ElizabettaLee online sex chats for YOU!


play with my hairy pussy [Multi Goal]

Date: October 6, 2022

24 thoughts on “ElizabettaLee online sex chats for YOU!

  1. You should def give him another chance….to fulfill his curiosity and see what else is out there. He’s a fucking dumbass who should just be single and you deserve better. Dump him.

  2. This is so common. People ignore the I told a lie, misrepresented something, but I didn’t cheat so what’s the big deal? I love when they claim they lied to “protect her feelings”. He knew he was only dropping of one woman. He misrepresented because he didn’t want to have a fight. By misrepresenting it, he caused the fight.

  3. Does he brush and floss before bed? Does he drink a lot of water? Does he sleep with his mouth open?

    Not everyone has bad breath when they wake up. These are some things that affect that.

  4. check the tinder subreddit to see how many men are getting laid everyday lol. the grass aint greener on the other side but if you wanna fuck it up go ahead?

  5. I know it sucks, and it hurts, but at the end of the day, he made the right decision.

    This is one of those irreconcilable differences that can (and should) end relationships.

    He most likely doesn’t want kids, you do. There is no middle ground here, and you could spend the next 5 years trying to negotiate or compromise, without funding one. And by then, it’s too late for you.

    You are 33 years old. You know that you don’t always get to have a say in someone else’s decision, so being angry at him for making this decision is unfair. You are focusing on the wrong thing. You should be thankful that he didn’t want to waste anymore of your time, and was selfless enough to end the relationship early, without stringing you along.

  6. There’s nothing abnormal about what she’s doing and you’re being a dick by telling her that she’s not Albanian when she actually is. Albanian is not only a nationality it’s an ethnic group there are Albanians in Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo in particular, and other countries.

    It’s usually insensitive to comment on other people’s ethnicities especially in a critical manner. It’s usually especially touchy with groups that have recently experienced a genocide or attempted ethnic cleansing. That whole region is touchy when it comes to ethnicity, Kosovo in particular, add to that her mom recently passed and you’re a complete jackass for even commenting on this let alone not understanding why she’s upset.

  7. You wanna know how many times my fiancé (been together 5 years) speaks to me like that, or calls me names? Never. Not once in 5 years. Have there been disagreements/discussions? Absolutely. But we each respect each other enough to never cross into those toxic behaviors. I respect him too much to call him disrespectful names. And he equally respects me enough to never call me names either. Nobody tells somebody they love and respect to fuck off. You’re young, so I’ll give you a pass for asking about this, but the truth is, in a healthy relationship, there’s never ever name calling. Even in anger. There’s always respect. You might think “love” is important, and it is, to an extent, but love doesn’t matter at all if it doesn’t also come with respect, trust, and communication. Those are the things that make a healthy relationship work. Anything less than that, is probably a giant waste of your time and self esteem.

  8. If you don't want a permanent rift, it might be wise to apologize.

    There are ways of asserting yourself without calling others embarrassing things like “very irresponsible.”

    I'm not saying her behavior was okay. I think she's at fault. But seeing as this is a group activity, that involves several other people, it might be best not to rock the boat.

  9. It’s really not though. This was a brand new relationship. She didn’t have to keep dating him, for any reason whatsoever, and he didn’t have to give up the friendship to pursue her. He a chose a brand new romantic relationship over a 2-decade friendship. Dude either doesn’t value his friend that much or was blinded by his infatuation.

  10. Sure but I don’t let random idioms rule my life or keep me in shitty situations. To each their own though I guess.

  11. This. Also I think he is a amazing guy. Be it as friend or partner. Either way just be kind to him as well

  12. T sounds like a total AH. You did nothing wrong and as long as your BF has no issues what T thinks is irrelevant

  13. There’s a CHILD in this household?! Good God that is horrifying. I really hope OP wakes up to the terrifying situation she’s put her family in.

  14. Those were my exact thoughts. How could he have gotten abused and cheated on and claim hes scared of her but still go out of his way and like things on her account. When i asked him he said he was probably drunk or something.

    When he told me the whole situation about the furniture and how he didnt know how to approach the situation I researched how to get her her stuff back while making sure hes safe. I gave him so many solutions and he didn’t care about any of them atleast not enough to pursue them.

    I try being understanding and see where hes coming from. How that relationship couldve had such a heavy toll on him but it feels like im trying to help someone that can’t even help themselves.

  15. What is up with thinking penis size makes one better? Your penis size means nothing another man’s penis size means nothing. It’s legit just a body part. That’s like asking who’s big toe was bigger. It doesn’t make you any less or any more of a man to have a bigger body part. Is that body part attached to someone she loves? Yes it is. So that’s all that matters. Does it matter if her boobs are bigger than a previous partners? Do her boobs need to be the biggest boobs you’ve ever seen? I think the answer is probably no.

    Your insecurities are valid and sometimes we can’t help but have them, but try to get yourself to realize that your insecurities are just that, they are yours. This is not how your partner views you it’s how you view you.

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