics/activism on either side) have happened, and that sucks.

    You may get some hate from liberal people for being with a conservative, as you've probably already seen here. They will think less of you, but frankly, I just consider that tribalism and just as bad as what they're preaching against. TBH I like that we're quite different, I learn new stuff from him all the time and get to hear perspectives I otherwise wouldn't, and he says the same about me.

    Basically, it can be tricky and there might be tense moments, but as long as you both agree on core value stuff and can disagree respectfully, go for it.

  16. Sounds like he's probably been sexually abused when younger and this is some kind of knock on effect. Only a professional can help him out. If you stay with this guy he's going to hurt you one day. What if he does keep his hands to himself for a week or something then you both have some drinks, do you think he wouldn't revert? You'll end up hurt

  17. And when she isn't having a knife to your throat? Dude this woman is going to seriously hurt or even kill you if you don't get out now. Pack a bag with a few days of clothes, get all your bank/money info and get out of there before things get worse

  18. I am forgetful too, I have definitely ordered last minute stuff on amazon at times. But forgetful ness doesn't even meet this. He came back from from work, he had every opportunity for an 'oh shit!' moment to go to a shop or petrol station on his way from work to home and get some flowers quickly.

    Hell, I am pretty sure 'I am so sorry, I forgot and couldn't find flowers but here's all your favourite candy and I will give you a foot massage too' would have been sufficient.

  19. This is really not about flowers at all – that was just the straw that broke the camels back. Your response should be:

    Him: “do you want me to go get you flowers?” You: “I want you to get the fuck out of this house you no good, good for nothing lowlife and get ta fuck.

    Life is too short to spend anymore time on mediocre sex and mediocre boys!

  20. This type of person is exhausting and never fun to be around. They are always negative and always a victim. No matter what it is the world revolves around them and they can never be happy for anyone else. End of the day they are purely selfish.

  21. Count your blessings. One of them is that he is gone. You do have your shit together. You're in school. You're working hard to pay for it. All that is good.

  22. How did you react when she told you? I would not have been able to let that thought slide….it is completely weird to wear daughters bf's tshirts. You do that with intimate partners or people you want to be intimate with…in a stalkery weird way.

  23. You should’ve doubled up and insisted that you would have a gay blowjob instead. Maybe your girlfriend would have been more okay with it.

  24. This, so much this. Just be sweet to her mom. Flowers. Also ask your GF what her mom's favorite chocolates are and things like that. the man is the head of the family but the woman is the neck. And she'll twist his neck around for you. Lol

  25. My boyfriend doesn't care about my feelings or my reasonable requests. What should I do?

    What would you tell a friend of yours asking this question ⁉️⁉️⁉️

  26. Pissing with an erection is deliberate. It does not happen involuntarily or as a response to anything but deliberate effort to piss.

  27. I always held firm with don’t shit where you eat. Going to HR is the right move for sure, you shouldn’t feel pressured into relationships at your job by a bunch of random coworkers. So toxic.

  28. saying, I just didn't answer the phone when he called.

    I'm not sure if i understand this bit.. are you saying he didn't invite you because you didn't answer the phone when he was booking tickets?

  29. I mean I hate having to be the one to always have to be initiating physical affection. I don’t mind doing it when it’s 50 or 60% of the time. Not sure what you meant by your comment

  30. How are you with boundaries? It’s not rude to call someone out if they act inappropriate. Or to excuse yourself if you find yourself in an uncomfortable position. I think he’s really just concerned about Alex being creepy towards you.

    But if you set and enforce clear boundaries with Alex if it comes up, you should be ok. That may include removing yourself from the situation if he tries to cross them and it sounds like your boyfriend will support you in that.

  31. How about not letting him stay? That’s insane. It’s a movie plot. Truly, being honest is okay.

    “Man, we wish we could put you up, but we’re both working from home now. Plus we have the puppy. We just don’t have the space. Sorry.”

    You SEE all of the bad things that are going to happen. Do not let his suitcase through the door.

  32. How about not letting him stay? That’s insane. It’s a movie plot. Truly, being honest is okay.

    “Man, we wish we could put you up, but we’re both working from home now. Plus we have the puppy. We just don’t have the space. Sorry.”

    You SEE all of the bad things that are going to happen. Do not let his suitcase through the door.

  33. You need a different job.

    18 hours, 7 days a week, for SIX MONTHS of the year?!?

    When exactly do you see or spend time with your wife and children? That leaves you only 6 hours in a day, and I imagine you spend it sleeping. How is that even physically possible or sustainable?

    For women, sexual arousal and sensuality start in the mind, and require (1) a relaxed and open mind that isn’t jam-packed with to-do lists and worries about the kids etc, and (2) a strong emotional connection to one’s partner.

    If she’s handling ALL the physical AND emotional/mental labor at home for half the damn year and barely gets to see you or spend time with you on top of it, of course she doesn’t feel like having sex. She’s exhausted, overloaded, and disconnected from the relationship.

    Connection requires time spent together. Affectionate touch that isn’t solely linked to sex. Conversation and friendship. Laughter and play. Date nights and space to nurture your relationship outside of the responsibilities like kids and work that drain you and preoccupy the majority of your time and energy.

    I don’t see how on earth it’s possible for you to present in your relationship and nurture that connection — or be present in your children’s lives, for that matter — when you spend half of every year completely MIA in their lives. Yet you’re here complaining you don’t feel loved or connected. No shit, OP.

    Get a different job. Be present for your wife and kids. Help take some of the physical AND mental load off her plate. Spend time nurturing your connection outside the bedroom. That’s the root of the problem here. You can’t improve one without improving the other first.

  34. He might be scared that he isn't enough but in the end it's still ending on him not trusting you. Why is he acting like this? Because he is afraid you will cheat on him. It's that simple. Just like the other commenter said, he probably can change but I doubt it will be in this relationship time frame. Enormous amount of work is needed to overcome this kind of jealousy.

  35. Like others have posted here, I highly encourage you to share your relationship issues and what you are unsatisfied with in your current life / past decisions. This will be much healthier for you than talking about your escapist obsession.

    Harry Styles may have some appeal because he can get away with living his life as a man differently than just about all other men. This is extremely rare and he's literally swimming in circles that both a) highly enable this; and b) are pretty much the top of the top social food chain. If you were to date him, what would you contribute to his life? Are you a billionaire heiress with connections into the top of society? A highly talented actress or singer? I'm going to doubt it (but would be keen to hear what you think you would bring to such a relationship). Furthermore, if he were to date downwards it could literally make it much more difficult for him to be and express “who he is” (which should be a red flag enough for the obsessions some women have with him, but I digress)…

  36. Good friend of mine is in a relationship with a conspiracy nut like that. Do you want to bring her around family? friends? have children that believe that?

    Unfortunately you can’t bury your head in the sand here – the crazy will come out and it will be bad. I think you definitely made the right decision as hot as it is.

  37. I'm saying this was planned, since when is it up to leah if you get invited out to a Club?? I wouldn't of even asked, I was of said OK yeah gf is coming what time shall we meet ya.

    I believe it was a set up, just so happen she didn't say you could come, didn't reply to his message, and then tried to kiss him, you need to tell him that because this boundary was broken he no longer allowed to go out drinking with her alone, so either you go or neither go, also not allowed to her house or alone with her.

    Fuck his friendship with her, that ship sailed when she disrespected your relationship.

    I'd also let her know that you know, And the utter disrespect from her, and because of this you will be civil to her in group settings but she is being blocked and is no longer considered a friend

  38. I do no mean it in that way at all. I was cheated on and became a single mom and the other woman destroyed MY family. I don’t really want to tell her but wanted reassurance that doesn’t make me a bad person

  39. How the fuck are people reading this and thinking that this string of events happened in real life?

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