Samyferrermature online webcams for YOU!


samyferrermature Public Chat Channel

Date: October 6, 2022

10 thoughts on “Samyferrermature online webcams for YOU!

  1. From reading these kind of posts about getting to know the other side of something against others wishes it usually ends up breaking trust and leading to divorce. I’d stay clear of angels family and respect her wishes.

  2. Mixing medication and booze is never smart, and can fuck you up in some… Interesting ways.

    It's kind of a weird catch 22, because if he's being honest he was taken advantage of, but he put himself in the situation to be taken advantage of.

  3. He’s not giving you what you want and deserve, it’s time to move on. You weren’t out on this earth to make excuses for why people “can’t” be who you need them to be, just keep looking until you find someone who is.

  4. Agreed. If there’s so much distance that jealously is irrational, then why would you tell that person you love them? Even if you meant as a friend, that doesn’t seem quite accurate if you haven’t spoken in 20 years.

    I don’t think it’s cheating unless he actually does still have feelings for his ex, then it could be emotional cheating. His girlfriend has probably overreacted, but I would be a little suspicious because of the above question.

    Everyone is different and we all have different boundaries. Personally, I would not tell my ex from high school that I love him, because I don’t even know him anymore, and while I have love for him because I once loved him and we ended on good terms, that’s not the same as loving him. I also think it would be disrespectful to my boyfriend. If he said it to me, I would be surprised and probably just reply with something less than “love you too”, like a polite but noncommittal heart emoji or something lol

  5. I don’t know how to bring it up in a way that will not make her feel bad.

    At this point, don’t worry about whatever you are going to say might make her feel bad. She should have thought of whether her letting a ‘friend’ take her hot pictures would make you feel bad.

    I can’t believe that at 26 years old, she does not have a sense of what is and isn’t appropriate. I can’t believe that she could be that naive.

    I saw the edits/updates and I think that this is a battle that’s worth picking. In fact, if you don’t resolve this and talk to your wife about how inappropriate it was, then this has the potential to erode trust in the relationship.

  6. I think that first 911 call is bingo here. It sounds like schizophrenia. Schizophrenia often manifests in delusions that “the government is spying on me” or people are conspiring against them, or aliens are trying to contact them. They suspect their house is bugged, with hidden cameras, microchips implanted into them while they sleep etc. The fact that this first 911 call didn't lead to you getting a call from the police tells me there probably isn't any cameras or spying and it probably is a delusion.

    How long were you guys together? Do you know any of her close friends or family? If were me, I'd maybe try to have a conversation with one of them about it just because this is absolutely batshit crazy behavior and I've watched enough true crime to know that people like this turn up missing. I remember watching a documentary on a young woman who went missing after having similar delusions (last CCTV footage of her is her going across her apartment complex parking lot barefoot and in tiny shorts and a tank top, not dressed for the weather).

    Now, this is all on the presumption you're completely innocent here. That you did not put any spy software or keylogger on her computer, you don't know any of her passwords, you didn't stick a nanny cam somewhere in her place. Because if you did something even remotely us, that changes the whole time of the story.

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