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analsweetslive sex stripping with hd cam


5 thoughts on “analsweetslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. No way I prefer my gf not to. I don't want the pussy with no flavor. I want the seasoning all of it the other day she had to drive 6 hours and I was so hyped that I would get to lick her pussy after it.

  2. It really feels to me like you’re her backup boyfriend. If she can’t have her ex, maybe you’ll do.

    If you were the one she wanted, she’d be ready for the relationship now. Her saying “down the road” seems to be code for “once I’m sure I can’t get my ex back and he’s moved on”.

    You deserve to be the star of the relationship and not a backup dancer. Let her go explore her feelings and you go find someone who wants to be your one and only.

  3. You wouldn’t change it for the world? You asked to fuck other ppl. You changed her world. It was a hot no, you sent her links and pod cast and now she’s the blame. I hope she sends you links to divorce attorneys and apartment complex’s

  4. Personally, I believe the age gap is the big red flag here.

    I don’t think what he SAID is wrong either (saying you look cute / attractive in the lingerie)

    It DOES seem obvious though that he may (probably does, imo) have a pregnancy fetish though.

    And that COMBINED with the age gap could be another red flag.

    I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong with a pregnancy fetish, I’m not shaming anyone, and if you’re reading this and you’re into something, you do you

    Its just with the combo of age gap plus this specific fetish, it seems at least semi likely that OP’s bf may have targeted her for grooming purposes and intends to possibly trap her into pregnancy?

    Dunno. Personally I find the combination to be a bit much, even though I don’t normally make any commentary on people’s fetishes etc (I do often comment on age gaps being toxic tho, to be fair)

  5. and it's her choice

    You answered your own question.

    I know she kinda enjoyed it. She did it often. And then kinda reminisced about it once.

    So it's like a high school test. A decade later I “reminisce” about the good old days of taking the ACTs. Doesn't mean I want to take them again

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