29 weeks pregnant and I (31f) think my marriage to my husband (32m) is over


My husband and I have been married for almost two years , I have a 6 year old from a previous relationship who lives with us and I am currently 29 weeks pregnant. Our current pregnancy was very difficult to conceive and we ended up having to do IVF . The whole process was stressful and we argued somewhat often but things have been really good up until last night .

A month before we got married my husband and I purchased a home that required a lot of physical updates, we have been slowly working on they with the most recent renovations being two of the bedrooms when I was on vacation with my daughter. About a week ago my husband announced that he wanted to redo the third bedroom and move my daughter into one of the renovated rooms , something I had suggested doing and was shot down . I expressed that I was already overwhelmed with the amount of work going on and that I didn’t want to take on any more projects right now with 11 weeks left of the pregnancy , he told me we have more than enough time . Yesterday he started to move things into the renovated room for my daughter and move things out that were being stored in there for our baby to prepare to re Sheetrock the last bedroom . I again expressed that I am overwhelmed , that I feel we are in a constant state of construction and that I can’t handle the moving of crap from one room to another anymore. I want to be settled and just enjoy the space for once . I started to cry and he blew up calling me ungrateful and telling me I am never satisfied. I In return said some messed up things back about his ability to reproduce ( we did IVF for male factor infertility) he called me a bad mom and stormed out . When he returned he stated he wanted to get divorced and he was going to take custody of the baby , he also told me to find somewhere els to on-line with my 6 year old .

I have no idea what to do , he is 100% more financially stable than I , I can’t afford to move out on my own and my only option would be my parents 2 hours away , even than I can’t afford daycare. I want my marriage to work but he won’t even talk to me . He slept on the couch and than stormed out this morning yelling that he is furious when I tried to speak. I have no choice but to stay here today as the 6 year old is sick with a stomach bug . Is there any way to make this work ?

submitted by /u/X13C1
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Date: May 22, 2023

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