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dirty_girl23live sex stripping with hd cam


20 thoughts on “dirty_girl23live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Some of these comments man… I don't think it's an ultimatum, he is not saying he will leave you or that he will never propose but he is giving you an incentive to get rid of your debt. Your debt is likely to become his debt when you're married. Also marriage is a huge commitment, especially money wise, having no debt is also a sign that you're very ready financially to get married

  2. Husband broke your trust, and then he is pikachu faced when you don't trust him?, the galls on this person, lol. I don't know if I would stay with someone that gives me panic attacks and years down my mental health to be honest.

  3. Maybe you shouldn't fix it.

    The thing about jealously I've always found is jealous people accuse you of what they know they would do, or have done, because why wouldn't you do the same? So if he doesn't trust you, odds are he doesn't trust himself, and he's the one prone to cheating. Maybe already is cheating on you, so can't understand that you are not in similar circumstances.

    You were up front, honest, hid nothing, and showed pictures of you with old friends. I only have your word for it, but if it's true you not only did nothing wrong you behaved in an exemplary manner and showed respect to who deserved it.

    He on the other hand, has not, and has dissed you, your friends, and wants to pout about it.

    You should not need his permission in advance to see your friends, that's not healthy.

  4. Lots of people blaming the OP for treating her coworkers as friends which i dont understand.

    When you are young coworkers can and often are seen as friends. Especially in her case when shes new to the country let alone town so that is totally understandable.

    People are quick to blame the OP when no one is talking about thw large age difference in the married couple and how that leads to people seeing things that are not there when a younger person comes by.

  5. Someone i know had that experience with an ex. So you're right, it is oddly specific because i didn't create it out of thin air ??

  6. i don’t understand the hate comments. the way you wrote it sounds like you are really trying and there’s not much you can do about your looks or how other people treat you. i also definitely understand your daughter’s perspective and can understand how hard it must be for her. if she isn’t in therapy then she definitely should be, but it seems like there are a lot of insecurity issues she needs to work through.

  7. Talk to a lawyer that specializes in housing to have a clear and concise contract.

    Also, have a clear convo with gf about expectations. Chores, financials, solo time. Friends and family if they visit.

  8. My good man, WHY are you not running away from this woman? She’s treated you with disrespect from the beginning. You deserve to be treated better, and that will not happen with her. End things and move on.

  9. This is a no win situation. Sorry, that’s harsh, but it’s true. You should never have committed to a man who doesn’t want children when you know you do. And no, you do not get an abortion in secret, he deserves to know.

    Know that whatever you choose, someone is probably going to get hurt. But you need to follow your gut regarding the child. If you abort and don’t want to, you’ll resent him forever. If you keep the kid, you either lose him, or he’ll resent you. Choose your path wisely.

  10. So is it just the male personal trainer he is stressing about or would he be cool with a female personal trainer? What sport are you training for? Most gyms will find a female trainer if you ask its a close group from what I am told they all talk and will be more that happy to hook a friend up.

  11. You got this, you deserve better, go and enjoy your life and find the right person when it's right ?

  12. I've heard of people trying to work through trauma by recreating a situation under controlled conditions, but it seems like she also needs a bit of therapy to help cope.

  13. She forgot how much she values you? Really? Is this a joke?

    Rough patches in a relationship (especially marriage)is the norm. They can run for years – and are a test of commitment.

    How they manage their behavior during the rough patch is a solid test of who they are as a life partner.

    I guarantee that life and relationships get more challenging (not less).

    She's a 25yo adult. Don't male excuses for her failure.

    Dating is a test run. And the rough patch an excellent test as a life partner.

    Second chances are only appropriate when married with kids.

    There's too many good solid people to settle for her abuse (yes she's toxic and abusive).

    Love is not a reason to settle. Your future kids deserve a reliable role model (that's not her).

  14. Good thing he literally stated the word “pornographic” when describing the scenes to clear up any confusion. Quick question, why are you carrying water for the obvious assholes in this situation?

  15. Not only that, but Im betting she got quite some trash ideas ingrained in her brain…

    At the endo of the day, you are better without her around for sure.

  16. Exactly. If he had told his gf that her tits were too small no woman in a 100 mile radius would be suggesting she have a conversation with him about it. Just end it, OP. Rip the band side off and go put your wiener in someone who likes it

  17. There is no need for you to put up with this kind of treatment from someone who is supposed to care about you. End the relationship and enjoy all your new free time.

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