ALICE live webcams for YOU!


12 thoughts on “ALICE live webcams for YOU!

  1. Doesn’t seem like he’s in recovery if he’s still drinking. Check out /r/alanon for an idea of how to handle an alcoholic partner. You are in for a wild ride.

    Remember that his addiction is not your fault in any way. You didn’t cause it, you can’t control it and you won’t cure it. It’s up to him to get the appropriate help.

  2. What? That is just gross, your. Mom raise you right, once a day at worst, twice a day ideal for my household.

    There is not sugar coating it, just say it with love.

  3. Yeah that’s very true, thank you. For some reason I just want to get on a call and say that yeah things are over but can we not have ill feeling toward each other and maybe find out why she ended so abruptly that day? I feel like it would bring me a lot of closure. I don’t know, she’s very understanding so I know she would want to talk.

  4. Ugh just break up and quit torturing yourself. You don’t need to pay money to a therapist to tell you that you don’t like your boyfriends D inside dozens of other women. I’ll tell you how you obviously feel for free. Be honest with your feelings and do not compromise your happiness and self worth. This relationship has gone nuclear. It will never recover.

  5. YES these are red flags. He physically hurt you more than once and not only didn't apologize, but tried to gaslight you into thinking he didn't do the thing he obviously did. I'd throw out the whole man, I don't see this situation getting any better for you than it is right now.

  6. Work on your self confidence and self esteem. Join a gym and eat healthy…get into healthy habits. Create a safe space in your house with plants and candles, crystals or anything that makes you feel safe and good. Start a journal. Have mental clarity. A healthy body and a healthy mind will boost your self confidence. Eventually those feelings of jealousy will go away because there's nothing more attractive than a confident woman.

  7. “I don't know why she is treating me like this” Stop the bullshit you're deadass 41, you knew why.

  8. I agree with wanting to keep his pets safe too, I totally get it. But a relationship should have some compromise. I’ve spent thousands of dollars to help his cat get over a UTI, which his solution was to throw his cat outside also. His response to cat behavior is throwing them outside or not even trying to solve it

  9. Please don’t just but little babies in daycare so you don’t have to take care of them. If you want everyone to work full time, don’t have them. You will both have good incomes and it won’t be absolutely necessary for you both to work when you have tiny humans that need care and nurturing

  10. I guess everyone here is entitled then. You're the one who is wrong and are just bitter no one else agrees with you. Have fun being a dishonest and crappy person. Peace. ✌?

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