How do I gently and kindly ask my (f39) bf (m40) to go to the doctor?


Tl;dr – my (f39) bf (m40) of less than a year might need to see a doctor and idk how to say it nicely without pissing him off.

Let me preface this by saying I’m not trying to diagnose my bf and I’m not a doctor but some things are glaringly obvious. I think my bf has some hearing loss. When he speaks he is so loud that people stare in public. He watches TV with the volume so loud that I can’t even think. If I’m standing right next to him he can’t hear me talking. I’ve asked him a few times if he has a very hot time hearing me but he just says his “ears need to pop.”

Another thing I noticed is he doesn’t breathe normally when he sleeps. He’ll snore really loud for a second, take a few small breaths, and then gasp for air while his body makes jerky movements. The sounds that come out of him when he sleeps prevent us from sleeping in the same bed bc they’re so loud, and even if he sleeps on the couch I can still hear how loud he is upstairs in my bedroom. We’re long distance at the moment so we’re not spending every night together but I’m afraid he might have sleep apnea.

I’ve asked him casually when was the last time he saw a doctor/had a physical and he basically blew off my question with, “I don’t do that shit.” I know I can’t force him to go but I think if things continue this way, I’ll have to break up with him for my own sanity. And even if it comes to that I want him to be safe and healthy.

submitted by /u/GreekGoddessOfNight
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Date: June 13, 2023

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