Little_paradise the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Little_paradise, 26 y.o.


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Little_paradise live! sex chat

Date: October 6, 2022

14 thoughts on “Little_paradise the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. She likes attention and drama. That hasn't ever changed, this is just that continuing on as it always did. She gets as much from you in this weird messy phase as she did as a partner.

    But thing is… it is hot to believe you don't like the drama at this point as well. Just the same pattern of chasing her, her doing something wrong, you going out of your way to get her back and her doing it again. You send essay length emotion dumps, you ignore her saying she is literally just that kind of person, you trap yourself with silly reasoning like you 'promised' her to pay the gym thing. You are unwittingly enabling her by giving her attention and drama and seem to get off on it yourself.

    So cancel the payment, tell her to go eat spiders and that you'll train when and where you like, and move on with your life reflecting on why you seem so fixated on keeping her chaos in your lap.

  2. As someone who stayed in an abusive relationship too long, get out now. She needs to deal with her own issues, including learning not to hit other people, on her own time. Protect yourself asap. I wish I had done so sooner.

  3. That's what I'm wondering as well. When I broke my arms and legs it was really a one in a million chance and the perfect storm.

    Old man must be brittle af.

  4. I must be getting too old for this…”I don't want them sharing a bed”…

    There are certain things I feel like people shouldn't have to say. For example, “don't put your finger up a dogs bum”, that's one. Another is “don't lick electric fences”.

    I'm being ridiculous obviously, but to make a point. You need to be honest with yourself, what your boyfriend is doing is horribly wrong, it is so far beyond reasonable behaviour you need to get rid of him for you own sanity.

    A partner sharing a bed with someone who fancies them and has had sexual contact with is well and truly a betrayal of your relationship.

  5. Why would you want to be in a relationship with a woman whose treated you badly? Don't do it. Tell your BF that and if he's unhappy break up with him.

    He wants two girlfriends and doesn't care about your feelings or that you won't actually get along together.

  6. This is who he is and who he is willing to be for you. He isn't going to get a job or pull his weight around the house. If he is unable to work then he should look into going on disability.

    However it sounds like excuses to me as someone with ADHD and depression. He either gets a job or helps around the house or you should leave. If he can't even help around the house then he's not contributing anything to help make your lives better.

    Do not marry him unless you want this situation for the rest of your life.

  7. Lol what?? Even wilder is your take that mr right has to pay full price. When mr. Right now got it for considerably less. Like wtaf.

  8. Think about the message you are sending your daughter by staying in the marriage. Anything you do to build her up, he's going to go all in to knock her down. She will become depressed and stop trying eventually. Why? Because she sees you stuck there and that there is no way out.

    I hope you are taking good notes and documenting all of his behavior. You're going to need it for the upcoming custody battle.

  9. When Roger left you, your Dad was there to support and love you. This is the time to show him and others how much you appreciate and love your Dad. Don't let anyone emotionally blackmail you into letting Roger walk you down the aisle.

  10. Mmm I dunno because if its true and he has shared her with his brother there's already a weird dynamic (unbeknownst to her). If they shot down donation fr the start or the Dr was confident they eventually they would get there, then that's another thing to consider. We didn't have a donation conversation with my Dr's at all because they felt confident we could get pregnant with our own eggs and sperm. We did privately though as in would we consider it should this not work. Not everyone is willing to have that Conversation

    It seems plausible to me that she means 7 transfers, they have now run out of embryos and thinking what next hence her jump to adoption etc. He might have been against unknown donation and shot it down. Now in desperation he's leaning back on his old “habits” and thinks his brother can do a solid. I don't think it's obvious it's seems Very last resort desperation to me. I know I would t want to have my husbands brothers baby. I'd rather use a sperm bank.

    It's a horrible situation and would be better if it was fake for her sake but all in all nothing she's said makes me think this Has to be fake. There's so many variables that it could be true just fucking out there.

  11. Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised to learn she has a history of taking advantage of people or milking the situation for all she can.

    I do believe she probably got hurt causing her to take off work for awhile but once she realized OP would be her personal caretaker/provider she didn’t want give that up and go back to working. She most likely should’ve been laid up a few months maybe a year but now it’s spiraled into this mess. I truly hope OP just leaves her and gets himself a therapist so she’s forced to get her act together and realize how much OP actually did for her day to day

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