the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Date: October 8, 2022

16 thoughts on “ the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. He looks like he's looking for someone even though he's not over his ex yet. Asked me multiple times what he is to me. One time, he said he's excited to see my next boyfriend as I'm “looking” for one. He wants to sleep with me. Tried to kiss me. Asked me about my type. Calls me baby. Is it better I move on?

  2. The phrasing was an immediate red flag. A 25 year old talking about “going Dutch”? What Gen z uses those terms Lmfao

  3. Keeping a journal is exactly how I would do it, maybe even writing down the things I felt like telling them about my day and stuff to see how much I actually wanted to share and talk to them

  4. Leaving him isn't really an option and I don't want to go through the rest of my life like this.

    I'm afraid that those are your choices. You either leave him now and stay gone except for a coparenting relationship (which, given how very hot and fast he has escalated, will probably be difficult as he will use your child as a tool to continue to exert control) or you stay and live! like this because he has already shown you that he isn't going to change.

    Having been in a relationship with someone who did his best to control every aspect of my life, finances

  5. Coming from part of the trans community, there are plenty of non-transphobic reasons to disclose our gender history before being intimate. But even the “transphobic” reasons are 100% valid because, when it comes to sex especially, a boundary is a boundary no matter how bigoted it may be viewed. Lying by omission about literally anything in order to take part in intimate activities with someone is a form of coercion, and in my opinion, falls under the umbrella of SA.

    A huge reason to disclose gender history especially with AMAB women is the risk of sexual injury. Vaginas created via vaginoplasty do not have the same lubrication and elasticity, and all it takes is the wrong angle or a little bit too much friction to cause injury for both parties. Disclosing this information ahead of time is crucial for physical safety.

  6. This is very unfortunate but it is just a decision to make, but you shouldn't feel bad about choosing your grad. I think the wedding is more important overall to the family but that shouldn't force you to go, this is your grad not his. I hope your family will be understanding. Wishing you the best OP

  7. I want to believe his reasoning But at the same time feels like something’s still off. Id investigate deeper but If you believe him then I’d let it go.

  8. I'm sorry to hear that.

    Well then I'll say this – don't waste your time on people who can't make time for you. Your deserve better.

  9. Yeah that’s not a good friend or a good boss. I used to be friends with a similar person and let me tell you, any kindness, generosity, good times, whatever do not negate the emotional abuse, condescending remarks, and generally making your working life much more difficult than it should be.

    And don’t use the sunk-cost fallacy, aka ‘but we’ve been friends for so long, I don’t wanna throw that away‘ bs. So what? He’s a garbage boss and friend. The man-splaining alone would have had take him aside and tell him he’s being an ass.

    I know you’ve tried to explain things to him, and while I certainly do recommend talking to him with a much more firm stance and not taking any balktack while you list out the ways he sucks. IF you want to stay at that job and stay friends, you can take that approach. But I’d not be holding my breath for any change. In fact I bet he’d just yell at you.

    Like Ms. Doja Cat has said: ‘This happened one, two, three times too much’

    Take time to have a conversation with yourself and be honest. Is any of this truly salvageable? Is it worth it to try? And polish your resume while eyeing some different possible job openings.

    Good luck ☺️

  10. Well, he’s just always been the one for me. Or so I’ve felt. The love I have for him has always been greater. It hasn’t always been bad and he hasn’t always been the bad person in the relationship. The first couple of months we were together this time, I had contact with my ex, but immediately shut it down after an argument my boyfriend and I had about the ex. All I can really say is because I love him and we have these plans.. he’s trying to make up for the bad things he’s done, but I just can’t get over the past.

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