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azayleeuhhlive sex stripping with hd cam


16 thoughts on “azayleeuhhlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She has quite a self-sabotage mode when life turns upside down, which it has for her recently. I would understand speaking to a friend who is involved with the trauma to be an outlet, and keeping that private to an extent is also understandable?

    But from what I can remember it was past the point of supporting her and it appeared romantic. From what I can remember they were saying how they’d made each others years better and how he wants to meet her nephew.

    With her mental health being low, I understand that she may have been distant with me, but in their messages she was giving alot. So then I’m also asking if she is low or if that’s a front to keep me at arms length while she explores new things

  2. 6 months is about right.

    How can he be not ready if he already leads a relationship with you? Like you can't hang out or be anymore close with each other, so just put a fucking label on it and tell him to unclench his asshole.

    Kinda silly ngl.

  3. You can’t. There is no way to say it that will not result in him being hurt and offended.

    Beyond that, it would be extremely difficult for someone to be in a sexless relationship long-term especially since you have been with him for a while, it’s not sexless right from the start.

    Have you had therapy for this? Going back and forth between the two extremes is not healthy. It has an impact on your partner and you can’t really expect him to just suck it up, especially if it’s important to him. If you really decide you do not ever want to have sex again, you would do well to search for a partner who isn’t into it either. That way no one would have hurt feelings and everyone’s needs would be met.

  4. Sadly, I think this is the end of the relationship. I understand your girlfriend's struggles, I'm glad she's seeking help for them. However, the ultimatum is completely unreasonable. Your own mental health is very important and should not be compromised because of your partner's issues.

  5. thanks for your answer, I totally agree but how do you end it with someone over this? What do you say to them?

  6. Why oh why do children get married??

    Why aren’t you working? Get a job and use the money to pay for a cleaning lady. Or better yet, a divorce lawyer.

  7. He does understand that he's not being considerate, its just that he doesn't care that you have to wait for him. This guy does not value your time at all, and will continue treating you this way as long as you let him.

  8. I never got the impression you thought I couldn’t? Sorry if my comment was written confusingly… no downvotes here, have a great night

  9. Waking up early it's nice to start the day with a shower. I get up at 4am with my partner and make him a coffee and breakfast while he's in the shower when he stays at my house. I go back to bed for a few hours when he leaves then get back up to get my kids ready for school. Wife needs to appreciate getting up for work pays the bills

  10. What happened was you didn’t move and live with with them and instead purchased your own house. Now they are punishing you and pushing you out since to them you excluded them first. Doesn’t sound very friendly to me and honestly they sound exhausting with their attitude and behaviour. Stay NC and look for other friends.

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