Owner [68F] of a local shop, tracked me [24F] down and called my job.


Not sure why but it only let me post to this category.

I went into a thrift store for the first time greeted very nicely by [Jen]. I picked up a bunch of baby clothes and a stroller, we had conversations about where I worked and my daughter and that I could take my daughter to work with me, Jen was very nice and open at first. (I work at a daycare). Jen must have read my work shirt, that says my daycare’s name because she ended up calling my job shortly after me leaving.

I was excited to buy all of the stuff I picked out, however an issue with my bank happened and my card declined. I left the store after calling my bank because they couldn’t figure out the issue. I was completely embarrassed.

To add insult when I’m down, Jen tracks me down and calls my job speaking to my assistant director describing what I look like and telling her I have a daughter who goes the daycare and asks to speak with me. I’m in the middle of feeding my class of children lunch, however, I pick up the phone and Jen is asking me if she wants her to hold the sale for me, and I was very nice about it because it was extremely awkward and said “no it’s okay”, she asked if I wanted to knock off the stroller and just buy the clothes instead I said “no it’s okay”. She then starts complaining that she has to put everything back… and has an attitude with me. Also none of the clothes I picked out were in the right size section anyways.. I’m wondering why she tracked me down to call my job and I say to her “maybe you shouldn’t call my job and harass me” and she immediately hung up the phone.

I was in tears after and had to take a walk because I couldn’t finish up lunch time with my class. I’m in utter shock that she had the audacity to call my job and embarrass me even more. Jen is the owner/manager of the store and I wish there were a corporate office to speak to, because her actions were highly unprofessional and she was disrespectful. It’s a small local shop so there isn’t any corporate or other managers. Who can I report Jen to? I really think action should be taken against Jen because I don’t understand how she can just get away with tracking me down and calling my job.

EDIT: I’m not going to the police, guys. I’m asking who I can report her to like the BBB or something. Online, she has MULTIPLE other reviews of harassment*

EDIT: I’m sorry everybody. I didn’t mean to upset anyone. I was just trying to do the right thing since this happened to other people as well

submitted by /u/Ok-Aerie2579
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Date: May 7, 2023

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