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❤???? ??? ?????❤, 19 y.o.


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❤???? ??? ?????❤ on-line sex chat

Date: October 6, 2022

127 thoughts on “❤???? ??? ?????❤ the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. came here secretly trying to find some advice for myself.. I'm in the same boat I can't cum but my guy literally can get done a few pumps after just putting it in. his record was literally under 30 seconds and no he's not young. I also don't watch porn and don't masturbate often . I've tried everything I've read here. even went to the doctormy hormones have been checked blood has been checked I'm not on any meds .. I'm actually really sensitive and had problems since highschool getting off just from my pants rubbing me the wrong or should I say right away? ? I never had this problem with my last partner. I'm definitely attracted to him but maybe that something special is missing idk?. but it does get frustrating after a while bc my favorite orgasms are the ones with my partner inside of me. I walk around feeling all tense wanting to just hump a pillow or something ?? good luck though I hope you figure it out bc I know how bad it can SUCK

  2. Look, your husband told you straight to your face that he loves cheating as per se. He loves it, it excites him.

    He's a cheater, an addict and a gambler.

    You forgave him over and over again.

    Now it's all on you. Reddit won't help you.

    Are you with him for his money? He's earning more, after all. I see no reasonable explanation on why you would add this to your post.

    I can see no other reason to be with such a trashy person who states he gets off of cheating. And other nasty things.

    If so, you two totally deserve each other.

    Stay with him and pretend again, and again, and again that nothing is wrong.

    Keep being with him for money and he'll keep cheating.


  3. My grand father used to say “donne s'y dla corde, a va s'pendre” meaning let her do her thing, she will eventually harm her own reputation herself.

    Littéral translation being “give her rope, she'll hung herself”

  4. Sorry OP, this wasn’t the first time he’s slept with a man since you and he got together. He’s lied every step of the way with this story. He’s still lying so you need to make a decision. Open up the relationship or break up.

  5. What do you joke around with that does this? Gross out humor can cause this problem. The opposite of attraction is disgust so even if gross stuff makes you laugh too much will tank your libido. Also pranks do this too, unwanted surprises (unless you’re an adrenaline junkie) even if funny can cause a stress response. Too much stress and that’ll also tank your libido. Maybe have morning sex so you can joke around after and not worry about it’s impact?

  6. Just an old saying, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. He's with you not some super model, maybe your beauty is much deeper than what you think it is. My wife is stunning inside and out, off course we have our ups and downs but she is the one I chose and still choose to be with regardless if there are nude ones out there. Give yourself credit, he is with you, not Pamela what's her name?

  7. I've accepted that being with him means I won't have kids

    You should get some therapy to figure out why you're sacrificing everything for a man you're not even compatible with. Sunk cost fallacy?

  8. Between the ages of 20 and 24, women have an 86% chance of conceiving after trying for a year. But that chance falls to around 50% in your late 30s.

    And then there's your health. 20-somethings have a lower chance of miscarrying and of conditions like gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and high blood pressure.

  9. If she wants a wedding this big and fancy, I suggest you postpone your wedding for another few years. That will give you time to save up. I think taking out a loan for a wedding is being stupid. Also the fact that she gave you an ultimatum is also a red flag. I’m 22 and I recently got married. My husband and I aren’t financially stable atm and I was okay with not having a wedding. We can have one later on after buying a house, paying off our car, and saving up for the wedding. I think spending 30k on a wedding is stupid. I’d rather put that on a downpayment for a house instead. Reconsider who you’re willing to spend the rest of your life with. Talk to her and tell her you can’t take a loan out for a wedding and that ( if you are willing ) to wait a couple years to save up and then you’ll be able to provide her with her dream wedding. If she doesn’t accept than that’s a way life is telling you you’re better off without her.

    Also I would personally much rather go on a 2-5k vacation with the hubby rather than spend 10-30 k on a wedding. Wedding is for one night. An investment ( a house, etc ) is forever.

    Good luck

  10. Maybe you or a woman's body in general doesn't excite him? Or maybe he feels too much pressure…talk with him about it?

  11. You need to elaborate further on what you mean by your needs aren't being met. It's a vague statement, intentionally or not, that needs more context. What are your needs that he's not meeting? Equally, are you sure you're meeting his? I'm not trying to absolve him of responsibility but it's a vague statement and offers no context about the root cause of your problem.

    Second, your guy friend is a prick, doesn't respect your relationship. Third, and this is something that is a personal bother of mine, but there are certain elements of relationships, be it with a partner, relative or friend that you just shouldn't talk to people about, for me. Some thing a stay private and personal. I think you violated a boundary he has, especially to someone he clearly does not like.

    Solutions are to work out your problems between you. That's it.

  12. You need to elaborate further on what you mean by your needs aren't being met. It's a vague statement, intentionally or not, that needs more context. What are your needs that he's not meeting? Equally, are you sure you're meeting his? I'm not trying to absolve him of responsibility but it's a vague statement and offers no context about the root cause of your problem.

    Second, your guy friend is a prick, doesn't respect your relationship. Third, and this is something that is a personal bother of mine, but there are certain elements of relationships, be it with a partner, relative or friend that you just shouldn't talk to people about, for me. Some thing a stay private and personal. I think you violated a boundary he has, especially to someone he clearly does not like.

    Solutions are to work out your problems between you. That's it.

  13. Probably she sounds at least a little obsessive to be so upset that she'd not only hold onto that q date but also never reach out till it was to try and make a point. Unless you were still talking after that'd just weird to reach back out to you

  14. Tell her. You're being deceptive. I wouldn't date a cheater either and she deserves to make an informed decision about who she chooses to date.

  15. Yup, and isn't it interesting how every single religious person has their own moral standard that seems to supraceed the religions moral standard based on their individual circumstances?

    I'm not trying to be a dick, but I used to be religious too. What's the point in holding on to belief if your morality is literally better than your religion's morality? God is just the morality of a time long passed, a very useful way to hold people accountable and provide a moral baseline that is now outdated and unnecessary.

  16. u/ortie98, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  17. They are moreso talking about the fact that people with real money don’t go around showing off, they avoid flashiness. People who are flashy and show off their money and talk about their success in a boastful way are usually the ones who don’t have alot of money saved up.

    I agree with the poster based upon my circle and the wealthiest people I’ve known. Rich people don’t openly talk about money unless in business discussions.

    I think it’s understandable to be suspicious of any partner that was unwilling to be transparent about their finances during family/life planning.

  18. Your situation reminded me of a story that a gay friend of mine told me. My friend, let’s call him Jared, was a teenage boy discovering his sexuality. When he came out to his family, his sister’s husband would probe him by asking him very personal sexual questions. One night, the sister’s husband came into Jared’s room at night and the two had sex. It was Jared’s first sexual encounter and it was obvious that the sister’s husband had planned this in advance. The questions your boyfriend asks Tim sound eerily familiar to this. I know it might be nothing, but I would trust my gut on this and so should you.

  19. 'Eh, whenever I feel like wrangling you lot and his lot through an unnecessarily pricey endevour. It'll be like herding ridiculously expensive cats!'

  20. Imagine bitching about a problem then complaining when you get a gift that fixes said problem. Esp when you said you wanted ‘nothing’.

    Then to top it off he waits until 2 days before Christmas to get your gift?

    There was nothing wrong with your gift. Your husband is a tool.

  21. Hello /u/imhakt,

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  22. Being ghosted by the one you love is….

    Yeah, there ain’t anything worse so I get how you are feeling. You end up questioning if anything that was said was real, but that’s more because of how much you are hurting. I know a lot of people have told you to block her back and I can see why they’ve said that, I mean it makes sense but sometimes they just mean too much where you can’t do that and I imagine that is probably where you are at.

    I know you probably spend a lot of time thinking about all the good times, all the stuff you got through together, how you helped each other through the worst times and most likely, how you shared the best times of your life together and that makes being cut out and treated like you don’t exist the very hardest thing but

    I believe that you can love someone from afar and in cases like this, if you aren’t willing to give up on them, that’s exactly what you’ve gotta do because respect is the most important thing, to respect them, what they’ve asked and just, be mature about it.

    That doesn’t mean you stop loving them or anything like that, because sometimes in very rare cases, you love them too much to the point where you just can’t, even if you wanted to. All it means is that you care about them and what they asked and that you are showing you respect them, because I can guarantee you, they know you love them, I promise you that she knows that, what she doesn’t know is whether you respect her and what she asked.

    When you show her that you respect her as well? Well then, there are no guarantees but at the very, very least she will be appreciative of it and think higher of you, whether she’ll forgive you and give you another chance is dependent on each persons situation but you definitely put yourself in a better position for that by respecting her which is something I took far too long to realise.

    If you ever do get another chance from her, don’t fuck it up.

  23. Hello /u/presswithcare,

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  24. No he’s very healthy. His sleeping habits are often off (up late, long naps) but he doesn’t often sleep that much.

  25. No one will have compassion for an almost 30 year old man dating a literal teenager, you fucking creep. You can't impress women your own age so you've become a predator. It's gross. Take some time for self reflection and improvement and maybe you will find a woman closer to your own age who isn't repulsed by her. If she finds out you date teens, though, she's gonna be disgusted by you too. You're gross.

  26. No one’s vulva shows up well on a camera so don’t use that for a reference. I don’t know why but the camera just doesn’t give our bodies the credit they deserve!

    Your partner is an AH! You don’t ask for a video like that and then not give lots and lots of praise! That’s not okay.

    As for an outie… having larger inner labia (so nothing is “out”) is totally normal and more common than those who have larger outer labia. Porn is air brushed and edited so freaking much that it makes women feel like should look a certain and unrealistic way and it’s just untrue.

    Sounds like your BF is a boy who has not lived to see different bodies and uses porn as a reference and that’s on him not you. I promise with age you will come to like your body more and accept every part.

  27. You're 26, why are you wasting time with an insecure 42 y/o? I say this as a 40 y/o woman, she has zero reason to be with you. She's entirely too old for you. Y'all barely have any shared life experience, she's a whole teenager older than you. You were a TODDLER when she was graduating HS. She's cradle robbing and knows it, she's worried bc she knows that you have a fuckton more options than her. Just dump her ass amd find somebody that wasn't old enough to drink when you just graduated from sippy cups.

  28. Dude. You’ve had a long time to come out with this response yet you haven’t. This whole thing seems off. Person after person calling her a leech and user and you just now said THIS??

  29. Hello /u/throwaway751012289,

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  30. We can't magically make you feel better or magically say some words that will give you the answer. The truth is based on your comments you obviously have some things you need to work on with or without the relationship. Similarly it seems you feel he never really felt the impact his actions had. However, your entire post is dedicated to telling us the exact opposite.

    Have you told him everything you've said here? If you haven't in the last year then honestly you haven't tried absolutely anything and again are just wasting both of your times.

  31. I don’t let those thoughts get to me anymore, it’s been 2 months.

    I still think about her but I’m not as invested anymore. I’m trying to move on and I’m talking to other girls.

    I’m just genuinely confused as to why she gets so mad about the best friend and me hanging out or talking when we’ve been doing this since all 3 of us met.

    It’s not like I replaced the girl i liked by her best friend or anything, and im not doing it out of revenge, the best friend is a genuine friend of mine too.

    Yet the girl i liked gets so pissed about this, and when I asked the best friend about it saying I was confused about the anger (because it’s the girl I liked that didn’t want anything to do with me in the first place). The best friend also said she had no idea.

    Like how can she say she doesn’t care about me and then keep that anger for 2 months and still actively get mad when you “don’t care”

  32. You can do the same thing with the example I provided.

    “My previous girlfriends were much skinnier, but too skinny. I like thicker women.”

    It’s can still be taken as an insult, no matter how you try and word your way out of it. You’re trying to tell someone how they should feel.

    He’s telling her how he felt. No amount of “no you should feel this way!” will change his feelings.

  33. Look up “love bombing”. The sweetness is an act and it's part of the standard cycle of abuse, designed to keep you from leaving him. It's another way to control you, in addition to the threats.

  34. It’s a marriage not a stock. Of course he’s going to consider this on an emotional/sentimental level. Those years are memories not a sunk cost.

  35. He sounds like a real POS, and based on this anecdote, a wanker to boot!

    In all seriousness though, if you guys can't recover from something like this in a healthy, productive way, that's a huge red flag

  36. I think you ought to look internally at two things: 1 why this bothers you so much…you know you’re partner had sexual partners before you, sure it’s not great to watch it but you said it was at the beginning of your relationship so why are you still so bothered? What’s the root of that feeling? Is it insecurity? Is it jealousy? Is it disgust? These are all your own emotions and they need work. 2. Why are you more concerned about yourself and your own feelings and not the fact that this was an assault (revenge porn) on your partner, her privacy and her dignity and you should in fact be reassuring her. Why aren’t you?

  37. If I were you I’d divorce him. Not just for your own well being but for your children.

    When I found out my ex had gone online to talk to other girls,I was shattered. I didn’t feel ok for him to touch me either where I’d have anxiety and couldn’t even shower and even then it had to be in the dark

    Your man was not yours to begin with. What he did was absolutely vile and selfish.

    He’s no better than those who get into a committed relationship then drop the bomb that they have kids or are trans but haven’t had surgery, or have xyz that will affect you big time.

    He knew what he wanted and yet he pursued you all because he was dismissed. He may have love for you but he may not be in love with you.

    And what you need to do is step out for you and your children. Rn don’t focus on other men but to rebuild what he broke of you.

    Your children will pick up on the behavior and dynamic as they grow older and either reflect it themselves or let others treat them as same. Both not healthy.

    Therapy won’t fix anything entirely.

    You must seek out a lawyer and present your husband w paper work. Do not let this man to keep you from moving forward.

    If he had the gall to ask your ‘friend’ the night before your wedding to be with him, who knows what else he could’ve done behind your back because he’s shown he has no respect for you or the relationship.

  38. (1) she left you her Husband of multiple years and who she has 2 kids with without even giving a reason.

    (2) three months she avoid you, post kissing other person and seem not even care that much about you and now she want thing go back like it was??

    Get a fucking backbone and say:

    “no, things ain't gonna be like before you left me and take the kids with you..I was hurting for 3 months while it seem you had a fun time.”

    Then tell her you need three things 1) completely honesty about what she did in the 3 months sexual or romantically wise and what exactly was the reason she left. 2) tell her you don't wanna get together just for her later change her mind. 3) you both need marriage counseling.

  39. That’s exactly the problem, but at least you spare yourself the emotional toll of raising what you think is your kid only to find out your wife cheated and lied.

    DNA testing should just be automatic at the hospital in order to put a name in a birth certificate. In this day and age it’s so simple to do.

  40. That was an awful thing for him to have said. He simply doesn't care about your feelings. I would seriously reconsider your relationship at this point. Strangers have more empathy for one another than your BF does for you. I am very sorry for the loss of your brother btw and your grieving is absolutely valid . Don't let that man convince you otherwise.

  41. I know, it’s literally painful to sit by and just watch them bomb exactly the way you knew it would happen. I had to start taking some time away from her because it was getting unhealthy for me. You may want to consider doing something similar

  42. Too many crazy stories out there of people finding out the child is not theirs after raising a child. Simple test no reason not to get it. You already have piece of mind why is it a problem to give it to your husband??

  43. it's very nude to gauge the certainty before because of the circumstance, but she showed she was uncertain of the specifics afterwards

  44. I’m very curious. How did your man shut her down so bad that you didn’t have to say anything? What was said?

  45. Dating as an Ace is pretty difficult, as it's rare to find fellow people less/or not at all interested in sex.

    Ideally though two aces would dare but I have read of things working with non ace too. It's tough but not impossible if people can meet each other half way in a consenting manner. But with OP's gf not interested in tolerating sex any longer, there's an understandab fork in the road.

  46. I don't mean this to be mean, but how do you know they are not having sex? They online in the same house. The kids go to sleep at night and they are in a huge house, likely with lots of privacy. How often do you see or talk to him? This arrangement is insane. I would never be okay with this.

  47. You said no multiple times. He used violence on you to force himself on you. So, yes, it was rape.

    Look, I'm a retired Army MP, and a former State Corrections Officer. Trust me, it was rape. All you needed to do was say no one. You said it multiple times. It was rape.

  48. I have thrown around the idea that we could be really good friends but they just said that it would not be possible for them as they see me romantically. I do not want to hurt them by ending it suddenly and I do not want to loose the bond I have. It’s really a difficult situation for me :((

  49. Leave him, he gets off on hurting you. That is sociopathic behavior and the same desire that pedophiles and rapists have.

  50. “No” is a complete sentence. You might be into something then you’re not. That is your prerogative. If his love is conditional on you having sex you don’t want then it’s not really love.

  51. Why would you consider asking someone out who's in a relationship again… And adding to that, your own boss?

  52. Buddy…. don't fall for that. Don't be that gullible. If she was really being threatened by this guy for years and he's spread her nudes in the past why hasn't she gone to the police? Or gotten a restraining order? Or a cease and desist? Or done anything to stop the threatening? In most places that is extremely illegal. So why has she done nothing to stop it?

    Also idk about you but I generally don't text the guy who's blackmailing me “I miss you” the send him a nude. She's cheating on you and don't believe for a second she's telling you the truth as to why.

  53. So wait, are you saying she should just dump the guy instead of having a calm discussion to see if the situation can be salvaged first? Do you really his girlfriend abruptly dumping him would help the boyfriend’s mental health?

    Obviously OP shouldn’t be haranguing this man about lack of sex, but from her comments it doesn’t seem like this is the case or the entirety of the problem.

    OP is feeling neglected and rejected and there’s every indication that this will continue for a few more months. Why do you think she needs to keep quite and accept this for the sake of not adding to her boyfriend’s chronic (not acute) stress?

  54. Yes i tell my partner everything i do, if i go out i tell them where i am going and what im doing. She doesnt mind me going out, as long as she knows where i am. That isnt controlling, thats just what people do. Controlling is telling them “no” you can’t do that. Maybe you think it is okay and your partner does too, but that is not a common thing in monogamous relationships.

    You are very confused and im sorry you don’t understand the difference between sus and controlling.

  55. Your partner may have trauma around performing oral sex. Communicate with them, dont complain, just talk.

  56. She wants you to give her the a-ok to go and cheat on you, so she doesn’t have to be the bad guy. She is gaslighting you, what she did is not okay and you didn’t ruin anything, or do anything wrong.

    You need to leave her and cut her out of your life. Change your locks, keep your dog, and don’t talk to her again. It’s clear she does not give a single shit about you or how you feel and will continue to try to have her cake and eat it too. She will choose whatever she wants over you and your feelings, and wants to have no shame about it.

    Now she’s going to try to coerce you into shoving your perfectly valid concerns away so she doesn’t have to feel guilty for her shit actions. She trickle truthed you, and would not surprise me in the least if she had sex with him and is lying to you about it, trying to flip it around on you. This woman is toxic and does not have your best interests in mind. Stop wasting your time on her and take care of yourself.

  57. Are you a man or doormat???? Seriously I cannot believe you're even contemplating staying in any regard what so ever. My mother in law has BPD so I'm not going into this blindly. Do not excuse this behviour as a “result of illness”. She needs to deal the consequences of her actions. Why on earth would even want to contemplate giving into her irrational thinking, let alone enable it?? You need to get into therpay asap because it sounds like you've been so emtionally abused and gaslit into her way of thinking. This is bizarre.

  58. Hahaha awesome. Exorcising her probably isn't the most effective form of communication, though it is hilarious, so perhaps use your words next time.

  59. Exactly. The way OP has worded it, he’s saying “here’s all the people that flirt with me, I won’t be discouraging them from doing so, so here’s a heads up that will be happening with X, Y, Z persons.”

    Nope. Disrespectful AF.

  60. I actually started empathizing with him until the end of his post, I felt that there is a lot to be heard from the other side and there we go, the guy's a psycho!

  61. It can be serious and have life long repercussions but that doesn't mean it's a guarantee. Sometimes you just get knocked out and come around a few seconds later and that's it.

  62. “I love you, but I need to be in a relationship with someone who prioritizes me, someone who is capable of making plans with me and not cancelling them. You are clearly not that person. Either you don't understand how much it upsets me, or you simply don't care. Even after you specifically telling me it will never happen again, it happened again TODAY. It happens so frequently that Every time we make plans, I online with constant anxiety that you're going to cancel on me. It's gotten to the point where when we make plans, I don't even believe you anymore. “I make plans with you because I prioritize you and because you are important to me. The fact that you CANCEL plans with me tells me how important I am to you, and it's clear that this will get worse with time. “I've come to the realization that you're not going to change, and it's not my job to change you. So I'm moving on with my life. I love you. I will miss you. But this relationship is over. Learn to fix this about yourself or you will lose every relationship you're in for the rest of your life, just like you're losing me now. Good luck.”

  63. She's cheating on you and crapping all over you while she's doing it. She did the playground version of sticking her tongue out at you. If your best friend is it out of the country, maybe you can hang out at his place while you save for a place. You're married, and even with everything in her name, it's still common property unless you have a prenup that says it isn't. Maybe you have other friends, or you can find an apartment with a roommate? Move her stuff into another room, and get your stuff in order.

  64. She's cheating on you and crapping all over you while she's doing it. She did the playground version of sticking her tongue out at you. If your best friend is it out of the country, maybe you can hang out at his place while you save for a place. You're married, and even with everything in her name, it's still common property unless you have a prenup that says it isn't. Maybe you have other friends, or you can find an apartment with a roommate? Move her stuff into another room, and get your stuff in order.

  65. Oof, this is a tough one for both of you for sure.

    Ideally, she would have had a conversation with you beforehand knowing that this is something that does affect both of you, even if it's for a good reason, but seemingly unavoidable interruptions where you sleep every night is significant. But when approaching the conversation, don't focus on that, maybe just ask that in the future big things like this that actively affects your life, she talk to you and ask first.

    As for the rest of the conversation, tell her it's great she wants to be helpful to her friend, but ask what the plan is long term for this. You both cannot be responsible for her health, and this level of care for her is coming at the cost of both you and your gfs health.

    Emphasize that you want to be supportive and help but it can't come at the cost of literally never getting a full night sleep. If she responds well what if something happens, perhaps she needs more clarity from her friends' doctor about what exactly the risks are and how necessary constant hourly notifications in blood sugar fluctuations are.

    I'm no doctor, but having several people in my family with type 1 and type 2 without constant monitors, if nightly blood sugar fluctuations were that dangerous that it needs hourly micromanaging while someone is asleep, their doctor would be recommending hospitalization, not phone notifications.

  66. They have been telling me I need to cut back on my own spending for the child

    A child you neither want nor was discussed previously with a man that you didn't want to have a relationship, and now they are asking you to cut back on your spending for the child that you don't want?

    OP…hi. Can you please go back and read your post, then pretend that you are a dear friend — what would you say to that friend in this situation?

  67. Yeah I dunno. Each to their own and all but one night together a week isn't enough for me at a similar age to you guys. If that's what you want from a relationship that's fine but it's obviously not enough for her.

  68. No return from him?

    Are friends only worth something to you by how much they’re literally worth to you?

  69. If you aren't happy playing then find a new sport. You don't have to view it as you giving up so much as you are growing into a new hobby. You can always go back to it later in life and enjoy it then. Even just taking a break to explore other options is fine.

  70. Who is he, Colombo? What an absolute bunch of nonsense. Is he going to dress up for you? Is he gonna learn new things for you? Is he going to surprise you and keep you intrigued? Why is this all about what you can do for him?

    What’s the end game here? You guys are 22. If he gets bored after two years, what the hell is going to happen when you hit 20 years? And if he attacks you because you have a mental health issue and starts talking about all your flaws, that’s not someone you need in your life.

    He’s getting ready to walk away from you, I’d beat him to the punch and leave him.

  71. Why are you assuming that you did anything wrong? You both decided to break up, and now he’s feeling positive about where his life is going. It sounds like he was really ready for this breakup. That’s okay. Would you prefer he was suicidal or something? I had to double-check the ages because I figured this was posted by a teenager or a young adult, but you’re 33. Who cares what he posts on social media. You said you don’t want to be friends with him, so why are you even care if you’re blocked? Focus on you and your own life, and not on him. He’s moving on, and you need to do the same.

  72. Does she wash inbetween showers? Someone can keep their genitals clean without having a shower

  73. Good lord no. Never in the history of the world has having kids made a bad situation better. Get yourself far away from this exhausting energy vampire.

  74. Dude if she stayed with you past 3 days, 3weeks, 3 months while dating, she didn’t settle. You won her over her fair and square. The above time lines are when folks tend to bail on a new relationship.

  75. Lmao gtfo of here ! Based on your profile history NO ONE should be taking advice from you ??‍♀️!

  76. A small comfort: the bracelet – and by extension your mom – just saved you from a crazy relationship, which should make your mother happy, even if the bracelet is lost. Or did she return it? Maybe you can attach the ends with some leather or wire.

  77. There's not much room for compromise here. It's not like you can just kind of have another kid. One of you is going to have to take one for the team. So no, it's not too early to have this conversation because this could be a deal breaker for either one of you, and if it is, better to figure it out now.

    Kids are massive commitments. You already know this, and with three between you already, he's not out of line to think that's plenty.

    You're not wrong for wanting to have another one, either. There's no bad guy in this scenario, but one of you is still going to lose. Whether you can take the loss remains to be determined, but it's going to happen.

    Have this talk and have it soon. Don't wait until you're 5 years down the road and married, with the lives of both your families fully entangled before decide you can't work it out.

  78. There's not much room for compromise here. It's not like you can just kind of have another kid. One of you is going to have to take one for the team. So no, it's not too early to have this conversation because this could be a deal breaker for either one of you, and if it is, better to figure it out now.

    Kids are massive commitments. You already know this, and with three between you already, he's not out of line to think that's plenty.

    You're not wrong for wanting to have another one, either. There's no bad guy in this scenario, but one of you is still going to lose. Whether you can take the loss remains to be determined, but it's going to happen.

    Have this talk and have it soon. Don't wait until you're 5 years down the road and married, with the lives of both your families fully entangled before decide you can't work it out.

  79. She’s not old enough to have a relationship. She’s acting like a teenage girl. That doesn’t understand. Part of an adult relationship is sexuality. I’m not sure what to say if you’re OK with that then stay with her but I don’t know what it’s so weird to me.

  80. This is harsh but it’s time to accept that he’s just not that into you. At this point, you’re a placeholder because he’s still hung up on his ex and wants to be with her. I think he’s only suggesting a poly relationship so he can push you out of the equation without a guilty conscience. You deserve better. You deserve someone who is 100% interested in you—someone who respects you and values you. You deserve to be someone’s first choice.

  81. Thank you ❤️ I actually have read thay somewhere myself, probably here on reddit to be honest. I am absolutely in a better place now than I was this time last year emotionally, but it comes on strong sometimes still!

  82. I’m in no way stuck, I have a decent job at the moment (working part time) and did go to university. I know I could support myself and my child if we separate and wouldn’t need to depend on family. I also don’t regret getting married that young, I feel it was the right thing for me personally. And to clarify, we met when I was 18, got engaged (religiously married) when I was 19 and moved in to online with each other when I was 20. It wasn’t as creepy or weird as you’ve mentioned

  83. Sorry dude but if you guys haven’t been a couple at all for the last 6 months, it sounds like she’s beyond reconciliation. You may want to make things work, but she doesn’t. She wants out. And you can’t stop her.

    You can show her that you’re doing better and making changes, but to me it sounds like she’s already fully checked out. You can either move out yourself, or accept that you’re going to have a roommate, not a wife, for an indefinite amount of time.

  84. Well stick around, the damage comes to a daughter, by seeing her mom treated like meat or to a son by, thinking treating women like thus is OK.

  85. So you just spent a whole paragraph talking about how children don’t have to be abusive just because their parents are, but are now saying that he’s abusive because his mom made up a lie based off what his brother is doing, so obviously he’s also toxic? That doesn’t make sense. He’s being accused of being an abuser and even after it’s been proven to be false, he’s still the toxic one???

    He DID confront his mom once he was actually given the opportunity. There’s only so much you can do with a narcissist parent. It’s not like he was sitting and talking about abuse like it was funny – THAT WAS THE MOM.

    I’m not glorifying abuse, but I’m sure it makes you feel better to believe that. I simply believe that people CAN be different from their parents and every accusation doesn’t immediately mean the person is guilty – as we’ve proven here.

    OP sucks for immediately taking what SOMEONE ELSE said about her partner and assuming it’s true, not even giving him the chance to prove it wrong, and going to the internet to paint this picture of him. That is how we ruin lives. Sure, we don’t know who this is, but everyone here is giving OP the ammo to keep accusing him.

    Have a wonderful day, I hope you have an awesome weekend. ✌️

  86. You've got to let her know that she needs to get a job so that the two of you can work towards a new house together. So she disagrees so what. She's just starting a fight to get you off the issue. And let her cry. That is also just a tactic. But above all, say it.

  87. OP, the fact is that your boyfriend is trash and will continue to throw you under the bus so he doesn’t have to admit responsibility for his action to his friends. Telling them “OP will be mad” is way different than the reality, which is “I tried to cheat on OP with whatever her name is so I’m going to make the better choice for my relationship and not go.”

    I don’t blame you for being upset, but I say again: your boyfriend is trash and you should let whatever her name is have him.

  88. OP choose yourself. You deserve to have someone in your side and it's clearly not any family member that pushes you to reconcile. You deserve better. I'm sorry.

  89. This is some dumb take, like she actively hid that from him, there whole relationship is built on a lie. You don't get to eat your cake and have it too.

  90. He knows this thing bothers you but he keeps on doing it, that's a bad sign. He also hides the phone calls and meetings for drinks (which can be interpreted as dates), that's another bad sign. You can't text him when you are working, okay, he could pick from a million activities if he's bored, but he chooses to talk to this other girl. So his BS excuse is a lie, that's another bad sign. If I had to bet, I would say you will leave him sooner or later anyway.

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