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7 thoughts on “merida_bluelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. To be fair, I was In a relationship with a such toxic guy. It was long distance but he was abusive emotionally and mentally. In high school if I ever went on over night school trips he would insist on seeing proof from a teacher and spam call and text. Freak out if I didn’t pick up. One day my phone broke and he freaked out because it took 4 hours to get a hold of him. He bought me a new phone as a present but what I didn’t know is he could see everything I was doing on that phone. He could see every text. Every pic. If I asked my friends for advice he would flip. Saying I’m telling them too much…like they’re mt friends. He threatened to kill himself after every argument. One time he put a gun to his mouth while on FaceTime with me. I had tried to break up with him 4 times and he straight up told me I wasn’t allowed??? So on the 5th time I said look you can believe whatever sick fantasy you want. But I am done. I had emotionally broken up with him prior to that and had found my current boyfriend of 5 years. To me I don’t consider it cheating as I had tried to leave multiple times.

  2. Sit down with him. Open your phone. Send a text to this friend stating that him coming onto you when you were in an emotional state crossed a line and so you are breaking off all contact. Send it and block this guy on all media and then delete him from all contacts. Do it in front of him. Then tell him again you are sorry. You understand and will not make the same mistake again with him or anybody else should he chose to not forgive you and end the relationship. Then, the ball is in his court. You have done all you can.

  3. Pressure in not a reason to get engaged. Never!

    You are both so young and have to much growing to do.

    The solution is to talk to her and tell her you need to back off.

  4. Do not go back to your country alone. You most likely won’t make it back. It’s also not safe for your husband to go. Stop pushing him into a potentially dangerous situation. It’s not fair.

  5. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I'll try to keep this as brief as possible.

    My best friend, Alice, is getting married in November 2023, and has asked me to be her Man of Honour. I've accepted, and am very much looking forward to it.

    I see as being no issues, apart from the fact that one of her friends called Bob will be coming to the wedding.

    To put it lightly, I don't like Bob, and for good reason. I was married until 2 years ago when I got divorced with my ex. The break up was brutal, and Bob had a very big hand to play in it.

    During my marriage with my ex (8 years long) Bob was a mutual friend who ALWAYS put me down in front of my wife, but never when we were alone. I tried to view it as banter, but it was fairly relentless, and rude, and oddly was often centred on me being a “little girl”. He was so disrespectful and lacked social boundaries (turning up unannounced at my house at 10pm, multiple times, for example). He then went on hours long walks with my wife, and during heated arguments with my wife, she disclosed to me that Bob suggested I was abusive. During the separation, Bob took my ex in and comforted her. I then got wind that shortly after, they tried to date, but it didn't work out. This pretty much confirmed to me that Bob was doing all the above (and more) to put me down, get me out of the picture, and to be with my wife.

    I told Alice in a recent talk that I'd send a message to Bob to iron out things. She said it's fine.

    I wrote and sent to him via messenger:


    I’m sure you must have heard that Alice and Steven are getting married in August. I’ll definitely be attending the event, and I’m somewhat sure you will be also. As such, I just wanted to write you a quick message to iron out some things before the wedding, just to not have any issues which could affect the smooth-running of it.

    To give some background to this message, I am completely aware of what has happened before, during and after the events surrounding the relationship between me and my ex.

    I am writing not to trudge up past events, but to safeguard future ones. With that in mind, I would like you to interact with me as little as is possible on the day of the event, as insignificant as it may have been. If you do interact with me, you must do so with respect and proper acknowledgment of social boundaries.

    While it is disappointing that I have to speak of the need of respect and boundaries, you have, somewhat consistently throughout the time I knew you, shown a flagrant disregard for such understandings as a person. I am not really the type of person to tolerate such disregards anymore.

    The same requirement of respect and boundaries extends to my partner, and pretty much anyone at the event, and in life in general.

    I hope you are flourishing.


    Upon reading this, Bob called the groom and said that he wasn't coming to the wedding anymore, since he was uncomfortable with me being there. I feel a bit bad of it all, honestly. Bob knew Alice for years before he met me and my ex. While Alice is much closer to me, Bob has been present as frequent significant events… She has said she understands why I wrote the message, but she said it was also a bit rude and demanding, but she also thinks Bob should be less pathetic and just talk to me about it all.

    I'm unsure how to proceed. Can I get some guidance and advice? This is all really entrenched in my divorce, so my mind is befuddled.

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