Is it okay for me (18F) to be upset at my bf (19m) after he admitted if we didn’t have sex for a month, he would cheat on me?


For the past month, I have been worried about my relationship. I have an amazing boyfriend of 8 months now but a comment he made worried me alot. He said if we were to go a month without sex, he would try and get FwB (friends with benefits. Friends who have sex essentially without any title) To me, this would count as cheating, even if it is just meaningless sex to others.

Now I have a low sex drive, very low. I still have sex everyday with my boyfriend so he wont leave me but I am even more worried now. I know alot of women, who during pregnancy, rarely have sex, some not any at all. And my boyfriend wants kids too. He wants to join the military aswell, and knowing that i wouldnt see him for months on end would be terrible with the comment he made.

Someone please help, im tired of crying and hating myself for this.

submitted by /u/Louis_Vuitton_Shoe
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Date: June 10, 2023

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