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LouXugarlive sex stripping with hd cam


26 thoughts on “LouXugarlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Honestly, I get the feeling she’s going to be a bit unhinged when you break it off (because she is being mentally abusive as well as physically). You have somewhere you can stay for a few days? Don’t try to stay friends. You need to block her on everything from the get go.

  2. Hello /u/ThrowRA-Jamesbrown1,

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  3. I think this is above reddit paygrade. Your husband raped you, and I can't think of any solution that wouldn't rock the boat.

    I would suggest planning your escape, mandating couples counseling, and/or demanding he get help and work on his addiction.

  4. I have fur from a few of my animals, and urns with ashes. They’re next to photos of the animals. I don’t know what’s weird about that, people cremate family members and keep locks of hair even. Pets are family too.

  5. So she's a snob, a narcissist, and she's not even trying. There are literally billions of people on the planet — find somebody that you click with and dump this asshole.

  6. I would tell her exactly what you want. No nuance. “Babe, I need you to go down on me too. I need you to touch me like I touch you. I need foreplay and effort from you. I’m happy with you in every aspect but in that I don’t feel like things are reciprocated in bed, what do you think?”

  7. From this point forward you are living a lie and making a mockery of the rest of his life. Sorry but you made your bed….

  8. Yeah geez most people just live out of their car or under a bridge. Very strange to expect an adult to live! somewhere with a shower and maybe even a very hot plate

  9. Your boyfriend needs to learn how to mind his own business. None of the things you listed have anything to do with him so it’s weird that he’s so bothered. Feels a bit controlling to me.

  10. Your boyfriend needs to learn how to mind his own business. None of the things you listed have anything to do with him so it’s weird that he’s so bothered. Feels a bit controlling to me.

  11. Annnndddd who caries around anything that would take like a crappy 360p vid now days? Reeks of utter BS unless you can see other people you know were there in the video.

  12. Sounds like your wife doesn’t much want kids. Removing an IUD is quite easy though, but if she wanted kids anytime soon she likely wouldn’t be getting another IUD at your ages. You sound like you think kids just magically happen one day… it is quite unrealistic to expect your wife, who generally doesn’t want kids, to roll over in bed, announce she wants kids, and it will just happen just like that.

    Basically, the IUD isn’t the cause of the problem. It’s a symptom. The actual problem is your wife essentially doesn’t want kids and you do.

  13. It's a principal and it applies for the start of a relationship when they started dating two years ago this was a no go by that math

  14. Wtf. He did this to you just before an exam? The man is trash. Genuinely believe he is just trying to hurt you. But that’s awful behaviour, he has now jeopardised your exam!!

    Honey please – allow yourself to cry for 15 minutes and then TURN YOUR PHONE OFF. Put it out of your head and don’t let him ruin your exam. You can put it out of your head until after the exam and study. I believe in you!

    Or else contact your tutor immediately and tell her what has happened (with a screen shot)

    Also- bin this man

  15. Yes! All of the comments saying they probably aren’t really teens is irrelevant. It’s the fact that he’s sexually attracted to people who look like teens and OP has children who fit that criteria. I don’t get why so many people are missing that point.

  16. Based upon your last post where you made 12 superficial and ridiculous points you want your fiance to fix, including baldness, please just let this man go so you can continue your vain existence by yourself. Yikes.

  17. 1) no, you did invade her privacy. Ids are exchanged in relationships in the basis of consent. But that's not the main issue here 2) just tell her. Honesty. Directness. 3) well shit like this validates that concern 4) this coupled with your distrust is not grounds for a solid relationship

  18. Sorry I didn’t read your post but if your boyfriend is actually arguing with you about this I would immediately dump him.

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