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may_aceroslive sex stripping with hd cam


41 thoughts on “may_aceroslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Have you asked brother what the hell he was thinking? Make him explain… over explain. Make sure he understands how wrong this is

  2. Why did I get notified for more answers, and I could read them in the notification bar, but here on Reddit, I cannot read them?? That's so sad. Many people answered and I'd love to hear what they said! Can someone help?

  3. It sounds like you are feeling a lot of hurt and frustration in your relationship with your best friend. It's understandable that you would feel upset about being excluded from certain aspects of her wedding and feeling like she is not as present in your relationship as she used to be. It's also understandable that you would feel hurt and resentful towards her husband if you feel like he has not treated your friendship with respect and care.

    It's important to communicate your feelings and concerns to your best friend in a clear and respectful way. It may be helpful to have a conversation with her about how you have been feeling and express your concerns about the changes in your relationship. It's also important to try to listen to her perspective and be open to understanding her perspective. It's possible that she may not realize the impact of her actions or may have her own challenges and stresses that are affecting her behavior.

    It's also important to remember that relationships go through ups and downs and it's normal for there to be challenges. It's possible that with open and honest communication and a willingness to work through these challenges, you can strengthen your friendship and find ways to support each other despite the distance. It may also be helpful to consider seeking support from a therapist or other trusted friend or family member as you navigate this difficult situation.

  4. When choking he has to learn the difference between a blood choke and an air choke. You want blood choke, which is not touching the air pipe and only touching the carotid arteries on both sides of the neck. Don’t use a safe word yet, he won’t need it, those are for people who won’t stop.

    Spank with a paddle- touch paddle to ass and make a circular motion around there area that will be spanked, hit, hold and rub.

    Get soft rope and simply bound your hands so you can’t do anything whilst he has his way with you, if can’t wait for the rope to arrive for Amazon he can simply hold your arms behind your back.


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  6. How do they look at her? How old are they? If they are young they may not get it My kids have step grandparents but you'd never know they were not biological. They are close.

  7. You’re crush will hate you when he finds out what you’re doing and trust me he will find out. These type of things have a way coming out in the end.

  8. Hello /u/Time-Maize-5807,

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  9. Thank you so much!!

    I thought about your observations. It was very helpful. I no longer regret my candidness and feel a modicum of relief that I am not hiding what I feel, like I usually do.

    She brought up the Ngozi Fulani incident in Britain. Her viewpoint was perhaps people were overreacting a bit. She said she asks ppl about their origin to bond with them. I said that while I had no doubt that she asked the questions and managed the conversations with the utmost finesse as she is well read and well travelled, not everyone is like her. I then shared that I get asked this question regularly as I look racially ambiguous and sometimes people are just trying to place me in the correct position in the American racial hierarchy. I said the line of questioning feels invasive and demeaning in 50% of the instances and it makes me feel not at home in my own country. I then piled on and shared some other painful incidents (unrelated to the question) that had happened to me.

    Now that I think about it, she was trying to tell me stories of how, compared to everyone else she is extremely sensitive to issues of race and understands “the experience.” Unfortunately, I didn’t take the hint and dumped my stories on her.

  10. Thank you for your advice. I have spoken with an attorney and they gave me a lot of good direction. I’ll lean more into that

  11. It's financial abuse if she's doing the full time job of literally all the house work/caring for both of them.

    Op said this in the comments:

    I do all my chores around the house, but I take breaks in between chores you know, and there's days that I'm just in bed with my meds

    Doing the chores around the house does not take 40 hours a week, it’s not a full-time job. I don't even think it would take the same amount of time as a part-time job. He is more than compensating her for her work by paying for all the rent, bills, groceries, etc.

    He isn't financially abusive because he doesn't want to support her in every other way, like by giving her spending money. She is fully capable of working. It's her choice not to, so it's her choice not to have spare cash.

  12. These are not just fantasies for her though, she used to do it before our relationship. And I completely understand there is so much more in a relationship than sexual fantasies, but on the other hand you need to agree on some stuff in order to have a healthy relationship.

  13. Does your daughter show signs of any mental health issues? I would be worried about that. But maybe she's just embarrassed that her ex is doing well, especially if he's doing better than she is? Hot to say.

  14. Does your need to be married before 26 have anything to do with your religious indoctrination that he has issues with?

  15. Yeah dude this shit was crazy. Halfway through I was hoping the twist was you were gonna say you were someone from a show and this would be a copypasta, but nah this is real? Get outta there and don't look back king ?

  16. the doctor can just remove it when needed if the time comes for that.

    That procedure is expensive and not always covered.

  17. Boundaries.

    You can support her by lending an ear, but make it clear that you cant offer her any of the activites one would define as a relationship. No cuddling, spending the night, cooking for her, sex, etc. You also arent a therapist, and if it begins to feel that way you need to suggest ” I cant offer you what you need, but a therapist specializing in trauma can. I dont know how to help you cipe, but I know they can.”

    This sucks. Its co incidental. But at the same time its leaning towards codependency.

  18. She desperately needs therapy and yoyr sex life should be the last of your concerns if you truly care about her

  19. She has stated her boundaries. You’d be an asshole to push them. So, you accept the situation (without a woe-is-me attitude) or move on.

  20. Sometimes people who started dating as children can separate, go out and gain life experience and then end up back together. But these relationships rarely work if they just stay in their comfort zone and in the same relationship they've had since 13. It's normal to feel an absence when someone's been part of your life for a decade. There is no replacement for actually living and learning. So the best way to maybe get her back would be for both of you to experience the world, date other people and mature to where you have the emotional gravitas to know what you really want in life.

  21. She's in college. The nuance is that she's an adult and can make her own decisions. People are acting like she's some clueless child incapable of consent despite being of legal consent (which exists because that's the generally accepted age when someone is mature enough, it's not some random number).

  22. It was my first thought too. Flashbacks to my ex when I was the same age as OP. I found CP on his laptop.

  23. You’re too immature to be dating.

    You really broke up with a woman because she had longer labia? That’s the most pathetic thing I’ve read all day.

  24. You can simply tell her that you thought she was cool, but you're wanting to explore dating around. You're not ready to get into a relationship and it's better to be upfront about it now with her. She'll think you're an asshole for using her for sex, but IMO, that's better than giving her self esteem issues.

  25. You can simply tell her that you thought she was cool, but you're wanting to explore dating around. You're not ready to get into a relationship and it's better to be upfront about it now with her. She'll think you're an asshole for using her for sex, but IMO, that's better than giving her self esteem issues.

  26. I got together with my future husband at 26 and I wasn’t sure if wanted kids either. Cut to over a decade later, married and 5 years of trying to conceive and we cannot have kids.

    Just want to throw this real life scenario into the comments for you to consider this: if she couldn’t have kids, would you still want her?

  27. It’s changing your mind. That’s what it’s called. People are allowed to grow and change and question things. Lying about having kids or wanting them and then coming out with the truth is one thing. Changing your mind is something far different.

  28. This is definitely not testing your loyalty. Why should you be loyal to someone who lied to you, does not care about your happiness or comfort & has you stuck in a place where you have no friends and don’t speak the language???

    No adult would “test” you like this, and if he is, tell him HE failed YOUR test. He didn’t love you unconditionally. He didn’t protect you. He didn’t put you first. He doesn’t deserve you, and as a failure, you’re leaving him where he stands.

  29. I will give him credit, he does cook cook. Like it ain’t no Mac and cheese. Although there are some days where it’s take out or a quick meal (1-2days of the weekdays). Keep in mind, on the weekends (Fri-Sun) I’m helping him with a lot of prepping (like sous chef kind of action) for the dinners.

  30. Not sure where you live but in my town, you need a special permit to have more than 2 of each. ? Even if you own the home.

    I’d be kind of firm about not adding more. But that’s me. I have a 2 dog limit for our home. I do foster so often have a 3rd that isn’t ours but only 2 we are 100% responsible for.

  31. It’s called a cool off period and can range from months to a year based on state. Doubt it specifically says sex but being partners or cohabiting.

  32. I don't want to taint people's opinions of her as I still love her..

    have fun being the 2nd option then, at this point why don you also marry her anyway???

  33. We’ve had IRL time between 3 and 4 days a week. I usually fly down Wednesday night or Thursday night and fly back late Sunday or very early Monday morning. On the weeks she came up to Seattle, we were irl every day of the week. She’s been up here a total of 4 weeks.

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